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Random Houston Rockets Trade Ideas - 2014-15

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. omgTHEpotential

    Apr 4, 2012
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    This is just a rough draft... You could try get some picks from Sacramento too. Or replace DMo with T-Jones... I think the idea of teaming Harden with Cousins is quite intriguing.
  2. PersianRocket

    PersianRocket Member

    Aug 26, 2012
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    It is but not at the cost of severe downgrade. Howard isn't bad enough to severely downgrade to positions for a slight upgrade at another. Now something like Stauskas, Collison, Cousins for Howard, Ariza, picks would be intriguing.
  3. daherro^_^

    daherro^_^ Member

    Mar 25, 2011
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    wonder if rudy gobert is available? the guy has been a blocking machine ever since he filled in the starting lineup for an injured kanter
  4. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    Too late. Want another good C, gonna have to be through the draft...

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wGznH8uOT0c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. ilovehtownbb

    ilovehtownbb Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    so you think this chinese kid is good C? another Yi Jianling type player.
  6. Johndoe804

    Johndoe804 Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    All this talk of Dragic. I wonder if Morey would consider one of Phoenix's other guards? What if Bledsoe or Thomas would be had?
  7. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I'm sure he would .... IF PHX were willing to move them.

    Thing is , they probably wont because of their respective contract situations.

    No reason to move Bledsoe when you have him locked up for this season & 4 more at less than Dragic will command. Unless someone offers you a kings ransom - which Morey isn't going to do.

    No reason to move Thomas when you have him locked up for this season and 3 more for half of what Dragic will command. Unless someone offers you a kings ransom - which Morey isn't going to do.

    There is reason to move Dragic when he has stated he will enter free agency and is likely seeking a near max or max deal which you aren't willing to pay. Do you ride out the season and let him walk or do you get a return ??
  8. Hard Rock

    Hard Rock Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    with the Suns traded for Wright, i guess we can all stop Dragic trade proposals:(
  9. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    That or it makes one of Plumlee or Len a movable asset.

    They are still really hurting for a wing player and to reduce the glut at the point guard spot. They wont compete with the better teams with that two small guard lineup & the lack of quality at the SF Spot. They have to solve one or the other.
  10. Hard Rock

    Hard Rock Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    problems are 1) they're pushing for the 8th seed, thus won't trade Dragic for only expiring & picks; 2) they don't need DMo/Jones now that's 2 of the best of our young talents.

    i'm guessing that if they have good chance making the playoffs by the deadline, they'll just wait 'till the summer to solve the PG issues. best way for them is to trade Bledsoe/Thomas for a decent SF and re-sign Dragic.
  11. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    That's a real possibility ... the other one is finding a 3rd team to fulfill their need for a SF/SG while sending Dragic out.

    A three team deal:

    Houston / Denver / Phoenix

    Houston out: KPap , Dorsey , Shved , NO1st , 2nd rounder.
    Denver out: Aflallo , Alonzo Gee (Waived).
    PHX out: Dragic & Plumlee.

    Houston in: Dragic & Plumlee
    Denver in: KPap , Shved , 2nd rounder.
    PHX in: Aflallo , Dorsey & NO1st.

    Denver sheds future salary & gains a pick + a young talent in KPap who has a team potion for next season , they can create even more space should they decline it.

    PHX solves both their PG & wing issues in one trade , gains a valuable asset in that NO pick (could substitute Jones for Dorsey).

    Houston gets their point guard and a center who hits FT's at a rate better 50% to plug in when teams go to hacking him (Or Smith).

    Another option would be Lance Stephenson & Charlotte. Probably a couple others that could facilitate that kind of deal.
  12. omgTHEpotential

    Apr 4, 2012
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    He seems long and has nice shot-blocking timing/anticipation, however he seems so skinny and didn't really show any other basketball skills in that highlight video, only dunks and some blocks. He needs to get stronger.

    Does he have a jumper? Post-game? How is his passing?
  13. Hard Rock

    Hard Rock Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    if Suns decided to keep Dragic in hoping to push for that 8th seed, i hope Morey can try to target Brandon Knight on the trade deadline.

