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Are the Cavs willing to give up too much for Love?

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Jet036, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    People don't make videos

    He's really not that awful

    And if you think he just camps out at the 3 point line, you've probably never watched him (and i wouldnt blame you because its Minnesota)
  2. MemphisX

    MemphisX Member

    Dec 20, 2001
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    There is a big cavern between elite(top 10) and awful. Nobody is saying Kevin Love is an awful player.

    However, when the Cavs realize they will be trading Andrew Wiggins for a glorified Carlos Boozer with range it just becomes stupid. You know 25 year old Carlos Boozer popped a 24.1 PER and was doing 21/12/3 on a 51 win team. Would anyone have advocated trading a #1 overall pick with superstar potential for Carlos freaking Boozer in 2007 even after watching him and Deron take the Jazz to the WCFs?

    Why does it make sense with Kevin Love? What has Kevin Love in the NBA besides compile stats? He is not a two-way player and he is not a #1 option who you can throw the ball to and expect him to produce offense in the closing minutes.

    P.S. 25 year old Chris Bosh: 24/11/2 with a 25 PER.
  3. opticon

    opticon Member

    Jun 11, 2006
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    Great points
  4. kingdragon22

    kingdragon22 Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    the cavs FO said that wiggins isn't going anywhere, and never said that he is part of the trade.

    wiggins is going to be a great defensive player, and that's what a championship team needs.

    love is great but also a liability in defense.

    I would wait to see what will become of wiggins, or trade for black griffin and deandre Jordan, if sterling will insist on staying their owner, and player woulden't want to stay part of the clippers team.
  5. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Your implying that Boozer or Bosh weren't great players... They were. The issue with Boozer specifically has been his decline... Not his peak.

    Also, should be noted, if we're using stats like points, boards, assists, blocks and PER, then INDEED, Kevin Love has both Boozer and Bosh beat. Higher PERs, at a younger age, more consistently. But for his injury the year before last, he'd have just finished his fourth year in a row with a PER of 24.3 or higher. Yes, Bosh hit 25 once.. yes Boozer had that one year north of 24. Love put up a 26.9 PER last year. It's a difference... that is meaningful. But also yes, as noted, dude needs help defensively a lot.

    But at their peaks, sure Boozer, Bosh and Love are worthy of a number 1 pick. Not a Lebron, Hakeem, Duncan, Shaq number 1 but the next level down... Which is pretty solid.

    The question is really what kind of number 1 do you think Wiggins will be? And how long will it take him to reach that peak? And finally could you get Love without giving up Wiggins? I think the answer to the last question is no... To get Love they have to give up Wiggins. I think the answer to the second question is at least 4-5 years. Sure Wiggins could be a valuable contributor earlier... But valuable enough? I'm not sure the Cavs as currently constructed best the Heat this year, or Pacers, or Bulls... Much less any western finals team. Finally I have no clue the answer to the first question... BUT probability, his year at Kansas and his time in the summer league point to either Wiggins never reaching that Lebron/Hakeem level of player.... Or requiring a lot of seasoning to get there.

    The Cavs can win championships with Kyrie/Lebron/Love. As early as next year.... Despite the rosters defensive holes.
    #85 JayZ750, Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    1 person likes this.
  6. Wolverrines

    Wolverrines Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Wiggins for Love is to much but LeBron is the GM and does not care about potential. Willing to wreck the Cavs potential to make more moves to get that third player. Their biggest need is a center so unless they get Dieng back the move is a complete failure. Sideshow Bob is average nowadays and consistently hurt and Love is almost as bad as Harden on defense.
  7. dback816

    dback816 Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Or Lebron can just "waste" a year and get both Wiggins and Love.
  8. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Love telling teams he's only signing a long-term deal with Cavs, according to Stephen A. Smith just a few hours ago. If Cavs really trade Wiggins for him they're beyond stupid.
  9. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Who's really stupid here?

