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Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Two Sandwiches, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    Would you give up Jones, NOP 1st, Johnson, and Beverley for Dragic?
  2. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Would be tough to give up somebody like Bev, but absolutely. Objectively looking at it, it's a no brainer.
  3. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Having said that...if Phoenix is looking to get rid of their stockpile of PG's, not sure they'd even want both Beverley and N. Johnson.
  4. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    I like Dragic, but that is too much for him. A healthy Beverely off the bench, along with Dragic on the Rockets would be awesome. It's going to be very difficult to pull it off unfortunately.
  5. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    #### no.
  6. baubo

    baubo Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    I would in a vacuum. But Houston has more leverage in any PG trade discussion than one may think. We hear about Dragic because our insiders talk about them, but it's not like there aren't other possibilities out there.

    Depending on how the season plays out, it's possible there are a lot more PGs available near the trade deadline, when certain teams may be out of the playoff race and think more about rebuilding. Rondo will definitely be available. Ty Lawson, Jeff Teague, Rubio, George Hill(not a true PG but works on this team) and perhaps others can become available.

    IF Phoenix want to trade Dragic because they don't want to keep him, then the time to trade him is clearly now, when there's no competition on the market. The Rockets are going to be the only major buyer on the market in the forseeable future. Because as many others have posted on this thread, we are the only team that actually need a PG and have pieces to trade back. And we are willing to pay for one season of Dragic, whereas by the trade deadline we will only be trading for 2 months of him.

    Basically, If the Suns want to trade Dragic, then we don't need to give up that much. If the Suns wan to keep Dragic, then that package is not nearly the value of Dragic the player himself, who played at an all-star level last year.
  7. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    Not sure about it being too much. I mean we're talking about an All-NBA player in Gogi. Plus, Beverley is about to get paid soon after this coming season.
  8. NotChandlerParsons

    Nov 11, 2012
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    Yes. I think people are massively under-rating Dragic here. His true shooting % is .60. Dwight Howard's is 58%. He's on an 8 million a year contract. And that's why trading picks and prospects for him is not gonna happen.
  9. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    He will be an unrestricted free agent who isn't eligible for a contract extension. No team will over pay in a trade for a 1yr rental. Wspecially when there's nothing to stop the Suns from signing him away again after they had traded him.
  10. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    That's too much for dragic, even if you value him as an all star....It's 2 starters, but likely 4 down the line. That's the kind of package you'd normally get for an established star. Perhaps the potential Love trade is on your mind, but rarely do teams get back a younger star + prospect for their veteran star. The twolves are just using the leverage they have at the moment, otherwise Bennett would be the centerpiece of the deal.

    Since Dragic isn't better than Love, then a package for Goran would be less valuable than Bennett, Thompson and a pick. So I'd say it's more like Jones, Johnson and the NO pick (plus fillers if needed).
    #6850 RV6, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
  11. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    Sounds right to me.
  12. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    One important issue here is having to wait for Jones' development while risking what's left in his prime years and his contract with us. We are in a win now mode. Exactly why i really liked the Ariza signing because we need good veteran role players and Trevor is the only player on our roster that actually has a championship ring. I don't wanna lose Beverley but if we're getting a player in Dragic's caliber in return, i wouldn't mind it at all.

    Plus, that NOP 1st is bound to end up in the lower end of the lottery in a weak draft. Again, we don't need young unproven players getting significant minutes in our rotation, let alone starting.
  13. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    One important issue here is having to wait for Jones' development while risking what's left in Dwight's prime years and his contract with us. We are in a win now mode. Exactly why i really liked the Ariza signing because we need good veteran role players and Trevor is the only player on our roster that actually has a championship ring. I don't wanna lose Beverley but if we're getting a player in Dragic's caliber in return, i wouldn't mind it at all.

    Plus, that NOP 1st is bound to end up in the lower end of the lottery in a weak draft. Again, we don't need young unproven players getting significant minutes in our rotation, let alone starting.

