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Cyberx, paging cyberx ....

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Two Sandwiches, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    I feel the same way. I would like us to keep KJ and play him.
  2. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    It's pretty wack. KJ, after one year, has shown elite defensive potential and incredible shot blocking for a 2 guard as well as good skills in transition. He's not just a "project" - he's a legitimate prospect who brings important NBA ready skills to the table. I wouldn't match anything crazy but paying 3-4 million over a few years is a good way to retain a potentially valuable backup for Harden and Ariza. Brewer is basically a replacement level player, I don't love that signing but I'm OK with it. If we let KJ walk it would be a shame unless it's because some desperate team (Sacto) goes nuts to get him
  3. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    I quite literally forget Nick is on the team sometimes, and I don't think I ever felt that way about anybody else who wasn't getting minutes. I don't know. I really want to be wrong, though.
  4. benchmoochie

    benchmoochie Member

    Nov 17, 2003
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    he played in philly. let's not forget Lin's low IQ, jump pass turnovers, and everything that went wrong with LIN. do not want.
  5. Shark44

    Shark44 71er
    Supporting Member

    Sep 21, 1999
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    I respect all of your opinions, but I think Nick is more than just an athlete. He showed good court awareness and passing skills in the Summer League and D-L. He really didn't get many minutes as a ball-handling PG with the big team and he may not have been ready for it.

    However, if he works on his jump shot this summer and comes back ready to hit the corner 3, I believe he could get consistent minutes. I believe he's more of a play-maker than Bev and if he makes a jump in the Summer League we may see a different player going into camp.

    I could be dead wrong, but there is something about the kid that makes me think he'll develop into a solid player.
  6. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    Are you being sarcastic? If not could you be more specific.

    Do you disagree that McDaniel is a poor 3 point shooter.

    Or that Brewer is better than McDaniel right now.

    Or that Nick Johnson is a better defender (I said arguably so I won't fight you on this one but certainly McHale chose Nick Johnson over him so there's that)

    Or that he is not worth the full MLE

    Or that RH Jefferson is a better prospect

    Or that Dunking is nice but it's not enough of a skillset if it's all you have.

    What I also said earlier was that he was an amazing athlete, a project but an amazing athlete that I would like to resign at about 2 mil.

    What I didn't say was that he can't develop a 3 point shot or become a good defender. It's just a risk factor that I wouldn't bet the full MLE... You couldn't disagree more with all that? Really all of it?
  7. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    Nope, not being sarcastic at all. I might balk at giving him the full MLE, and no -- he obviously isn't a 3 point shooter. But the rest of it, I wholly disagree with.

    FTR, I do agree that dunking is insufficient if it's all you have. But I don't think it's all he has.
  8. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    I'd genuinely love for you to be right. No doubt that my opinion of him is colored, in part, by his lack of opportunity.
  9. glimmertwins

    glimmertwins Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    KJ doesn't look like a full blown project to me. He has shown elite athleticism, solid defensive potential, and the ability to finish along with a very solid work ethic. If your going to bet on someone making a jump, then you absolutely bet on the guy who has shown that much as a rookie despite playing in a system that was set up to fail the players. He's got NBA level size and athleticism and a good work ethic. Maybe he'll neverbe a natural scorer but they can fix a broken jumper if you put the work in. He can absolutely be a better version of Brewer if he puts the work in- and probably cheaper too. You can't understate the value in having undervalued players when your trying to add 3 max contract type players to the fold.
  10. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    Okay, I can respect that. I disagree especially with any thought that he is better than brewer right now but I would like to resign him. Happy 4th anyway. Let's hope we can sign him for a lot less than the full MLE.
  11. eman

    eman Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    Dwight, TJ, Nick, Joey to Sac for Demarcus and Darren. Please DMan please.
  12. oakdogg

    oakdogg Member

    Dec 12, 1999
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    2.1 APG - come on, man! Playmaker......
  13. PersianRocket

    PersianRocket Member

    Aug 26, 2012
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    Did Cyberx die?
  14. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Why are you so high on kj then? He saw the court less then nick here in Houston. He did have some nice dunks in philly but he shot terribly and let's not forget he was traded for a 3rd string pg who was coming off injury mid season. I don't think either of them will be worth a damn next year hope I'm wrong tho.

    I'm just curious why so many here are so sold on McDaniels?
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  15. StripedPajamas

    Jun 26, 2012
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  16. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I am not "sold" on McDaniels but he has a skill set that can be quite valuable in the modern NBA. He is an elite athlete, not good but elite. He moves well side to side and straight ahead. He has quick feet and gets off the ground very quick. He has long arms and large hands. He has all of the physical traits to be a great swing defender. Defensively he is already well above average. He can work on his positioning but it isn't a question of aptitude. He has good instincts and isn't stupid.

    He also can handle the ball and doesn't have bad court vision. He is prone to turnovers but they are typically in transition. He is a poor outside shooter. His firm is mediocre and he is poor from the three point line. However he is raw offensively and it isn't unrealistic to believe he will improve from 3. The league is littered with 3's that went from bad to adequate or good from behind the arc. .

    It is simple, if he shoots 35-37% from 3, he will be a long term starter and very valuable player because he could play and defend 3 positions.

    It isn't all speculation either, he made an impact playing in Philadelphia and was very promising.

    The issue is that the Rockets may conclude they don't want to wait and see if his shot improves and use the MLE on someone more certain for this season.
  17. Dirty Deca

    Dirty Deca Member

    May 8, 2015
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    Put down the pipe....
  18. glimmertwins

    glimmertwins Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Trevor Ariza comes to mind with that first statement.

    ....I think what FA is proving right now is teams are operating under the spend like its 2016 principle meaning the 2015 MLE is probably less valuable than in year's past. Looking at the guys who appear to be available, I'm not sure there is anyone left who is going to improve this team In some significant way for the MLE.

    I think the more likely scenario is another team offers KJ the full MLE because that's chump change come 2016 and we match and then re-sign the rest of our existing players.
  19. NotChandlerParsons

    Nov 11, 2012
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    then we sign LeBron with the leftover cap space *exhales*
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  20. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    i think you could see daniels getting some playing time this year if he resigned, at first along with jones starting and then taking them and a 1st round pick traded for lowry/lawson/bledsoe at some point in the season before the all-star break.
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