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There was and will always be one Tracy McGrady

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by htwnbandit, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. tmac2k8

    tmac2k8 Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    So Carl Landry and Aaron Brooks were the reason we went on a 22 game winning streak? You think we still have a 22 game win streak with both Mcgrady and Yao out?
  2. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    OFF TOPIC: I completely get what you're saying, but that view is part of our problem as a society. There are too many kids out there with no parental supervision that aren't just focused on what happens on the court. They emulate these guys on AND off the floor. It's not whether we want them to be role models, the bottom line is that they are in today's society.....like it or not.

    I actually do care what they do off the court. I'm MUCH more likely to follow JJ Watt than Ray Lewis (and it has nothing to do with their team). They are both crazy good athletes, but one appears to be a quality individual off the field and the other dodged a murder wrap and made us suffer through fake crying bs during the Super Bowl (guilty or not, he knew something). If you had a son and you passed away, which jersey do you want your son wearing and why?

    If the only place to show class, maturity and "morals/ethics" is outside of the workplace for people in sports or entertainment.....we're all in trouble. Cause I promise you that 7-25 year old males without a strong male figures in their life are 100% looking at individuals with fame/fortune as their role models.
  3. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    He didn't play in 22 games. You didn't even look at the box scores.

    The streak started at golden state
    Jan 29, 2008

    Notice there is no game log for mcgrady under his page.

    Nice try bro
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    No it was a team effort not a one man show like what tmac fans yap about.

    They are trying to say mcgrady was responsible for the majority of the success and none of the failures.

    Which if anyone really watched the rockets knew was exaggerated.

    Why did van gundy get fired? He made a system based on tmac and yao and it failed.

    Rick adelman brought in a new system which allowed better distribution.
  5. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    To me, being a "good guy" off the field/court/whatever is just a cherry on top. If I have a kid, I would teach him what is right or wrong in life, not let him learn from strangers. I could care less personally what jersey he wears, because I would have taught him the distinction between an entertainer vs a person. It's like listening to rap music and playing first person shooters; you understand the difference between entertainment and real life. Again, when I watch JJ Watt or Ray Lewis play, I am watching them for football, not what they do off the field and while I am watching football, I could care less what they did off the field. Hell, I am watching a brutal sport where huge men slam into each other at high speeds after all.
  6. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    There's one player responsible for that 22 game winning streak and we all know who it is:

  7. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    So what did maxwell do that was so bad? He had weed in his car. Big freaking deal.
    He showed someone his gun at luby's. Was trying to speed up the line, nobody got shot.
    He punched a fan in Portland who insulted his daughter.
  8. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Oh, so telling us about it makes it better? Um, OK. Fact is fact. McGrady quit and Maxwell quit. That's not even the issue. I don't give McGrady a pass for what he did. I clearly believe Harden has done more for the Rockets than McGrady, for sure, and do not let T-Mac off the hook for zero playoff series wins.

    The difference is that YOU are 100% obsessed with all-consuming hatred for the guy. Really, it's a bit weird- no, actually, it's very strange- my friend at the game has read your previous posts regarding T-Mac- someone who doesn't even belong to CF- and his first reaction was, "Geez, did T-Mac sleep with his wife or something?" And that's a complete stranger.

    If you can't see that your dislike for this player is irrational- I mean, you can't even give one compliment to the guy without it being backhanded- then, I don't know what to tell you. Seek professional help, maybe? I mean, if you're that irrational about something like that... I don't know, man. Whatever floats your boat.

    Many players on the Rockets failed- Steve Francis and Cuttino Mobley being two prime examples. Appreciated what they did, but certainly that period did not stand out. But to give them zero credit? Again, it's just silly, irrational behavior from adults who should know better.

    Carry on your anti-Tmac obsession. :rolleyes:
    1 person likes this.
  9. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    Not everyone has a parent. And not all of them that do have one that provides the stability/clarity of thought you describe.

    I'm guessing you don't have any children, have never spent time with friends whose parents aren't around and are relatively young. You'll understand what I mean later in life.

    I'm not debating the reason people watch the sport. I'm debating that whether you like it or agree with it, these people do have a level of responsibility (call it role model, morals/ethics, etc.) to the public. That's the price you pay for fame/fortune (well blessed = much expected). I would much rather watch and cheer for JJ than Ray. Just cause they play football and its brutal, doesn't mean its ok to be a POS off the field.
  10. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    They absolutely do not. What they state, correctly, is that T-Mac was a major part of that success, and also a reason we did not advance. We're just not obsessed with the failures which, clearly by your rising agitation in this thread, is painfully obvious. Yeah, let's excuse a guy for waving a gun in public. SMDH.
  11. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    I'm not anti mcgrady.
    I'm just for the truth.

    Did you see the post where someone said he played 22 games in the streak? It shows his gamelog NOT the ROCKETS game log which shows every game.


    I didn't bump this thread.

    At this time of the season tmac is never mentioned
  12. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    I do know a ton of friends who grew up in broken homes. I am simply disagreeing with you that it is an entertainer's responsibility to serve as a role model. It's nice if they do, but completely irrelevant if they don't. It is up to teachers, mentors, parents, foster parents, ect to serve as role models and impart morals and ethics. Trying to push responsibilities on to entertainers, people whose jobs are solely to entertain, is the irresponsibility and failures of the rest of society, not them. I will sum it up simply, entertainers have no obligation or responsibilities to be role models. They are who they are. It is up to OTHER aspects of society to serve as role models.
  13. LabMouse

    LabMouse Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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  14. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    Good debate - I like it. Let's take the word role model out of it for a second.

    Why don't entertainers/sport figures have to abide by the same moral/ethical code that people in other professions have to abide by? Lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc all have ethical codes - that's why they teach ethics in college. You can't get charged for murder and keep your job in any other profession on earth....but it's ok for football players? I can't knock my wife out in an elevator and petition for reinstatement as an attorney 1 year after getting disbarred. I'm freakin' DONE.

    To be clear, I'm not saying that it is not the responsibility of teacher, foster parents etc....but to completely absolve public figures of any responsibility for their behavior and impact that it might have on society's youth (who don't aspire to be foster parents or teachers - but bball or fball players) is crazy talk. Why shouldn't they be held to the exact same standard morally/ethically and why shouldn't we expect them to set a level of excellence for young people to live up to?
  15. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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  16. LabMouse

    LabMouse Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Why is the TMac thread right now? He did not lead us to pass the first round.

  17. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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  18. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    When James Harden lead the rockets to a playoff series victory it destroyed two sets of fans. Lin fans and mcgrady fans.

    Mcgrady fans are jealous of Harden's true talent and leadership , so therefore they had to bump this thread.

    Now you can clearly see the difference between the players
  19. Airdough

    Airdough Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    Can we just go back to the Alexander versus Cuban versus Holt debate?
  20. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    My post showed the rockets game log and I gave you the date which mcgrady didn't play.

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