    * Fixed.
  14. RocketFan

    RocketFan Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Heck no! :eek:
  15. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    The Dragon
    The Beard
    Rocket Man

    That's a ton of shooting right there. D12's Magic supporting cast on roids! Ha! Anyhow, i am still skeptical about Phoenix trading us Gogi. That dude is a flat out stud.
  16. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Jones, Beverley, Johnson and the Pelicans pick isn't anywhere near a package of Wiggens, Bennett and a future 1st pick.

    4 starters? Dude, Beverley and Jones are fringe starters at best, both would be good backups, but neither should be starting on a winning team and we all know that. Johnsons is a mid second round pick, penciling him in as starter is ridiculous thing to right now considering he hasn't played a single nba minute proving he won't be more then a career d-leaguer. The Pelicans pick could be a starter, star, bench player or a Royce White. There's no telling, the pick would most likely be a role player i'm sure we could agree, a role player that would take around 2-4 years to develop into it's full potential of a role player.

    Jones and Beverley - fringe nba starters, bench players on winning teams IMO, that is why we are indeed trying to upgrade these positions. Johnson a mid second round pick who hasn't proved a thing, and a likely future role player who won't be developed for another 3-4 years from now.

    I think that package, is absolutely worth Dragic to this team. Dragic IMO would be an amazing 3rd tier player on a championship team.

    Examples of other 3rd tier players on last years top 10 teams ( I won't include the spurs lol, so top 9 )

    Jordan - Clippers (Paul, Griffin, Jordan)
    Ibaka - Thunder (Durant, Westbrook, Ibaka)
    Bosh - Heat (James, Wade, Bosh )
    Batum - Trail Blazers (Aldridge, Lillard, Batum)
    Stephenson - Pacers (George, West, Stephenson)
    Lee - Warriors (Curry, Thompson, lee)
    Randolph - Grizzles (Gasol, Conley, Randolph)
    Calderon - Mavericks (Dirk, Ellis, Calderon)
    Parsons - Rockets (Howard, Harden, Parsons)

    Dragic is potentially the best player on that list, IMO he is, but you can't really say because he lead the Suns last season, and it's hard to know what his production would be next to 2 stars instead. Dragic definitely wasn't a chucker on a bad team though, he was super efficient, and won 48 games for the Suns last season in the west.

    With Howard, Harden and Dragic, in my opinion, the Rockets would be a real contender for being one of the top 2 teams in the league next season along with the Cavs. I truly believe that big 3 can win multiple championships.

    I'm not sure if the rockets even has a chance at acquiring Dragic, and I certainly don't know what package we'd send if we did snatch him. But I strongly believe that a packaged of Beverly, Jones, Johnson and the Pelicans pick would be a fair deal, and even a steal on our behalf, for Dragic. I completely understand the situation the Suns are in, with Bledsoe, Thomas, Ennis, cheap owner, no bird rights, unrestricted free agents in 2015, 28 years old, point guard surplus, and I still think that the package wouldn't be overpaying for Dragic at all. If we were to trade for him with that kind of package, I would be ecstatic. If we could steal him for even less? I can say with 100% assurance that me and CCorn would personally go down on Morey.
  17. RocketFan

    RocketFan Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Sorry but no. That is severely overpaying...
  18. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    I know fans tend to overvalue their players, but if the suns are intent on moving Dragic then a package of TJones, Johnson, and the lottery pick is a fantastic offer. Jones is very underrated.
  19. tycoonchip

    tycoonchip Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 25, 1999
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    Agreed. Dragic would be a great addition but Not for Beverly AND Jones. It has to be one or the other. Phoenix's greed and inability to resolve their issues may turn out to backfire on them if they are not careful.
  20. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    Be honest, how would you guys feel if we had Dragic and after being named to the All-NBA 3rd team, Morey trades him for NOP 1st + Jones + Johnson? Think about it.
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