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Random Houston Rockets Trade Ideas - 2015-16

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. thekad

    thekad Member

    Jul 5, 2007
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    Terrence Jones, KJ McDaniels, and Jason Terry/Chuck Hayes should be able to bring back ~$8.5 million in salary December 15. With Brewer obviously the possibilities are much greater.
  2. MistaK

    MistaK Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I won't go over everything you posted..but here goes

    Well I guess that's your opinion. Granger hasn't managed to stay healthy since the 12/13 season. His 3PT% over the past 4 seasons is below 35% - not exactly what i call a specialist (anymore).

    Over the past 2 seasons he is averaging 1.1 attempts per game from 3. Not exactly what I call a shooter. He is shooting the 3 at 31%. I think you are rather loose when it comes to the term specialist.

    Yes i know who you meant ;) ..AND it's Meyers Leonard

    Fine let me rephrase: Terrence in this case is the more talented player and more skilled player (I'd say in 9/10 cases the more talented player is the more skilled player anyway). He may not necessarily excel in any one area, but he is average to above average at most things he does. AND yes, most of the time (at least for the top players on a team) I would go with the most talent. The players will find a way to make it work. I have watched the Rockets AND I have watched Terrence help this team win. If you can do the dirty work and score of misses and catch a lob and finish or finish near the basket without having a play called for you, you are doing something right.

    Agree, that it is good to have 'specialists' at something, at the bottom of the bench, Terrence however does not fit that category. Terrence is one of the better players on this team. Being so close to winning a championship, you don't make a trade that makes you worse. Will Terrence be traded? Maybe - but I think it will be for some kind of upgrade and not downgrade and a future pick.

    Also regarding your rebounding issue. The Rockets were in the top half of the league. So really, this isn't that big of an issue. Now don't forget that Dwight missed half the season, Terrence (I know, he isn't a great rebounder) missed half the season. Had those guys been healthy, we would have been even better rebounding the ball as a team.

    Just for reference, cause you had mentioned Memphis at some point and how they'd beat us on the glass and that's when we could use a rebounding specialist.
    Last season's H2H rebounding split: HOU: 181 MEM: 159
  3. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    This is a horrible trade for the Rockets. Taj isn't worth that much. He is almost 30 had nagging ankle injuries, and coming now of from a surgery and yes he has a good contract but it doesn't run for that long.

    Plus for the Bulls you want to give them a wing because that's where they are hurting the most. Maybe Brewer.
    The Bulls would prefer ofcourse to sell Noah now becaue he's expiring, doesn't fit Hoidberg's system and has fell off a huge cliff with his knees.
    But dont' know who they can find to take him at this point.

    BTW, I think I owe you a bet. PM me what you want to put in my sig because I always pay my debts. :grin: :p

    Noguiera is trash. And on top of that seems to have bad work ethic habits.
    JV can't stay on the court more than 20-25 minutes because he's too heavy and gets tired and has bad defence because again he's too heavy and has bad anticipation.
    Biz is low IQ horrible offence and besides blockshotting doesn't offer much in defence esp defending the pick and roll.

    Casey wants to bring PP from the bench and that means they will go too much small ball and will have to rely heavily on a very old Scola.
    There is a huge hole in their frontcourt and their additions are not good.

    Frankly a straight up trade of Noguiera for Jones would be high robbery for the Rockets not the Raptors. I will be heavilly dissapointed if Morey made that trade.

    I don't have any source whatsoever, but I agree that Jones should be traded at some point this year because Morrey is smart.
    And smart and wise teams can see what's in front of them. And that : is going in difficult contract negotiations with TWO not one TWO restricted free agents at the worst time possible.
    It's unwise and Morrey knows better than this.

    Maybe it's a three way trade but something should happen.
    Most probably we are waiting a bit also to see DMO's health.

    Teams in my opinion that can use Jones (and therefore should be interested ) are : Raptors, Pacers, Wizards , Pistons...Minny?? (depending on how Bjelika can translate to the NBA).
    That's all I can think of atm maybe I am missing a team.
  4. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Ugh that's what happens when you can't edit your posts.
    I meant Noguiera for Jones high robbery for the Raptors not the Rockets. ...:rolleyes:
  5. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Granger has the capability of shooting a high volume of 3-point shots and knocking them down at a very effective rate. He's done it.