    If this is true, Love is saying that to prevent another team from offering the T-Wolves a legit package because he wants a trade only to Cleveland.
  10. MemphisX

    MemphisX Member

    Dec 20, 2001
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    Why would they HAVE to give up Wiggins? Nobody else is offering a player even close to that level. Then we are talking about Wiggins plus prospects and picks AND taking on contracts.

    Who is to say that Kevin love even resigns? Did the Cavs not learn anything from Carlos Boozer? Verbal agreements mean nothing and there is nothing the Cavs can do to prevent Love from walking. Why even take a chance?

    And Wiggins does not have to reach LeBron/Hakeem level. All he has to do is reach Kevin Love level which is an All Star putting up numbers on a losing team. Ceiling ain't to high is it?

    The assumption that you are making and a lot of other people are making is that no other players are available. Should I trade Wiggins for Love or trade a smaller package for a defensive big while keeping Wiggins.
    #90 MemphisX, Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
  11. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    This is true, but he could just wait and play out the season no matter where. When he's a FA, he can control his own destiny and potentially allow the Cavs to retain Wiggins. Its not like there is another big name that the Cavs will go after instead of him.
  12. SPURS

    SPURS Rookie

    Jan 28, 2014
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    He does wanna join the Spurs next year.
  13. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I don't think Love gives a care about Wiggins. He wants to play with LeBron and compete for a championship NOW! Don't blame him one bit and I would do the same thing behind the scenes to make sure this trade goes down. If he goes deep in the playoffs with LeBron, it will maximize his leverage next summer.

    There are any number of things that could happen if Love doesn't play for the Cavs this coming season and neither side wants to take that chance. Both are smart to take the bird in the hand.

    It's very easy for outsiders to tell them "patience".
  14. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Because after Wiggins the Cavs have nothing. And absent Wiggins or Klay Thomson, other teams might be more attractive to the TWolves. Meaning Bulls... Heck even the Rockets. TJones will again be better this year. Jones, DMo, another rookie, Pellies pick, filler is better than anything led by Waiters and Bennet which is laughable. Butler, Gibson is way better. And regardless of what Love says you can be sure he'd resign with the Bulls or Rockets.

    What's going to happen, IMO, is that Wiggins will struggle a bit early, as will the Cavs... At least a bit. Maybe they'll be gelling a bit by trade deadline but I don't really see their package of players improving their trade value meaningfully.

    So the Cabs don't have to give up Wiggins, but if they don't, and the trade doesn't happen till the trade deadline, their second package won't be as good.

    Love will resign anywhere that will give him a max deal with bird rights, assuming its a winning situation.

    Kevin Love had the third bet PER in the league last year. For some reason it's become fashionable to knock him for "standing by the three point line" and "stat padding" his rebounds. The reality is he's really really really good. For Wiggins to reach that level he'd have to similarly be really really really good. Certainly possible... In years.

    Kevin Loves one real weakness is defense.

    What other player is available that makes sense? They don't just need a defensive big. They need a third wheel of a big three. If that guy is also great at defense even better.
  15. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    I agree...no sense in trading for Love, right now, regardless if AW is a bust. The price of Love goes down as the season goes along.
  16. Redcfc1

    Redcfc1 Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    Love does not the want the team he's joining to lose assets for him. The Cavs should just wait.
  17. i3artow i3aller

    Aug 5, 2008
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  18. Pieman2005

    Pieman2005 Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Jefferson better than Love? Why? Because he made the playoffs in the East? Love would have made the playoffs this year if they were in East. Jefferson missed the playoffs all his career in Celtics and Wolves. You're being hypocritical.
  19. TheGreat

    TheGreat Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Wiggins is already better than love. He plays defense 30x better and his offensive game will only get better.

    Get Love and your defense will be pitiful with Irving and Love
  20. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    You have seen Wiggins vs top flight NBA SGs/SFs to make that judgement?

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