I don't know, I just think it's a plausible explanation. It also could be that she's just a psycho ex looking to get some kind of revenge, but that doesn't really make sense either because allegedly she dated other people afterwards. Either way, if she really wasn't raped, she should be ashamed of herself.
I agree about the shame aspect, but clearly she's not ashamed and will never be. The girl made herself a public figure. I expect her to come out full Shia LaBeef and eventually turn this into a performance art piece against fake rape victims.
This is exactly what it's about, colleges are liberal indoctrination factories that are all that's wrong with the world. Never mind that date rape is a huge problem among young people. In addition, conservative media loves to harp on exceptions to disprove the general rule. They'll bend over backwards to show that racism, sexism, poverty are overstated by showing extreme examples and claiming them to be the norm. It's just part of the regular routine with conservative media.
I hate when instances like this undermine the real aggregate trends: http://www.theguardian.com/commenti...ult-epidemic-new-research-committed-apologist 1/3. like holy s**t.
I still don't understand why any conservative would view rape as a political issue. It's as if conservatives presume that the men doing the "raping" are conservative while their victims are liberal and have untenable interpretations of sexual assault. This situation is obviously the exception in terms of validity but there's generally no benefit in claiming someone raped you. I think conservatives would like to pigeonhole rape into the welfare state scenario where women that are victims are only trying to take advantage of the system. Most women gain nothing by coming forward with their allegations. Women generally drop charges against their abusers for various reasons, either coercion or that their abuser is also their benefactor. I don't know whether or not the Sandusky issue was discussed in conservative circles before facts were released... Sexual assault is not a gender specific issue. It's bull**** to act like victims of serious crimes have some sinister motivation in pursuing justice.
So, to summarize some undisputed facts (from the Facebook messages they exchanged): They were acquaintances/friends The girl told him she had been sleeping around like crazy They ended up becoming "friends with benefits", had sex a few times She then sent him, among other messages, a message to "f*** her in the butt" They later had sex a couple of times where exactly that happened They kept communicating/seeing each other for several months She kept sending him messages, telling him she loves him He went back to Germany for a summer break, hooked up with some other girl, told her They still kept exchanging friendly messages, with her telling him she loved him 8 months after they had buttsecks, she reported him for rape He was cleared of all her allegations both by the university (although they didn't admit the Facebook messages as evidence, and although he was immediately put on restrictions like no access to certain parts of the university (dorms)) and by the police Then, two other girls who are friendly with the mattress girl came forward and claimed he molested them or raped them He was cleared of those allegations as well She started carrying around the mattress, made it a university project Her professor admitted it as a project to get credit for The university didn't protect the identity of the guy accused of rape In light of these facts, how can anyone not see this as a pure revenge/publicity stunt of a crazy psycho woman? Although I have to say I am not surprised, when I see who leans that way.
Come on now, you really believe the 1/3? There are many studies with politicized definitions. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics Data on the prevalence of rape vary greatly depending on what definition of rape is used. The FBI recorded 85,593 rapes in 2010, while the Centers for Disease Control counted nearly 1.3 million incidents in that same year. It should however be noted that the CDC's definition of rape "represents the public health perspective" and takes into account the ability of the victim to consent to sex because he or she had been drinking or taking drugs while the FBI defines rape as "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."
I'm not arguing the liberal indoctrination angle, but these studies that show a huge increase in date rape are using questionable methods. It's politics rather than rigorous scientific studies
I don't think their friendship prevents rape. Also, why hasn't Paul Nungesser filed a civil lawsuit against Emma, and why didn't he try filing some kind of restraining order against her? I can't find any story saying he did or he is doing such. That to me seems like it would be a logical choice.
Amazing parents keep sending their daughters to places where they have a 1/3 chance of getting raped! If only they knew the odds!
I don't understand why anyone would view rape as a political issue, I certainly don't. Every case is different and that's how it should be handled. Some cases are legit, some cases are not, some cases are complex and hard to determine......you know, just like literally any other crime. Stating the fact that impressionable children and young adults might have a change in world perspective while in college isn't political either. He has filed a suit against Columbia, and I'd imagine the next step would be to file one against her if she keeps going with the story or seeks to profit off of the lie.
There are all kinds of strategic, logistical and especially financial reasons to not file multiple lawsuits at one time.
yeah, it gets worse. http://mic.com/articles/72503/pentagon-releases-startling-new-statistics-on-military-sexual-assault http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/15/health/nearly-1-in-5-women-in-us-survey-report-sexual-assault.html basically, I don't know why you're not questioning why it's amazing that almost is nothing is happening about 1/10th of the population of the United States being brutalized--which increases markedly in contexts like college or the military, but remains somewhat close to the norm.
Sure, but that study relies completely on honesty. Ask a group of 16-20 year old boys if they are virgins and I'd bet you get responses that don't even resemble the truth. The same goes for this study IMO.
so in your comparision, women getting raped want to self-report more because they want to be part of the anonymous rape crew? also rape = losing virginity? o_0 The amount of denial in this thread is typical, but I guess it's to be expected. Don't let millions of stories and data points eclipse one well-focused anecdote!
I'm saying that I find the numbers most likely incorrect for any of a host of reasons. That said, I'm fine with whoever wants to believe that over 1/3 of women will be raped from age 14 to age 20.....but I believe that number to be exaggerated.