    Nicholson only played in 40 games last season. He's been left to rot at the end of Orlando's bench. But if you watch him play you can tell he's got a stroke. He shoots his FTs well. And he shoots a very good midrange jumper. He hasn't been developed. He has the stroke to be a very good 3-point shooter. Go back to St. Bonaventure for further evidence of what I'm saying about his shooting ability. The man has a nice stroke. I'd much rather he be firing out there than Terrence.

    Nicholson is a case where you have to look behind the numbers and consider the situation he was in. He wasn't encouraged to shoot the 3. Nor was he put into a position to maximize his skill set. Orlando just wasted both him and Harkless.

    Now I do not think Nicholson will ever be a great player. And I think (just like I think with Terrence) that Nicholson could be out of the league on a couple seasons if he doesn't show significant prowess in at least one skill. That's why I suggested Nicholson AND A SECOND ROUNDER. The key asset is the second rounder, not the player. Because the player we get is going to be an end of the bench type player. A specialist brought in for key situations. Same thing goes with Nicholson. If he doesn't show anything we can drop him and sign Reggie Evans, Tyler Hansbrough, Andray Blatche, or somebody else.

    Sorry, talent and skill don't go together when talking about young players. Terrence is the perfect case study for that. He's got this great athletic body. He has a great handle for a PF. And every once in a while he makes a spectacular play or has a spectacular game that makes people like you say, "Wow, what a talent."

    There's no doubt he's talented. But he's never honed a single one of his skills to be a difference-making skill at the NBA level. And on top of that he has shown that when the games turn very serious (playoffs) he slows down, shuts down, and severely underperforms. (That shows mental weakness.)

    I don't know what you mean by "most things". But the things that are important for our PFs to do to help us win....he's bad at.

    He's a bad 3-point shooter. He's a bad rebounder. He was the worst rebounding big man in the playoffs that just finished. He's a bad defender as we just seen again for the second post season in a row.

    He's not even average on those key skills that we need at the PF spot. He's not even average in any one of those skills much less above average to great at one of them.

    You keep making a case for keeping Terrence Jones. You should be proposing trades that make sense for him.

    Keep selling Terrence. You may have watched Terrence help this team win A GAME. But you've also watched Terrence help this team lose games. And that's the problem. He helps us lose more than he helps us win. It's very simple. I don't care how good he looks catching a lob and throwing it down. That's one play. That's not playing winning basketball.

    He sure doesn't. Because he isn't good at anything.

    No he ain't.

    Not suggesting making us worse. I'm suggesting getting whatever draft pick asset we can get for him and replacing him with a player that has a chance to help us by being either a great rebounder or a great shooter. We need Terrence's roster spot for that.

    Rockets were 28th in the league in defensive rebounding last season. And we got totally trounced by GS on the glass in the playoffs. I was referring to MEM as a playoff opponent. When healthy they are a nightmare on the glass. I could've rattled any number of playoff contenders.

    We were not a good defensive rebounding team last season. It is a major weakness for this team.
  6. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    TJones could be traded, but I doubt it's right now. His trade value relative to his real value is pretty low at the moment, and selling low isn't a Morey move.

    If I were Morey, I'd wait until December to move him. By then he's had a month or two with Lawson, Harden and Dwight and his numbers probably look fantastic.
  7. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    Yes, that would make more sense than trading him now.
  8. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Nogueira may indeed be trash. I dunno. And I have no trouble digesting what you're saying about a possible lack of work ethic.

    But.......Nogueira is coming off his rookie campaign where he basically didn't play. And he's got 3 years left of his rookie deal to see what he can develop in to. Terrence is 2 years past him in NBA life. Terrence is facing the last season of his rookie deal. And his trade value is either going to zilch or he'll salvage enough of this coming season to earn him a nice cap-clogging contract of 4/20 to 4/35 or so.

    It's different circumstances. For all the guys barking about Terrence needing more time.....Nogueira is the guy that needs more time. Because Nogueira had 3 more years left on his rookie deal.

    And Nogueira is 7 foot tall with a standing reach of around 9'6". That's crazy length.

    You think it's highway robbery for Toronto. I think it's highway robbery for us. So, it might be a pretty even trade, Malakas.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Cashmoney

    Cashmoney Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Completely unrelated topic Bballholic, but what do you think the chances or likelihood are of us signing dorrell wright to the min? I see he is in your signature, I think he could provide some reasonable value and insurance.
  10. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Are you suggesting Terrence is going to beat DMo out of the starting lineup?

