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[2014-15] Jeremy Lin as a Los Angeles Laker

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by shastarocket, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. mig0s

    mig0s Member

    Feb 26, 2008
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    Take the first 5 games of january and he was shooting 50/40 with minimal turnovers. Whats your point? Judging someone on a 5 game spur? You seem like a smart person
  2. mig0s

    mig0s Member

    Feb 26, 2008
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    Zboys life revolves around Lin. He watches every Lin game with a notepad and writes down his mistakes then posts in this thread.
  3. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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  4. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I'm a Lin fan and I didn't even watch the game. (or last few games for that matter)

    Lin haters seriously should consider taking up new hobbies. I mean we have guys here that can't stop living and breathing jeremy lin while on their beach vacations. Apparently some of them are fathers and probably should be spending more time with their kids, rather than on the jeremy lin thread. Some strange folks here. Being a passive Lin fan is much more healthier (and normal in the grand scheme of things), than being an obsessive hater. I'll never understand that lolllll..
  5. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    Does not even watch the games but....


    Back to topic of this thread....

    Folks, one thing consistent about Jeremy Lin's game is that it sucks no matter which part of the world you watch it from.

    Also, Lin's airball % is at a career high this season.

    Not sure if that is the part of his game he should be working and improving on.
    2 people like this.
  6. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I think he has kids too. He apparently took his family to a beach in Malaysia. But he spent most of that time, here in the Jeremy Lin thread, with us Lin Fans. LOL
  7. lucnguye92

    lucnguye92 Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    The general notion here is that Lin is bad. As a former, ardent believer in Lin, I can't help but agree with the popular consensus that Lin isn't doing himself any favors. He still makes silly mistakes and goes away from doing what makes him effective. Everyone here may seem harsh but honestly, there's nothing that he's done in the time he's been given to distinguish himself as a premier player in the league, let alone a decent player in the league.

    Besides MARGINAL improvement, I've seen nothing that he's promised to improve on show up in an actual game. He is still hesitant to shoot the ball and throws it away on risky passes. He gets driven by all the time and still gets stuck in no man's land when he's caught ball watching, drifting off to help, ect. For a supposedly smart guy, his BBIQ is... well lacking. I mean, why hasn't anyone made a video of all of his boneheaded plays? Because it'd probably be longer than Harden's 17 minutes of bad defense. It'd probably be a year's worth.

    The dude has shown flashes. That's all they've been. So when people are quick to go "You're wrong, look at this game." At this point, most of us are skeptical to say, "Let's see if he can keep this up." Usually, he'll slump back down to a 1-5 night with a couple of dumb, preventable TO's.

    That's all Lin's career has summed up to at this point. The dude is one TO away of being out in the league. He hasn't shown any urgency to improve. He hasn't shown any tenacity to let his game do the talking. He'd rather slap a bible verse on his twitter, or make some dumb video for his flocking fanatics. So, yes. Lin sucks. He sucks until he can prove otherwise. He sucks until ZBoy and tinman can look at his body of work and go "He's alright." (Which I'm pretty sure that T-mac would return from retirement and lead the Timberwolves to a championship first before that happens.) But until then, Lin legitimately, 100% sucks.
    3 people like this.
  8. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    Excellent, thoughtful, and well composed post. I like the appeal to authority as well.

    Also, thanks for keeping with the subject matter of the thread and not derailing it like snoopy and migs0 do all the time while not making any positive contribution whatsoever.
  9. Amel

    Amel Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Lins problem is that even Lin doesn't believe in Lin
  10. lucnguye92

    lucnguye92 Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Thank you. I honestly cringe at how unreasonable I must have been when it came to this subject matter in the past. But, excuses, system, racisim or not... Lin is slowly playing himself out of the league. If, and that's a big if, he gets another contract, what do you think a reasonable offer for his services would be?
  11. JamesFr

    JamesFr Member

    Jan 17, 2015
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    The thing is Lin is 26 and hes still ******* inconsistent just checked his game log
    looks like a rookie...
    I like Lin he's humble and all but some of his fans on twitter need to calm down lol
  12. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    If he does not start working on his game and show some drastic improvements, I am thinking league min. vet. at best.

    PG spot is saturated in the league. Lin is already 26 years old and has had 3+ years of opportunities and he has not shown any significant improvement as player.

    If you are a GM, you are thinking.....

    "Why not gamble and grab a second rounder with better odds of success for even cheaper?"

    The other option would be sign Lin on with the intention of playing him as a scorer off the bench. But would you really want a guy that goes missing month at a time, playing that role??

    Rockets tried both. Neither worked.
  13. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    He may suck but there's no harm in rooting for the guy. So much vitriol and passionate negative energy, that personally I don't even have to waste on my worst enemies (in real life). I'll never understand because I don't have the energy or time for any of that.
  14. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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  15. lucnguye92

    lucnguye92 Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Vitriol and passionate negative energy? Well it's not Shakespeare but I thank you for the comparison. If I dedicated as much energy as my message conveyed then I would probably write a sonnet, concerning the tragedy that is Lin's basketball career. Some disdain would more appropriately fit my approach to my feelings for him in particular.

    I liked rooting for him too. And, like you said, there is no harm in rooting for him in particular. It's only when the excuses, the blame game, the disrespect for people who know the game, who live the game, who breath it, that harm comes into play. That's when begrudging patience gives into bewilderment and disbelief that someone like Lin stirs up so much frustration and debate.
    1 person likes this.
  16. downbytheriver

    Jan 12, 2014
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  17. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Just to be clear, lucnguye92 my reply wasn't alluding to your post, at all. But rather, the usual suspects in this thread.
  18. downbytheriver

    Jan 12, 2014
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    ^says the guy who has posted 150+ times in this thread.
    good for 5th most.
    he, truly, doesn't, care.

  19. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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  20. mikus

    mikus Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    I don't know what Lin's problem is and I only watched him on TV this year when he was playing the Rockets, but a quick perusal of his season stats, shows that while his percentages look "ok", he's not having any impact on the game.

    During Linsanity, his percentages were a bit worse than they are now but there is no denying that during that stretch, his play had an impact on the outcome of the game. Now, even when he shoots great, the Lakers still lose, it doesn't seem like it helps the team all that much.

    His shooting percentages are fine, his play needs to impact the game. The little bit I've seen him this year, he's like an invisible presence on the court. It's much worse than when he played for the Rockets. Whatever the haters want to say, his 21 pts in the playoffs did impact the game and help us win. In some of the games when Harden was out, he took on a role of a scorer and facilitator that helped us win games. Doesn't seem like he's helped the Lakers win, even the few times he's scored 20+ pts this year. Whatever it is, he needs to fix it, or he will indeed be out of the league.

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