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On to the Warriors.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Wattafan, May 17, 2015.

  1. lexled

    lexled Member

    Jul 25, 2002
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    The Warriors have yet to play this Rockets team, the regular season doesnt matter. No Dwight, no TJ, Smith and Brew still new.

    Warriors have come out flat in game 1 of both series. Almost lost to New Orleans and did lose to Memphis.

    Rockets just won three straight elimination games. The confidence and team cohesion gained from those wins is immeasurable. When a team believes that no deficit is too large and that they can overcome anything and beat any team, thats when you have championship mentality. I think the Rockets are there right now.

    The Rockets are littered with veterans with playoff experience, GS is not. GS is about to be exposed.

    Rockets in 6
    1 person likes this.
  2. DavidRocket

    DavidRocket Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Hmm...I did not realize "Flop" and "Malakas" allegiances were to other teams other than the Rockets. Good point.

    I was kinda scratching my head to the one-sided sentiment these supposed "rocket fans" were spewing. Warriors have had a great season and they've played like a top team through out, but EVEN then, they have not been battle tested and I will not come close to writing off Clutch City 3.0 after witnessing the Rockets come out victorious from the trenches.

    But thanks for pointing that out, it actually makes sense to me now lol :)
  3. Centerville

    Centerville Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    On paper, this should be an easy Warriors victory. They're an incredibly efficient machine built to win basketball games in the modern NBA. I think it's probably the biggest 1-2 seed mismatch since the 1995-96 Bulls-Magic ECF. That doesn't mean the Magic stunk -- they were defending East champions and won 60 games that season.

    The big difference, of course, is that the Warriors aren't Michael Jordan's Bulls. Not only have they never won anything, they've never even made a run before. The Rockets definitely have an edge in playoff experience. They have a couple superstars with the proven ability to elevate their games and dominate the floor. Either or both could go off and do that in this series. The Warriors could melt under the heat of lofty expectations.

    I seriously doubt it, but that won't stop me from rooting like hell for the Rockets to pull it off.
  4. slothy420

    slothy420 Paper Street Soap Co.

    May 10, 2002
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    Prior to this season, the Rockets have pretty much owned the Warriors during the regular season:

    2009 Houston 4 - 0 Golden State
    2010 Houston 3 - 0 Golden State
    2011 Houston 3 - 1 Golden State
    2012 Houston 2 - 1 Golden State
    2013 Houston 3 - 1 Golden State
    2014 Houston 2 - 1 Golden State
    2015 Houston 0 - 4 Golden State
  5. DavidRocket

    DavidRocket Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Good post and I agree with what you're saying...not because i'm a "rockets homer" but simply the Rockets have EARNED that sentiment from their fanbase.

    What the Rockets achieved over the past 3 games and making history is nothing short of spectacular and has already reinforced the cohesion and mental fortitude of Champions that you alluded to.

    This current 2015 WCF Battle Tested Rockets team should actually own the Warriors. To many on here that's a bold statement, but I just can't doubt the Rockets will overcome given what's transpired progressively through the playoffs.
  6. Bo6

    Bo6 Member

    Jul 1, 2010
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    hope clint gets some PT because he will absolutely eat up speights.
  7. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    I love the optimism but the Warriors spanked the Grizz badly in their game 1. Just saying. They were clicking on all cylinders and it looked like it would be a sweep. Then Conoly (sp) came back in game 2.
  8. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    I agree with this post a great deal but I worry more about a few factors.

    We have an advantage at the 2, but the overwhelming worry, as others have said, is our perimeter defense at the 1 & 2. Harden guarding their 3 is probably the best way to go.

    Their bench will be an advantage. It's pretty amazing actually, and they've played really well all year.

    Free-throw shooting will overwhelmingly favor the Warriors.

    I am ready to see a miracle, but it will take some genius defensive schemes from McHale, Harden sacrificing offense to play more D, and Howard dominating on BOTH ends. If he can get deep post position, he will abuse Bogut badly. Bogut has been looking more tired and old than ever.
  9. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Flop, I don't know for sure. I'm just guessing. Think Malakas is a Bucks first fan and his views on the Rockets are very fair.

    Warriors have had a great season, but you have to give the Rockets a punchers shot I feel.
  10. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Call me crazy but before the playoff started, I thought the Rockets have a greater chance against GS than against the Clippers and I still think that way. So we got pass the Clippers. I think we have a decent chance against GS. GS greatest strength is shooting and movement - very eff offense. They have size and strength at every positions. They compliment each other well.

    But the one player I can see the Rocket shut down is Thompson. I would stick to him like glue with Ariza. Harden and Smith on their forwards. Harden on Green might make sense for the Rockets, although that means Barnes has a good mismatch in his favor. If Smith is able to hold Barnes, I think that's a good defensive matchup for the Rockets.
  11. joeson332

    joeson332 Member

    Apr 13, 2014
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    You know if you think about it Harden lokwey has destroyed 2 of these players and just edged out the other in a 7 game series and the remaining one that's left bout to see what's up.
  12. ksny15

    ksny15 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    This series we should be able to attack the paint a lot better Bogut isn't the shot blocking beast that DJ was
  13. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    People underrate Bogut and that is a mistake...He is a lot like a Gasol, a dude that likes to mix it up in the paint, and doesnt care how physical it gets... Bogut is going to have his moments vs Dwight one on one. The Key is to have Dwight move towards the ball via loose ball rebounds and Pick/roll with the 4/5. They will not have an answer to Josh and Dwight...
  14. thedude077

    thedude077 Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    I think the Rockets need to put James Harden at the point guard position and start Corey Brewer at shooting guard. I think that will give the Rockets size and the offense will work better if James Harden passes the ball more. He is already the teams best passer. And James can create his own shot when he wants to. If he plays shooting guard he has to shoot more and pass less and he is not that type of player. He is more of a passer than a shooter.
  15. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    I think that create massive mismatch for the Rockets. Harden have no chance to contain their Guards. Brewer has no chance to contain their Guards. In this round, Brewer is best serve off the bench going guarding Livingston or Barbosa.
  16. thedude077

    thedude077 Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Is worse with Terry guarding Curry. I think Brewer is better guarding Curry or Thompson.
  17. thedude077

    thedude077 Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Don't be a homer.
  18. DavidRocket

    DavidRocket Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    chicken little....
  19. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Warriors-Rockets will feature the largest gap in regular-season point differential in a conference finals since 1996. <a href="http://t.co/IVmzfUYZ7N">pic.twitter.com/IVmzfUYZ7N</a></p>&mdash; Kevin Pelton (@kpelton) <a href="https://twitter.com/kpelton/status/600337615997554689">May 18, 2015</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  20. rocketpower2

    rocketpower2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Terry -- Curry
    Ariza -- Klay
    Harden -- Barnes

    That's how it should be.

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