    I'm having a difficult time seeing how Terrence is going to get minutes other than scrap minutes....unless DMo is still injured or Capela totally falls down on us (which could happen).

    96 minutes at the 4/5

    Dwight - 32
    DMo - 32
    Capela - 15-20??

    Jones - ??????

    Keep in mind, we're going to be playing small ball some of the time with Ariza/Harden or somebody small at the 4. I would think Capela gets those center minutes when we play small over Jones.

    How do you propose Jones is going to get minutes with the first teamers to improve his value?

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    Nogueira for Terrence Jones? Mmmmmmmmm....I don't think Toronto would bite on that hypothetical. They probably want to see what they might have in Nogueira. If nothing else, they'll keep him for the remainder of his rookie deal so that Caboclo has a countryman-comfort level.

    (I wish NBA announcers would get Caboclo's name right: kah-BOH-kloo [not kah-BOH-kloh]. It's fun to pronounce. :) )

    I do agree Terrence is probably not long for the Rockets, as Morey tends to have Players He'll Pay and Players He'll Lose. So much depends on DMo's rehabilitation of course.

    And Capela and DMo probably have backup center locked in, anyway. Again, depending on other moves.

    Terrence might get enough minutes to show another team he's healthy. Dwight and Dmo might play fewer than 32 mpg, though, given recent injury history.
    1 person likes this.
  12. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Yes and then teams would have to give assets to trade for him only so they can pay Jones with only a couple months to evaluate if he fits in their team. The more time passes the less his value becomes.
    He's a pf afterall. He's not a wing. Expiring pfs with this cap rise are not some hot commodity. He can't play multiple positions either and he can't playmake.
    Why trade for him when you can just pay him in the summer? Or you think the Rockets will pay both Jones and DMO? If a team really wanted Jones for some reason there's no justification to give up assets for him even if he's a rfa. Just overpay this summer.

    He has a bad work ethic because he prefers to party and smoke weed than work. The whole lockeroom of the Raptors had serious problems with party and weed and playing videogames instead of practising last season and Noguiera being one of the youngest was one of the most..impressionable.
    In my opinion he's nothing but a second/ third string center. Jones is worth more because he could be a starter in the east.
    Ofc he wasn't given much of an opportunity. And he won't either this year because Casey.
  13. PersianRocket

    PersianRocket Member

    Aug 26, 2012
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    i feel like you're just pulling this out of your ass...there's no reports on this or anything and the league would've taken action if there were.
  14. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    please persian rocket. Do you know me making stuff up? :/
    Noguiera posted in instagram I think some months ago if another player I don't remember who would bring weed to the party. That was in the middle of the season. You can look it up yourself if you want. Ross has fallen off a cliff and spends most time playing playstation than practising. I don't make this up I take it from Craptors fans.
    If you don't want to believe it fine. But don't accuse me of making up lies.
  15. PersianRocket

    PersianRocket Member

    Aug 26, 2012
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    The reason why I'm skeptical is because you said the whole lockerroom had problems. I physically can't believe that. Lucas sure. Ross sure. But not the whole team. 1 or 2 players don't make the team.
  16. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    I've left him in there for the time being because I think he's good value at the minimum. But I don't see a slot for him right now.

    During the summer you can carry up to 20.

    If we sign Thornton, Hayes, JET.....that's 15. If you sign a FA, you can't trade him, so he either makes the team or you eat his salary like we did last year for Ish Smith and Adrien. Morey is being more judicious with those type signings now that we're up against the luxury tax.

    The other factor is we want to carry 3 point guards. So that means JET or some other point gets the last or next-to-last roster spot. I would personally rather see us make a trade for a 3rd point guard (Target: Spencer Dinwiddie) or at the very least sign a guy like Aaron Craft to that spot instead of signing JET. I personally believe Bev is a likely trade piece at some point during the season (we don't want that salary on the books going into 2016 free agency) and I think Craft is actually a defensive upgrade over Bev at the point. So, I'd much rather sign Craft over JET for that reason. As far as Dinwiddie, I think he's got great potential to be a 2-way point guard. He's just been dinged and now he's in a situation where he'll have difficulty getting playing time. Would love to get him here and let him grow for another season and be available to step in when/if we deal Bev or if we release Lawson (most likely will at the end of the season unless we can clear enough cap to have $25 million to give a FA without dropping him).

