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Charles Barkley vs Daryl Morey

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by HoustonTexas, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Well aren't some here ungrateful and clueless. "lucked into Harden?" lmao
    Yeah Morey is so bad that if he put himself on the block tomorrow half the league would be throwing first picks to get him because the guy is the TOP GM and what he has managed to do from the assets he had in hand is genius.
  2. RocketsJumer

    RocketsJumer Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Morey is doing the smart thing. He is making Barkley the fool.

    Reports are that the Rockets/Morey have tried to settle whatever dispute Barkley has with them privately. Since Chuck doesn't seem too interested, it's time to attack him publicly. Morey knows Barkley will respond to any criticism thrown his way, usually with some idiotic statements. And Barkley just did that.

    Revenge of the Nerds!
  3. The Law

    The Law Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    If Charles would have taken more of an interest in stats and analytics, he probably would have figured out much sooner that gambling is not a very safe and financially lucrative business for anyone except the Casino.
  4. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Why would they want Chuck off the air? He's like the ring leader of a legion of idiots, and idiots still have money, the only thing the guy gets right about any team is that philly is bad.

    I agree with Chuck should be legally allowed as evidence of an iq under 90
  5. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    It used to be a great show. Now it's a joke. First of all, Shaq ruined the dynamic they had. He's a horrible analyst because of the way he speaks. His voice is too low and he mumbles his words. Secondly, he and Charles dominate the conversation now and you can see Kenny and especially EJ desperately trying to get a word in to no avail. When it was just the trio of EJ, Kenny, and Charles, they had great chemistry and were very entertaining even if you didn't always agree with what they said.

    As for Charles and the Rockets, he's been dogging them for a while, but it's getting really out of hand now. Yes, Morey baited him with that tweet, but Barkley like the moron he occasionally is went for it hook, line, and sinker. That's fine if he believes they're not contenders. Honestly, until Dwight returns and shows he can play close to the level he did a year ago, Charles is right. They're NOT title contenders. Shoot, even with a healthy Dwight, they may not be contenders without first addressing the point guard situation.

    But he's letting his personal history with the organization influence his commentary to the point where he's making no sense whatsoever. The Rockets(along with the Suns) are NOT the worst defensive team out of the 30 in the league or even the 8 who'll make the playoffs in the West. Has he seen the defense of the Clippers? Or the Mavs who he DOES consider a contender? Oh, they gave up 118 points last night? As if one game out of 82 encapsulates a season? So does that mean they're the best offensive team in the league since they also dropped 127 in the same game(without their star center no less)?

    Someone over at TNT needs to deal with this. Obviously they can't make Charles suddenly respect the Rockets, but maybe have him adhere to the old adage: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Let Kenny and EJ(and even Shaq if necessary) discuss the Rockets when they're playing on TNT. Because this cheapens the game, ruins the broadcast, and distracts from more important things like another MVP caliber performance by Harden(which was hardly discussed thanks to this nonsense).
    1 person likes this.
  6. bmd

    bmd Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    All analytics is is using numbers (in combination with other more traditional methods) to help make better decisions.

    It lets you know that a corner 3 is a better shot than a long 2. It helps you to find players who help the team in ways that were previously unseen. It helps you to see that some star players might not be as good as people think.

    It just helps bring a little more clarity to the decision-making process.

    Daryl Morey will be the first to tell you that talent is the most important factor. In fact, his strategy is basically to collect the most talent and let them figure out how to play with each other. So talent and "analytics" go hand-in-hand. They aren't on opposite ends of the spectrum like Charles implied.
  7. tmac2k8

    tmac2k8 Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    Morey did luck into Harden but Harden at the time was a 6th man with manu ginobli potential based on the experts assessment of him. It wasn't as obvious of a move then as it seemed now, a lot of people were high on jeremy lamb and were worried he would turn into borderline all star player while harden became Ariza 2.0 from 2010. Also not a obvious decision to automatically sign harden to a max deal as most people at the time did not think Harden was a max player.
  8. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    Good job Charles. One guy is an nba hof, the other is a dumb nerd. Morey baiting, you get whats coming.
  9. rockets belle

    rockets belle Member

    Nov 6, 2014
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    I was having an argument with a guy friend who plays basketball because he said Charles was right - he's not. This issue irks me more because of these basketball players who are taking his side. My friend keeps on saying talent is the most important, Charles is right because he actually played. I'm not saying talent is not important, it is very important, if not the most. But for the NBA, analytics is not useless. Teams don't sign players simply because of "gut felling". They don't run plays just because.

