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Cyberx, paging cyberx ....

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Two Sandwiches, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. Hakeemtheking

    Hakeemtheking Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Love Dragic, but you are giving up a lot on that trade. Still, we are in the win now mode so you do whatever to get a pretty good pg in here. Dragic would easily replace Lin's production and some, besides being a much better fit next to Harden as a catch and shoot guard.
  2. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Agreed. To add to your list, Memphis has Conley and really likes him, bet they are off the list too. Detroit and NY have no assets, unless Greg Monroe agrees to a trade or Phoenix suddenly falls in love with Shumpert. Miami has no tradeable assets either, might have the space to pull it off. Dallas and Houston are both contenders, but don't know if Dallas has the flexiblity to pull it off. Sacramento just cheaped out on Isaiah to get an inferior Darren Collison and they probably don't have the assets without freeing up Gay (which would require a lot of salary along with Gogi) or Cousins (not gonna happen). I guess if they offered up Ben McLemore and a pick they might have something on the board, but I'm not that high on McLemore right now and I don't think Phoenix would be either if Bledsoe and Thomas are both in their long term plans. Milwaukee and Charlotte are possibilities. Utah just drafted Exum so I doubt they will give up much for a year rental on Gogi. Atlanta is high on Teague (rightfully so) and not sure Dragic is a huge upgrade over Teague, who is younger, improving, and cheaper.

    Realistically, that leaves Houston, Dallas, Milwaukee, and Charlotte. Out of those three, Houston and Dallas are the only two in contention that really need a PG. And Dallas doesn't have a lot of flexibility.

    I would imagine an offer of Jones, Canaan/Johnson, and the NOP pick would compare favorably with anything out there.

    That doesn't mean they would bite - they might just wait til the trade deadline once the picture is clearer for a lot of teams.

    Hoping that my optimism is founded.
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  3. Ariza4MVP

    Ariza4MVP Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    Agree with you for sure. Not always about how great your offer is, but who else will get him. Pg is so saturated with talent that pgs always go for less than expected.
  4. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    Gee is a throw away
    Jury is still out on N. Johnson despite his play in the summer league (paging Donte Green)

    All you have left is Terrance Jones and the Hornets' pick.

    If that isn't worth an All-NBA 3rd Teamer then I don't know what is.
  5. duluth111222

    duluth111222 Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Indiana failed their 1st try doesn't necessarily mean they're out of the race. If anything, it means we have competition for Dragic trade. With PG13 out, Indiana may have to up their offer to get more help if they want to stay competitive next season.
  6. jch1911

    jch1911 Member

    May 20, 2009
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    Posted this in another thread a few days back b4 Bledsoe & Monroe talked of opting in

  7. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    It's been too long. If PHX were interested in Monroe we would've heard about it by now because either a double S&T of Bledsoe/Monroe or a simple S&T of Dragic/Monroe makes too much sense for both teams if PHX wanted Monroe.

    I suspect PHX isn't the slightest bit interested in Monroe.
  8. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Agreed. Monroe doesn't realize it yet, but there's not a huge market for an offense only PF who can't defend or shoot the 3, and whose passing is overrated. He is a decent rebounder as well. But that doesn't add up to the max contract that he wants.

    Don't think Phoenix would hamstring themselves for 4 years with a player with that skillset and with limited room for growth.
  9. SuperKev

    SuperKev Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    If hibbert was too little then we have nothing to offer unless you want try to trade them dwight howard. If you think PHX will do something silly just to get up to the minimum salary then kool-aid is your favorite drink. We have very little to offer. Sign and trade Garcia + TJ for Dragic would be the most lop sided trade in history. My money is on PHX keeping dragic and trying like hell to keep bledsoe.
  10. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    Guard rotations around the league:

