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Official Fire McHale Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by FTW Rockets FTW, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. Amel

    Amel Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Adelman > JVG >> MilkHair
  2. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    You don't recall the fire Adelman threads? You don't remember Adelman's defensive philosophy?
  3. Dhoward12

    Dhoward12 Member

    Jul 17, 2014
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    Actually Austin Rivers killed us, which is laughable
  4. Kim

    Kim Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    I think he should be fired too, but the Rockets started the game going over the screens leading to 2 dunks and a layup by Blake.

    There's no one perfect way to play against the PnR. It takes a mixture of things plus great team defensive attention to detail and even some pre-rotating. The Rockets haven't been crisp at this all year, so to expect them to be consistent now is more hopeful than logical. That is on the coaching staff and maybe that should be a reason to be fired, but management obviously doesn't think so.
  5. Beardaholic13

    Beardaholic13 Member

    Feb 20, 2014
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    Jason terry played 30 min in the first 3 q LOL no hacking DJ , no timeouts, please god forward to next year with thibs as our coac
  6. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    or his coaching philosophy of not calling time outs so his players can learn to figure it out themselves on the court. Too many undercover LOFs.
  7. Dhoward12

    Dhoward12 Member

    Jul 17, 2014
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    I thought the Rockets would take the Game plan from the spurs and just rotate quickly and force a 3 pt shot, but i forgot the Rockets arent disciplined at all
  8. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    The series isn't over obviously. The Clippers got smoked at San Antonio in Game 3 to go down 2-1 and came back and won that series.

    That being said, it's becoming almost impossible to defend McHale or to justify him continuing as the Rockets coach beyond this season. Just like there are players who are great during the regular season and chumps in the playoffs(I pray to God that Harden isn't one of them), the same goes for coaches.

    The postseason is like a chess match. You're playing the same team for up to 7 games. It's not like there are gonna be any roster changes during that period. So basically it comes down to which team can create mismatches and exploit them the best and whether or not the other team can counter those. But McHale seems completely incapable of making the necessary adjustments. Especially during the game. It's inexcusable to sit back and wait til either halftime or between games(which often end in a loss) before making any changes.

    Morey justified the Portland loss a year ago by claiming it came down to coinflips going the Blazers' way. I think that's a load of BS, but at least you can attempt to make that argument when 3 out of the 6 games go to OT and another one is decided in literally the last season. What's the justification gonna be this time around if the Rockets are eliminated by the Clippers in a series of blowout losses?
  9. hoopball

    hoopball Member

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Rockets are now the laughing stock of the remaining playoff teams. Thanks Mchale.
  10. hoopball

    hoopball Member

    Apr 11, 2015
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  11. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I've given him so much slack this season...after tonight's game, He doesn't deserve any more.

    There is a direct correlation to how the Rockets manage to stay close in the first half, and then Mchale talks in the locker room and ish falls apart. He has been saved by James' individual brilliance so much this season.

    Exhibit A:The double high screen set by the Clippers. It has happened all throughout the series...allowing for their guards to get free without impunity.

    Exhibit B: You have one of the worst FT shooters on the opposing team; and other proficient Head coaches use the intentional foul in order to break tempo/rhythm...And they dont foul him.

    Exhibit C: Houston is down by 30 at the start of the 4th...Plays his starters risking injury and stupid techs(ie. Jason Terry which i thought was BS, bc Griffin stuck his leg out in retaliation)

    You know that their bench plays well at home, but yet...you let AUSTIN RIVERS and JJ REDDICK destroy us with OPEN FCKING SHOTS.

    Someone has to talk the fall for this BS. Les can't believe this BS. Mchale is a mental midget when it comes to coaching a basketball team. Finally Ask yourself this question: Does a Rick Adelman, or Jeff Van Gundy coached basketball team play this poorly??? Everyone thinks the Rockets need a major upgrade at the PG and PF positions...NO the Rockets need an upgrade at the Head Coach position.

    Very high likely hood the Rockets return back to TC for a game 5 down 3-1 in the series. They will get the refs help and we will see the Clippers crush us again in game 6...by the thing that matters the most in these playoffs: COACHING!!!
  12. hoopball

    hoopball Member

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Hate to be a downer, but the Clippers actually played pretty well in the first two games against the Spurs whereas it's three straight games that we played like crap against the Clippers. There is a significant difference so your comparison doesn't hold up. We're 90% done. That's the reality.
  13. Kim

    Kim Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    It was beautiful series to watch as a basketball fan. The Rockets can show spurts of defensive brilliance in making great rotations, but that consistency is lacking. It's really frustrating to see such schizo play on both sides of the ball.
  14. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    But.. but.. he's the player friend.
  15. Zergling

    Zergling Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Literally the only reason to not fire him is hoping he can recruit Kevin Love to Houston
  16. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    The Rockets played well against the Clippers for 3 quarters in Game 2(granted, they were without Paul). I agree they've been terrible in Games 1 and 3. But I wouldn't write them off yet. Do I think the Rockets are gonna win this series? No. In fact, I think there's a far greater likelihood this thing is over by Tuesday night at Toyota Center at the rate we're going.

    My biggest fear is that this team is on the verge of giving up because they know(even if they'll never admit it publicly) that they're saddled with a coaching staff that has no gameplan to beat the Clippers. We b-tch at the players for their lousy performance, but if you don't even have a strategy coming into each game for stopping the opponent, can you blame them for not playing well?
  17. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Can't defend Mchale on this one. Doc made his adjustments and his players executed his game plan to perfection. His entire team came ready to play basketball.

    Again Harden came out lethargic and uninspired. Mchale needs to tell him that coasting will not cut it in the playoffs. We keep hearing people say these players respect Mchale. If that's the case why on earth they are not putting 100% effort out there on both ends.
  18. hoopball

    hoopball Member

    Apr 11, 2015
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    100% agree with your point here. as much as i complain about players' performance, the most frustrating thing to me thus far has been the idiotic coaching decisions. i'll say this until the cows come home. WE NEED A NEW COACHING STAFF. I mean it's becoming almost embarrassing how dumb our team looks in the playoffs.
  19. RESINator

    RESINator Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    You apologists say Mr. McFAIL made great adjustments last game? LMAO at him taking 6 quarters to finally make appropriate adjustments. He is always a step behind. FAILS at disrupting the Clippers flow and inability to call TOs when necessary. I'm getting sick of you apologists giving credit to milk hair when it is Harden who wins games.
  20. FTW Rockets FTW

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Dude these players don't respect McHale the coach. Deep down I'm sure they know he is not up to the level required

    They like playing for him because he lets then do whatever they want with no accountability

    What else explains Josh Smith jacking up 3 after 3 or the lethargic defensive effort

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