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Paging BimaThug

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by rocketjunkie, Mar 9, 2015.


    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    Obviously Boogie is unhappy in Sacramento. I didn't know Jimmy Butler had an issue in Chicago.
  2. Scolalist

    Scolalist Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Didn't Butler just sign a max deal in Chicago. I doubt there's much issue.
  3. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    There are issues for Butler in Chicago. The max contract MAY have changed that. It is unknown at this time. But....he could become trade bait if things don't smooth out.
  4. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    Dude just get over yourself. Its been a good two days and as a fellow Rockets fan I was actually just trying to extend an olive branch to you. But just forget it. This is probably the right time to block you. Maybe you should do the same to me.
  5. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    This has nothing to do with myself. It has to do with the quality of the GARM. Saying "get over yourself" is illogical. Go ahead and block me.
  6. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    This could also be the year of the ugly War of the Rose ending in a dramatic divorce. My take is this is a greater likelihood (than Butler).
  7. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    You may have a point there. I'm not for sure what Rose's trade value is anymore. It's obvious to me that he's lost something with his string of injuries. He's still good but I don't think he's great anymore.
  8. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    He's still Rose. Just not as often. And not reliably.

    Worse yet, for him and Da Bulls, is that he has lost parts of the locker room. (I wish I could source that, but...)
  9. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Don't have to source that one for me. ;)
  10. Madano

    Madano Member

    Jun 29, 2013
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    I was going to post this in the Paging BimaThug thread but I didn't want to be seen as stepping on anyone's feet. I had been wondering how the Rockets could retain Lawson and still sign Durant so I went ahead and did this write up.

    So far the salary cap situation for Summer 2016 looks like this:

    Howard: $33,539,046 (cap hold assuming he declines his player option)
    Harden: $16,784,032
    Brewer: $7,612,172
    Ariza: $7,806,971
    Beverley: $6,000,000
    McDaniels: $3,344,000
    Jones: $6,223,825 (cap hold)
    Motiejunas: $5,720,513 (cap hold)
    Capela: $1,296,240
    Dekker: $1,720,142 (approximate)
    Lawson: $13,213,482 (Non-guaranteed)

    Total: $103,260,423

    Empty roster charge: $543,471

    NOTE: This is without the salary of Harrell, Wood, or any other players/rookies the Rockets might sign for more than just this year.

    Assuming that the cap will rise to $90 million, the max for Kevin Durant will be: $27,000,000.

    This means the Rockets would have to get from $103,260,423 down to $63,000,000.

    This means the Rockets would need to cut $40,260,423 from their projected total. Let's see some ways this could be done.

    Howard is convinced to sign a long term deal starting at $20,000,000
    Savings: $13,539,046

    Renounce our rights to Terrence Jones (or trade him for no salary during the draft, etc.)
    Savings: $13,539,046 + $6,223,825 = $19,762,871

    I feel as if these two scenarios are the most likely, however we still need to find $20,497,552 in savings. Here are just a couple possibilities, in no particular order:

    Waive Lawson + trade Brewer for nothing = An additional $20,825,654 in savings. (Technically this still wouldn't be enough due to Harrell/empty roster charges)

    Trade Ariza, Beverley, and Brewer for (almost) nothing = $21,419,143
    This seems like a lot, but we would still have K.J. McDaniels to back up Durant and our starting line up would be: Lawson Harden Durant DMo Dwight.

    If Dwight was feeling really generous and took a contract starting at about $17,000,000, the Rockets could trade Brewer, Beverley, and McDaniels for nothing and it would equal about $21,763,143 in savings.

    There are additional possibilities if you consider trading DMo during the draft as well as Jones, but I like the potential lineup of Lawson Harden Durant DMo Dwight too much.

    These are all just theoretical scenarios I threw together to just show how it would be possible to retain Lawson, Harden, and Dwight while adding Durant. The good news is that the Rockets have a lot of assets they can use to attach to trades in order to entice teams to deal with them (Not that they would necessarily need to, nearly all of these players are on positive value contracts). I used BasketballInsiders.com for most of these numbers but had to use cbafaq.com and math to come up with the cap holds and Dekker's contract numbers for next year. If any of my numbers are wrong I apologize in advance, just please point them out.
    1 person likes this.
  11. Madano

    Madano Member

    Jun 29, 2013
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    And.... I go and accidentally hit submit in the BimaThug thread...

    Sorry if I am intruding here, but please feel free to point out any and all errors I might have made.
  12. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Howard's cap hold cannot be greater than his max salary. For 2016-17 Howards cap will be somewhere around $29-30 million if the cap comes in around $90 million.
  13. Madano

    Madano Member

    Jun 29, 2013
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    You're right. Howard's cap hold should be 35% of ~$90 million which is ~$31,500,000
  14. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    You don't think Daryl Morey and every team executive in the league evaluates this very risk of Ty Lawson's life totally spinning out of control in determining what to offer Denver in a trade for him?

    The fact that this "worst case scenario" is actually a realistic probability is the only reason why Ty Lawson is available for such a low price.
  15. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    "I would think" if the day were to come that DeM were to be traded it would not be to TheGoodGuys (short of a 3-team deal). Sac would have to get a star, or super-high draft pick possibility + good player, or so I would have to think. And TheGoodGuys just do not have that to offer.

    PS in-season deal for many players traded for 1 player is a roster headache that just will not happen, short of a bluest of moons.
  16. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    I would think the same thing.

    However, the team that probably wants DeMarcus as much or more than any big in Boston. The problem is Boston doesn't have any bigs the quality of DMo to give Sacramento for DeMarcus. With Kostas and WCS in the fold, and Sacramento looking to win now since they basically traded away their ability to get a high lottery pick.....they are much more likely to value the highest quality established big they can get for DeMarcus over a plethora of mediocre, unknown draft picks and smalls. Considering WCS and Kostas are both true centers...DMo would be a great fit for them in lieu of DeMarcus.

    Are there better bigs than DMo available for a trade for DeMarcus????? I don't know. But Boston ain't got them. Philly's not likely to give up Okafor for him. Perhaps Noel??? I don't know if Philly would even do that.

    DMo, plus some portion of Ariza, Brewer, McDaniels, Beverley plus a couple second rounders and perhaps our 2018 first rounder unprotected is a pretty competitive package for the young, volatile DeMarcus. And we're in a position to offer such a package now.
  17. b2bizchina

    b2bizchina Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    why will the team do this trade?
    The team will sign Harrell, but it's not certain the contract is 2 yeras or 3 years
  18. b2bizchina

    b2bizchina Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    u guys thought too much!
    George Karl will never so this! Don't mentions others
  19. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    We're in an empty argument as first, will George even make it to training camp? If he does not then how could DMC be gone this year?

    And if George does make it to training camp then I hope WWE is underwriting it. It will be a must-see time for the SacPack.

    I agree C's would lust for him, and there's the genesis of a 3-way deal; Smart/draft picks/$ filler - for ??? - for DMC to C's. OK, who is in the middle?
    Minnie maybe? Heat straight up Bosh? Lakes again? Ah, the Mavs. Oops, whaddu they got to give?
  20. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    Bima or anyone who knows,

    If we sign Terry and/or Hayes to minimum deals, does the league pay a portion of their salaries? If so, what would be their respective cap hits?

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