    Atlanta - Teague, Korver
    Boston - Rondo, Bradley, Smart
    Brooklyn - DWill, Johnson, Jack
    Charlotte - Walker, Stephenson
    Chicago - Rose, Butler, Hinrich
    Cleveland - Irving, Waiters
    Dallas - Nelson, Ellis, Harris
    Denver - Lawson, Afflalo
    Detriot - Jennings, Meeks
    GSW - Curry, Thompson, Livingston
    Houston - Beverley, Harden
    Indy - Hill, Miles, Watson
    LAC - CP3, Redick
    LAL - Nash, Bryant, Lin
    Memphis - Conley, Lee, Allen
    Miami - Chalmers, Wade, Cole
    Milwaukee - Knight, Mayo
    Minnesota - Rubio, Wiggins, Martin
    New Orleans - Holiday, Gordon
    New York - Calderon, Shumpert, JR Smith
    OKC - Westbook, Jackson
    Orlando - Payton, Oladipo
    Philly - MCW
    PHX - Dragic, Bledsoe, Thomas
    Portland - Lillard, Matthews
    Sacramento - Collison, McLemore, Stauskas
    San Antonio - Parker, Green, Ginobili
    Toronto - Lowry, Ross, Vasquez
    Utah - Burke, Exum, Hayward
    Washington - Wall, Beal

    So of every team and the league, the following might be looking for an upgrade:

    New York

    Of these, Philly and Milwaukee are likely not interested in a 28 y/o guard looking for a full max or near max contract while they're respective teams are in full rebuilding. Dallas, Indy, Miami, and New York don't have ANY tradable assets.

    So here's what's left:

    Detriot (Monroe)
    Houston (NOP 1st, TJones)
    LAL (Randle)
    Sacramento (McLemore, Stauskas)

    I think Houston has Detriot and LAL beat. Sacramento is a different story, especially if they offer up Stauskas and a pick.
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  11. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I can see them offering up McLemore but not Stauskas. If they traded McLemore now, they would be selling low. But do you think that they would flip for another PG after overpaying Collison?

    I don't know, Sacramento is a bit unpredictable and unconventional post-Ranadive, so anything might be in play.

    Sacto is the team that probably has the most to offer and a definite need at PG. Question is whether they perceive that need or assume that Collison is the answer.
  12. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    That's been my feelings as well. Nothing has held up that trade from happening. If they were going to swap Monroe and Bledsoe or Dragic, they would have done it by now.

    Monroe, like Pekovic, strikes me as a contract you would regret in a year or two. Plus, Phoenix likes to run....don't think that's Monroe's game.
  13. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    Hibbert's contract is awful.
  14. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    The deal with Sacramento is that they've always been mentioned with Rondo. It seems like a logical fit, though they can't give Boston the front court player they are probably looking for.

    Stauskas is a Dragic clone. Love his game. If I were the Kings, I wouldn't trade him.
  15. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Hibbert wasn't too little talent. It was too much money owed to a mentality unstable player.

    Kyle Lowry was traded for a late lottery pick and Gary Forbes.
  16. Francis3422

    Francis3422 Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    If Dragic is really so likely then I assume Dragic has expressed that he would like to go back to Houston.

    In order of the available PGS.... I prefer Rubio, Dragic, Bledsoe and then Rondo.

    Rubio being at the top for me because he still has the highest ceiling. All he has to do is learn to shoot.
  17. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Me either, and McLemore/pick probably isn't enough for Dragic. Certainly doesn't trump Jones/NOP pick. Stauskas strikes me as more of a 2 because of his size/lack of speed but they have similar skill sets.
  18. DreaMac

    DreaMac Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    So is his production.
  19. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I don't get why people are so high on Rubio. He can defend and pass, but people just crowd the paint and lay off him when he is in half court sets. You would think he would have learned to shoot by now? I don't know enough about shot mechanics to comment but there must be something fundamentally wrong with his jumpshot. His confidence is in the pits too after Adelman basically lost faith in him. I'm really not that keen on Rubio, even though I really liked his game as a rookie. I do have to say that his FG% has improved each year, but it's still near the bottom of the league.

    Dragic, Bledsoe, and Rondo seems like a reasonable order, with flags on both Bledsoe and Rondo due to injury concerns. Dragic is my favorite of the bunch.
  20. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    I wouldn't trade him either. Don't think he's got as good a handle as Dragic but he's a legit 2 guard, big time shooter and scorer. And he's got big balls and heart.

    The problem Sacramento has is McLemore is looking like a bust. In fact, I'll go ahead and say it. He's a bust. He's not going to be great. Can shoot the ball. But won't be a defender and can't dribble very well. And he's streaky. Doesn't show any heart. Boston doesn't want him. Sacramento almost has to give up Stauskas to get Rondo. Which I don't think they do. I think they hold their hand and try to get Rondo to sign next summer.
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