    I really think the opportunity to sign Wright went out the window with our agreement to sign Thornton.


    By the way, in regard to a trade for Terrence to Detroit, here's how I would look at it.

    Detroit wants to move guys out. We could conceivably trade Terrence's contract for Granger, Cartier Martin (minimum salary), Reggie Bullock (TPE from Shved trade). We should get a second rounder at least for cleaning up Detroit's mess there.

    And maybe even 2 second rounders if we trade Terrence to a team that wants him and as part of that trade they send us a second and then Detroit sends us a second as part of a 3-way trade for taking this salary off their hands.

    Granger, Martin, and Bullock combine for $4.69 million in salary. And they're expirings. So, if you trade for them now, they can be combined in trade in 60 days. So that's $4.69 million in outgoing salary that could net you one player earning as much as $5.96 million. Send the other team cash and they can keep Bullock as a developing rookie.

    So, here's a short list of players making under $5.9 million that may be worth taking a shot at:

    1. Anthony Bennett - looking like a bust as a #1 pick. Out of Minnesota's plans. They might move him for Bullock, Martin, Granger. And he'd be worth a flyer with us as a stretch-4.

    2. JJ Hickson - nice little expiring contract for a good finishing big who is good in the pick-and-roll and would be a significant improvement over Terrence on the glass.

    3. Chris Kaman - nice expiring contract for a vet center. Contract would come in handy for a later in-season trade. And Kaman is a decent player and would be an improved paint defender/rebounder over Terrence.

    4. Chris Andersen - another nice expiring contract, 3rd string big, better defender/rebounder by far than Terrence

    5. KHump - especially if he was willing to make that last season non-guaranteed ala Lawson.

    6. Josh McRoberts - especially if he was willing to make that last season non-guaranteed ala Lawson.

    7. Trevor Booker- especially if he was willing to make that last season non-guaranteed ala Lawson.

    These are just a few possibilities of what we could possibly turn Terrence in to. A second rounder and a player...and possibly even a player like one of these.

    Oh, and one further note, you can take the same concept here and apply it to a Jones for Anthony Tolliver, Martin, Bullock deal. That would give you even more salary to go after in 60 days.

    Or...you could possibly simply take on Bullock and Martin for a second rounder from Detroit. And then flip Jones, Bullock, Martin as a package in 60 days for another larger contract plus a second rounder.

    In the Tolliver, Martin, Bullock case that would give you enough salary to go after a player making as much as $7 million.

    In the Jones, Martin, Bullock case that would give you enough salary to go after a player making as much as $6.366 million.

    So, lots of possibilities. And a large expiring contract could come in handy at the trade deadline.
    #236 basketballholic, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    Oh God....it's the Persians against the Greeks again!

    "300: Clutch City". The sequel to the prequel to the side-quell....uhhhhm....
    1 person likes this.
  18. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    DMo isn't getting 32. He averaged 29 last season, which seems like more than he can handle.

    So if you asked me what November looks like, I'd say:

    Howard - 30
    DMo - 26
    TJones - 25
    Capela - 15

    I don't think we'll see much small ball earlier in the year because we don't want Harden/Ariza to get beat up down low and we want to preserve/enhance our PFs value.

    Regarding trading TJones, we don't have much to trade him with at the moment. His salary alone can only bring back up to $4 million, which we may not even be able to do if we are subject to the apron.
  19. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    It wasn't just the two of them who created the problems..reportedly. Noone of the fans was there to see for themselves but they have too many leaks up there. And I'm not even aware of most of them because I don't follow the Raptors that close.
    They had many ..interesting situations some of them sound like soapopera stuff. In general a very bad culture and the MAIN reason that Lou wasn't kept was this.
    Now Uijiri decided to step in and bring a change of the culture let's see what he achieves.
    When a lockeroom has problems with drugs parties etc doesn't mean that every single player does this. It just means the culture and a big part of the team do. For example nothing was told of Derozan, he from what everyone said, was the same good hardworking guy (even though his playing style turned to chucker).

    In any case not to go OT I firmly believe that Jones is a much bigger talent than Noguiera and it will be a horrible trade to trade for him straight up.
  20. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    McBob is too important for Miami and so is Booker for Utah. They already made his contract guaranteed.
    Minny would love to get rid of Bennett and Hickson should also be on the block.

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