    I guess they just don't understand analytics. Basic examples of analytics is when a player changes his play because he checked his statsheet the night before or when teams studies other teams scoring percentages. How hard is that to understand?

    I think some people who are defending him misunderstands his comments. He said, "Analytics don't work at all. It's just some crap that people who were really smart made up to try to get in the game because they had no talent." That statement is so wrong.
  10. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Kyle Korver is an All star. Think about that. Silver picked HIM over other guys with better looking boxscores. WHY? Because KK is the most important player of the Hawks the way he makes all their offence flow by drawing defenders and affects the spacing.
    The game has evolved since Barkley played and as soon as people realise it the better. The FOs have.
  11. SWTsig

    SWTsig Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    And what, exactly, does Barkley know about winning chsmpionships? Oh that's right.... Nothing.

    Good job looking like a dish!t, though.... again.
  12. cruwinas_lawona

    Mar 20, 2014
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    Street meat meets analytics. Looked like Rockets would lose yesterday due to injuries and DMo collecting PF's, but Harden created magic. And ****** is just a desert :) Every court has a clown. All talk about ****** is like clubbing baby seals :eek:
  13. WinkFan

    WinkFan Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Not a great example of an analytics driven trade. Any old school guy could understand that we had 3 good point guards and no decent backup wings.
  14. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    This rant was pretty hilarious on both sides.

    -On Morey's side, its great that he once again turned the narrative back into the mainstream media focusing on analytics while completely ignorantly missing the fact that the Rockets greatest asset is actual comes from the way they were pioneers in the finance/lawyer/capologist part of the business side of creating a team, and pairing that with the analytics.

    The Rockets didn't get James Harden, Dwight Howard, and Josh Smith because their basketball analytics said something that they went with. They acquired these players because of intuitive financial advantage.

    Any time Morey can keep that engine running in the background without people noticing is a sneaky advantage.

    -Barkley.... ahh Charles. Why does anyone care about what he says anyways? Its just another example of the old-school ex-players that are salty and grumpy about being pushed out of the league and not getting jobs in the business while they see the guys they used to pick on in high school getting to run something they think they are entitled to. Its jealousy & entitlement at the end of the day any way you look at it.

    -Torocan and others explained in great detail how Charles is wrong so I'll just say that its just another example of an old-timer rejecting change & resorting back to high school bully tactics because he doesn't know anything else in life about how to react. We see this in all walks of life. We should all use it as an example to not be like that when we grow older & hopefully wiser.
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  15. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    So morey is the top gm in the nba
    and kyle korver is the reason the hawks are so good

    Damn. Smh what are you smoking??
  16. Amel

    Amel Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    I saw the part when Barkley said that the Rockets and Suns have the worst defense in the NBA, and when the guys pressed him he meant "in the playoff race"

    I think he is right in this video. Yes, they way he says things is dumb and laughable, but I 100% agree about the main point, analytics can't beat talent.

    Murray tried this for a long time now...and every year we have a turnover of decent players that don't get us through 1st round. I'm not going to go over the injuries some of our stars have endured, but in short we only play best when we have healthy talent.

    Talent > Analytics
  17. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Yes Morey is the top gm in the nba. Who else do you think is better? Ainge?

    Yes Kyle Korver is the most important player of the Hawks. I suggest you start pay attention on the attention he gets from opponents defences and how this gives open looks to all his teamates.
  18. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    What does morey know winning a chip? Exper level over 9000 when it comes to first round exits
  19. tallanvor

    tallanvor Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I don't even know what this is suppose to mean. Analytics are used to spot talent (see Parsons) . If anything, the Spurs have very little talent on their teams and have won with analytics.

    Barkley is a moron for arguing against math.
  20. bmd

    bmd Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Not true. Earlier in the show when Charles first said those were the two worst defenses in the league, EJ said well what about teams like the Lakers? And Charles said the Rockets defense was worse.

    So he wasn't talking about just playoff teams.

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