    Shved + Jones + Pelican pick + NY pick for Knight + Henson

    it can also be done before the deadline, just make it 2 separate trades of Shved+Picks for Knight and Jones for Henson.

    Knight will be seeking a near Max deal this summer, i'm not sure if Milwaukee is willing/able to keep him.
    Shved is a big guard like Bucks' coach Kidd, who also doesn't shoot well in the early years. he is also a free agent this summer and should be easy to re-sign and develop under Kidd.
    the Pelican pick is very likely to be #11~13 and the NY pick is a valuable high 2nd rounder, i think combined should be equal (if not better) to those picks the Celtics got for Rondo.

    Jones/Henson swap just helps both team to balance the 4/5 rotation. Rockets has DMo/Smith maning the 4 and can really use a back up center in Henson. while the Bucks has Sanders/Pachulia at center but need a PF (they just signed 37yr. Kenyon Martin tells you how desperate they need a PF, Jones will be a nice addition for them)

    after this trade:

    Howard, Henson, Dorsey
    DMo, Smith, Capela
    Ariza, Brewer, Papa
    Harden, Terry, Johnson
    Knight, Beverley, Canaan

    Capela/Papa/Johnson/Canaan/Terry/(even Beverley) all can be throw-in if needed to work out a bigger deal. the Bucks also have some other nice players who can help this team. also if Capela/Dorsey is traded i really hope we can sign Jeff Adrien back asap.

    it'll be difficult to bring everyone back next year, but we're in win-now mode and i think it's about time to go all-in this season.
  14. elainas

    elainas Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    Can East become more weaker??? Green to MEM, and Wrigth to PNX, damm West preparing to dam WWIII in PO or what
  15. rogower

    rogower Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Phoenix does not have a need for either a SG or a SF. Phoenix gives all 96 of their G minutes to their three PGs, and that is by design, they want to keep it that way. And Phoenix has one of the most underrated players in the entire league playing at SF: P.J. Tucker. They are very happy with Tucker.

    Phoenix will only get better now, as they have traded for the excellent Brandam Wright, and Alex Len is improving rapidly. Phoenix should not only make the playoffs, they may emerge as a team that can really do some damage in the playoffs. I no longer expect them to trade away Dragic. At least not this season.

    Denver is clearly interested in converting their veterans into draft picks, cheap/young players, and cap space (in the form of expiring contracts). Ty Lawson is the logical trade target at this point, maybe also Danilo Gallinari and/or Arron Afflalo. We need to give up on Dragic.
  16. da_juice

    da_juice Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    I've been clamoring for Lawson or Affalo for awhile. Lawson isn't very good on defense though, and I don't know how much of a playmaker Affalo would be.
  17. ApolloRLB

    ApolloRLB Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I agree that they might be able to sneak into the playoffs some/most years with their current team but they'll never contend unless they upgrade the Morris Twins and PJ Tucker forward rotation. The Rockets are the only West playoff team that they can compete with at that position but we have the best SG and C to counteract it. Bledsoe/Dragic/Len is not enough to cover that weakness.
  18. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    BRANDON KNIGHT - Great up and coming point guard. Very athletic. Good to great shooter. Great finisher. Good to great handle. Doing a good job of keeping turnovers down. And very good defender with even more defensive potential to exploit. He's a complete package and would fit great here playing next to Harden.


    All that being said he's most likely not available. Milwaukee is fighting for a playoff birth in the East and Kidd has developed him. And they are NOT a playoff team without Knight. He IS their point guard. Despite all the hype surrounding Alphabet man, he's not ready to run the team. They have to have Knight at the point to win. I don't see Knight being available. If he were I'd have to consider giving up the Pels pick for him.
  19. NL Rocket

    NL Rocket Member

    Aug 1, 2012
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    I really want Dwight to **** off! Can we trade him for Kemba and Biyombo, the latter playing better against the Knicks right now..

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