You've got your turnovers out of order - Foster's fumble (after Manning's disasterous fumble) made it 17-13; Fitzpatrick's pick made it 24-13. I don't have any issue with trying to push for a late FG after falling behind.
Foster did just fumble the run before so maybe was hesitant on that end. I can see him wanting to get a quick strike up the field to try and kick a fg to counteract the 2 scores they just had.
ima_drummer2k, I think there wouldn't have been enough time to run the clock out in that scenario. We had plenty of time to run or pass to get a field goal, at least, before half time. I think that's what they were trying to do. Yeah, that seems like a fair assessment. LOLs. Thank you, Coach.
After last night, nobody should expect anything but more pathetic results and excuses from this team until they go out there and prove otherwise. What I saw out there last night sickened me to no end. The Steelers (who aren't very good) dug down deep and fought when faced with adversity while the Texans (who were SUPPOSED to be a better team) folded up like a house of cards. The Steelers did not throw anything at them that they hadn't practiced and prepared and yet when the game was on the line, they folded. That's the one thing I find hardest to accept this morning. I can accept losing but to continue to lose winnable games this way is too much to take.
Only thing I can say about yesterday is it looks like Derek Newton was back to being Derek Newton last night...he was constantly getting demolished. Main reason why that interception happened Fitz was backpedaling when he threw it.
I have a major issue with trying to push for a late FG. The Steelers burn your secondary, Daniel manning fumbles the football and you have terrible field position in your own territory. Why give the Steelers a chance to build on that moment by throwing in that situation? The "Smart" thing to do would have been to run down the clock since they had two timeouts and then trust our punter Shane to pin them back with his boomer of a leg. But no, we decided to not settle for a 13-10 lead at half time and look what happened. These types of rookie coaching mistakes are very frustrating, but i'm not completely putting all blame on O'Brien. It was a collective team failure. Btw this is the NFL, not Madden. Save that throwing BS for that.
Crap. I think my Benadryl had already kicked in by the 2-minute warning. I still think we should have just run the clock out and taken a small lead on the road at halftime. Especially since we deferred to get the ball to start the 2nd half.
They didn't; they ran Arian Foster, who fumbled. They were down 17-13, at their 20, when Fitzpatrick threw the pick. I have no issue with them trying to steal a late FG and go into the half down 1.
Still on Benadryl?... The Texans led 13-10 when Manning fumbled and stumbled to the 9. There was 1:22 left on the clock and the Steelers had 2 TOs. You could have run the clock down *some*... but you were almost certainly giving the ball back to Pittsburgh in decent field position if you go 3-and-out.
Exactly. That was the turning point of the game. Losing that interception, instead of running the clock out, not only cost us points, but shell shocked the team even further, and we were never able to recover, even when we got the ball after halftime.
The "play better, coach better" line is wearing thin. I would hate to see OBrien edge into Ed Peterson post game territory. How about, "that was a sorry execution of football," or " my starting QB is a turnover waiting to happen," or "get Manning some glasses so he can find the ball!" How about, " I am totally disgusted, frustrated, and mad just like our fans." Or my favorite, "Major changes are coming, I promise."
You guys can never laugh at the Cowboys again on the premise that they screw up and make laughable plays to lose ball games. You can't...not after the way the Texans have found ways to lose games this season and last. You'll are playing like that inconsistent mess you used to make fun of and relish in when the Cowboys did it. However, as a Cowboys fan, I'm not laughing at your team having been through that. I know how bad it sucks to be there and playing like that. I'm rooting for you'll to turn it around.
The Texans outdid the infamous "butt-fumble" game by the Jets in terms of sheer embarrassment. That's hard to do.
Are teams allowed to initiate a challenge during the final timeout?? The Arian Foster fumble was initially ruled down by contact, and then timeout by the Steelers in order to preserve time...then they issued a challenge without having any more timeouts for the half... It also could not have been an official review, because the runner was ruled down by contact...very similar to the St. Louis/Seahawks game. Foster didnt even look to recover the ball under the assumption that the play was blown dead. Maybe Im just making all this up, but if someone understands this, please explain why Pittsburgh was allowed to challenge the play in the first place?
That's the one thing that angered me the most because Tania's question was in no way inappropriate. In fact it was a very legit question. Now if she'd asked something stupid like "Do you feel that you'll be coaching here next year?" then I could see BoB going off. If that pinhead wanted to yell at someone, he should have yelled at his so-called players who can't pickup a RB going in motion out the backfield.
The biggest worry I saw was the Cushing looks done. He's slow & stiff and looks worse than ever. Maybe he needs another year, like DeMeco, to recover & regain that speed and strength. Also, Manning looked clueless as a kick returner. If he's not contributing as a backup safety either, what's the point of having him here? This team is lucky they have a soft schedule. They won't make the playoffs but it'll give them time to get it together & learn how to win.