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[Woj] Howard to get second opinion on knee, could miss extended time

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by J.R., Jan 29, 2015.

  1. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I hope not. I think the Rockets have a better chance at winning playing their fast style of play with versatile bigs that can run the court, and score fast.

    The way this team has been scoring the ball without Harden in the half court, it would do wonders for the offense to start speeding things up.

    If you bring in Brook Lopez, your offense comes to a screeching halt. The guy really, really slows your tempo down. On top of that, its very, very rare when he's able to finish a season without a major injury himself.... no thank you.

    If they think Dwight is out for the year-

    -DeJuan Blair
    -R. Evans

    That's probably your list right there of rentals they would look to pickup in Dwight's absence.

    The Rockets would know that their best chance of winning is to go small, and get a big that can do the dirty work to rebound, and help protect the paint against the big PF matchups in the West. Koufas is sort of a longshot. Brandon Bass would be probably the most likely candidate.
  2. BigShasta

    BigShasta Member

    Apr 26, 2014
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    ughh this just sickens me. :p:p

    you could sense his frustration this season with his health and it was kind of sad to watch.

    I just want him to be healthy!!!!
  3. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    KG is the correct answer. He's exactly who we need with Dwight's health in flux. Hopefully they can work a buyout for him.
  4. jakedasnake

    jakedasnake Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    While I thought we protected the rim pretty well, the Mavs aren't the best inside finishers or the best rebounders. What worries me is Tyson Chandler has several offensive and defensive boards that Dwight would have most likely had. He made DMO, Jones, and Smith look small on the boards. Granted Tyson is one of the better centers in the league but hopefully our trio frontcourt can do a better job boxing out on the defensive boards like Dwight does. Dorsey may be able to help with this if he can find a rhythm on defense and prove that he should play more minutes. He is a good rebounder and defender just inconsistent. Also, an underrated passer.
  5. kemah

    kemah Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Ugh. Never thought it would come to this.
  6. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Except the fact that KG is no longer good at NBA basketball. Go look up his production this year. I know alot of people do not watch the Nets so they are just going off of reputation. He's not Kevin Garnett anymore. He's really, really bad.

    Trust me... you'd get way, way more production from a Brandon Bass type, and you wouldn't have to sacrifice style of play. Again... if the Rockets want to band-aid the season, and still try and win this year the trick will be to play fast and furious. If the Rockets are looking at stop gap options, its best to look for a guy that can run.
    #226 dobro1229, Jan 30, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
  7. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    No KG - we don't need him here, nor Lopez and his Yao Ming style feet.

  8. ForTheWinYes

    ForTheWinYes Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    If Dwight's out for the year, trading for mediocre and/or chronically injured players on terrible contracts is the last thing Morey would do, not that it was an option anyway. He'll pull back knowing this team isn't close to a contender and try again next year and the year after. Remember that word flexibility?
  9. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    so the concern with bringing Faried in here was he didn't compliment Howard well...so now?
  10. kemah

    kemah Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    We have undersized PF's now. We need big tall defensive centers that can bang with the bigs we will face in the western conference.
  11. CCity Zero

    CCity Zero Member

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Thanks for updates kemah and DD, I really hope it's something else... but if not, hopefully he has a good/easy recovery, I mean I know he works hard (he's not like Shaq who came in to preseasons being 100+ lbs over weight) so he can overcome this. And yeah, I doubted the bone on bone (I mean was trying to be optimistic it wasn't) but so disappointed now. The only positive I see is developing our talent this year and then reinsert Dwight next year when he is 100% (I mean if it's season ending).

    I also agree that if he's done for the season definitely don't make any crazy moves. We're going to need DMo/Jones/Smith, unless we want to see Dorsey in big mins, unless they move up Capela.
  12. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    The concern with bringing Faried in was that Denver had to actually agree to trade him.

    The Rockets tried, but to no avail. Denver hasn't made him available nor will they most likely.

    Plus... you guys act like Dwight Howard just died or something. The whole micro-fracture thing is just a rumor now from a source that has been wrong as many times as he's been right if not more. Cyberx is a Lakers fan who loves to pile on Dwight as much as possible. He's definitely an inside source, but take what he says ESPECIALLY ABOUT DWIGHT with a grain of salt.
  13. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Dwight and the team had to see this coming. All the work he did this summer was probably more about strengthening and balancing his body to protect the knee than it was for his back or to iimprove his general health.

    This sucks so bad.

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Faried sucks at defense. He has an awful contract.
  15. kemah

    kemah Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Yeah we need to just develop the talent we have and get the best seeding possible and then let Morey do his magic and play for next year. No Howard and we will not be looking at a title. The best part is we may have our 4 spot taken care of finally.
  16. kemah

    kemah Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    This. He is maybe the worst PnR defender in the NBA. He has a good motor is all and we have that in Brewer now.
  17. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Not true at all. D-Mo, and Smith can be a very effective defensive tandem. Dorsey, for as bad as he is, is still effective is short spurts. Jones is lacking in the defensive area, but is definitely not undersized. He isn't as tall as you'd like but he's very long, athletic, and has shown he can be an effective shot blocker. He will definitely be an effective defensive big in the veteran years of his career. He has the tools, its just more about discipline with him from what we've seen.

    The Rockets are NOT small or bad defensively at the PF spot. That's pretty much false.

    As for needing a true center.... who exactly are you wanting to get that replaces what a true defensive center does for a team? Koufas is pretty damn good. Other than that you are probably reaching with your expectations.

    Everyone gets so obsessed with size around here. Its not about how big you are, its what you can do with that size that matters. You know who as a Rocket has defended LaMarcus Aldridge better than anyone else in a Rockets uniform??..... 6'6" Chuck Hayes.
  18. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Your hate for Dwight Howard is completely irrational.

    You do know that Howard only took 10 shots a game in December and January, correct? He shot nearly 60% from the field those months as well.

    The only time he took any real higher number of shots was in November when he was healthy and playing 35 minutes a game.
    1 person likes this.
  19. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Because averaging around 7 and 7 in 19 minutes a game is bad? I'm not saying we need a prime Garnet (he will never exist again and there probably won't be another PF with game quite like him). I'm saying we need the slowed Garnet to play 20 minutes off the bench instead of Dorsey. He still grabs rebounds at a high rate and provides DMO some insurance especially if DMO gets in early foul trouble which seems to happen quite often.
  20. kemah

    kemah Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    I consider TJ undersized but we can differ on that. His defense is good except when we played big elite PF's. TJ is a very good rebounder though. Josh I also think is undersized but he does play well defensively other PF's even if they are a tad taller than him. His offensive is hit or miss and we need consistency I think. Dmo is tall and it looks he is a better PF than a Center but he gets pushed around I think too easily for someone his size. He is getting better defensively but he looks to never will improve his rebounding. It is frustrating to me to see why he can't get it.

    I agree that Hayes played bigger than he was. I thought Tariq did so also. I just want someone that can handle the 5 spot defensively off the bench in the playoffs when we go against the elite teams. We can score but I want that basket well protected like Asik used to be able to do and Howard was the best at.

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