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Lower back pain

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Falcons Talon, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    chiropractors only irritate your back/joints more. i dealt with back and neck pain for a year. i was going to a chiro and doing some massage therapy. eventually i realized all that extra manipulation was screwing things up even more. once i stopped going the pain slowly went away. if you decide to see a chiro then don't go more than a few times.
  2. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    I'm getting a MRI on my neck tomorrow. :(
  3. Sydeffect

    Sydeffect Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Hopefully it isn't a herniated disc.

    Worst pain I've ever had for a 3-4 day stretch.
  4. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I know a bit about lower back pain, having had a disc fusion of the L-5/S-1 vertebrae several years ago. You've already gotten good advice, but I'll add what I do. Ice will give you the most immediate relief. Buy a couple of the flexible ice packs you can probably get at your local grocery store or Target. Get the size that looks like it'll cover the painful area. Put one on the area for at least 20 minutes while comfortably lying down and it should help for a while. Alternate that with moist heat if you can. I get relief from soaking in a very hot tub with ground mustard seed in the water. HEB sells the stuff. Get a small packet and try it out. Massage therapy is also a good idea. A good chiropractor might help, but get checked out by an MD first to make sure you haven't ruptured a disc if the pain continues or gets worse. You shouldn't be dubious of Dubious, either. He's right about the hydrocodone (Vicodin is one form), in my opinion. A short course of that can make a miserable few days bearable.

    Good luck!
  5. kaleidosky

    kaleidosky Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    The last part makes sense to me. The first might have been bad for your specific situation, but certainly isn't true for everyone.

    I would recommend a chiro--but one that is specific with his solution plan and timing. If he lays out a 1 year treatment plan, run away. But as robbie said, if he says you can get it solved in 2-5 visits, I think that's a decent route. It has certainly been helpful to me at times.

    Massage can be helpful, but I've actually found massage from a chiropractor is more helpful--as they know where to go and how deep to get into the muscles.

    New suggestion...floating tanks (isolation tank). It puts your body in a state of zero pressure and you come out feeling better. The pain will likely return in some form as gravity, etc. starts to affect your body again, but for me at least it has usually been a little less severe afterwards.
  6. hvic

    hvic Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    not all chiropractors do the same treatment because some just believe in adjusting the joint only and others focus on rehabilitating and correcting your issue and muscle work. From my personal experience I like the sports chiropractors because most of my injuries is from working out or outdoor activities and will get you out of your pain better. As Kaleidosky pointed out please stay away from the chiros that want to sign you up for a year long "therapy" crap because it is a money making scheme. With any kind of injuries, healing time depends on your body so it is important not to rush it. I hope it is nothing too serious.
  7. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    There are bad chiros, just like there are bad therapists and doctors....it's important to find the best professional, not just a doctor, or a therapist, to avoid a chiro.

    Direct ab work doesn't necessarily solve back issues. You have to look at your overall mechanics and pinpoint what's causing the problem. Really there's no "back" muscle. You do have your erectors, but those go along your spine vertically. It could very well be your lats as well, as they run down your lower back.

    Based on what your saying though, it sounds to me like it's just soreness from overworking that area. You may have used your lower back too much in your work out the day before by arching it. The muscles controlling that movement are now tight and sore, which is a common reaction to a work out, but since it's technically an improper movement, it feels worse than it should.

    I'd check the form, especially if it just goes away on it's own the next few days.
  8. MIAGI99

    MIAGI99 Member

    Jul 3, 2008
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    Yeah, I remember the heating pad helping a lot or soaking in hot tub with epsom salt. You will just have to tough it through and do not brace it as that prolongs the pain from my experience. If it gets really worse or you need to move around a lot then use back brace only temporarily though.
  9. kemah

    kemah Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    I get back pain now and again from driving but also used to from working out too much when younger. The best thing I have found is to find a good massage therapist. At least once a month and I would be all fixed up. Make sure you let them know at the time of therapy any pains or tightness beforehand. If any get pains from too much strenuous activity then find a therapist that specializes in sports massage therapy.
  10. body slam

    body slam Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Serious question

    Have you noticed if your going to the restroom more often or having trouble going?

    Tip to relieve pain

    Take it easy. No basketball practice and no going to the gym. Even after it gets better. Continue to take it easy for a week or so.

    Drink a beer before you go to bed. This is what my doctor recommended me to do. It will help your body relax and loosen up.

    Go to the doctor first then to a chiropractor or other treatment.
  11. Falcons Talon

    Falcons Talon Member

    Feb 28, 2002
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    No problems going to the rest room, but I dread going because it hurts to move.

    I can't skip basketball practice because I'm the coach. I actually felt better out working at the gym...warmed up and loosened up my back. My gf really tried to help me at the gym. She even cut workout short, and she now has me lying on a heated massaging mat. Hopefully I wake up a little looser.
  12. tharges

    tharges Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Never walk barefoot, aleve gels work the best for short periods of pain, invest in a pair of crocs, and u shaped inserts for shoes. I assure you pain will go away, I would also look up Mckenzie technique exercises for your back to strengthen your muscles. Good luck
  13. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    I know how you feel bro. Have no advice, but hope you get better soon.
  14. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    I can't think of many worse things I'd have someone do with low back pain than crunches. Strengthen your core to stabilize your spine, a plank would be a good option.

    Loosen your hips, strengthen the anti flexion/extension aspects of your core, and activate your glutes. Those will help a lot.
  15. the shark

    the shark Member

    Mar 16, 2010
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  16. Angkor Wat

    Angkor Wat Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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  17. Amel

    Amel Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Sleep on the floor for couple of weeks. The first few days will be tough, but later you'll love it.

    I have had similar issues and slept on the floor for couple of months, later moved to the firmest foam mattress I could find. Feels good
  18. Medicine N Music

    May 2, 2006
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    Dude, this is not correct. Opiates are potentially addictive, can cause respiratory depression, and can interact with many medications in addition to having acetaminophen.

    Vicodin or just hydrocodone in general comes in tylenol (acetaminophen) in 325mg, 500mg, or 750mg (most popular ones), while a tylenol extra strength is 500mg. It's not only a "small dose".

    Also, ibuprofen does not do liver damage, as it's excreted through the kidney.
  19. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Sorry to hear that. I've got back injuries and get back spasms every now and then. Was dealing them last week. Stretching and lying on the floor or any other hard surface (with your knees up so your back straightens) helps. If you're having spasms make sure you are hydrated and a deep tissue massage helps. IN addition to alternating heat and cold as others have suggested icy hot / Ben-gay rub helps too.
  20. Medicine N Music

    May 2, 2006
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    The problem with chiros is not the fact that some are "bad"; it's rather the fact that their treatments may not be better than widely available medications and the placebo effect. Basically, your pain may go away just with time or OTC meds, and without the doing chiro treatment. However, some feel better going to the chiro and state their pain level is reduced. I'm not against chiros at all, but this is why people say "stay away from chiros".

    TL;DR - Chiros don't completely practice evidence based medicine.

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