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Chandler Parsons offended how the Rockets treated him in free agency

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by J.R., Jul 14, 2014.

  1. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    If I had to wager who's right (Morey thinking that Parsons is not a max player or Parsons turning into an all-star) I'd actually put money on Morey.

    Trading Lowry away was done because him and McHale clashed and we *maybe* could have retained Dragic at that time.

    Letting Dragic go was a decision not entirely made by Morey based on the quotes

    Other than that, Morey has been pretty spot on on the players he let go. Carl Landry is overpaid right now. Patterson is better suited as a player coming off the bench. Chase Buddinger has had his career halted by injuries. Brooks has been a revolving door player and that 19ppg season was a flash in the pan.
  2. HR Dept

    HR Dept Member

    May 31, 2012
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    Was about to start a thread, but I’ll just vent here:

    Parson’s is GONE, now…

    Get over it! He was a stellar role player here, and now Ariza will come in and be the same -- Plus an added bonus on the defensive end. Parsons was ALWAYS overrated here. He's a streaky shooter and average defender at best. Very opportunistic and potentially lethal on offense, but his production was always based on the factors surrounding him on the court. Never off of what he created nor his superior talent. The guy is a SOLID player that anyone would want on their team, but he’s not a “star”, “future star”, “budding star” or whatever other label he or Dallas would like to label him as.

    Parsons is a four year college basketball player and three year vet of the NBA. Any improvements that he makes to his game at this point will be incremental at best. For the most part, he is who he’s going to be. A James Posey, Loul Deng, Nicholas Batum, Rick Fox, Sean Elliot type of player. A player with game and value and worth; but far from a star. A PROTOTYPICAL ROLE PLAYER. And there’s nothing wrong with that, unless that player costs $15+ million a season.

    If Chandler is offended, it's only because the truth hurts.
  3. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    And that's why we're sitting here debating on whether Parsons is worth Max money because apparently Cuban told him what he wanted to hear.

    What Cuban said was probably "You're an all-star and is worth the max"

    What Morey and some of us KNOW is that Parsons play DID not (not saying "will not") merit Max contract status.
  4. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I agree. He's very good, but the best coach in the NBA doesn't have a sizable lead in a super important game, and then decide to go hack a Howard, and completely shift the pace of the game to turn around in Houston's favor to ultimately win.

    The guy runs pretty much the exact same system as McHale does. They both come from the Bill Fitch 80's Celtics school of game-play. There is very little difference in style of game-play that the Rockets have with the Mavs, and the Mavs had with the 90's Rockets, and the 90's Rockets had with the Celtics in the 80's. Space, Pace, move the ball, pick and roll.

    Yes, Carlisle is a great communicator, is very candid in interviews, and is a very smart guy when you listen to him. I respect the hell out of the guy, but lets not get carried away with thinking that how smart he sounds in interviews & how well he's respected equates to him reinventing the wheel on the basketball court.
  5. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    It's not the moves Morey makes that bother me sometimes. It's his communication and de-humanizing of players in the media. He can wheel and deal all he wants but he has to learn to soften the message.
  6. SamCassell

    SamCassell Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Wouldn't have made a difference. Parsons is not a superstar. He's a high level SF, might even make an all-star team or 2. But he's more Shareef Abdur-Rahim than Carmelo Anthony. More Glen Rice or Lamar Odom than Kevin Durant. We'll see how he does. He's definitely good enough to be a 3rd option on the right title contender, but not good enough on this current Rockets team. They desperately need some defense from the forward positions to contend, and Parsons didn't offer that.
  7. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    I agree. It's not like Parsons has a well of untapped potential left. He came in with a lot of tools because he stayed in college for 4 years. If he scores 20 ppg next season was that because he took his game to another level? Probably but I'd bet on the fact that he'll actually get more shots (ergo more buckets) that lead to that.

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Morey doesn't kiss Role Player ass. He does that just fine to superstars though.
  9. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    I always thought he was Tayshaun Prince reincarnate.
  10. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    And I agree. The whole "assets" thing and the "pieces" thing do rub people the wrong way but in the end what's the difference between him treating Parsons like an asset and Parsons going to grab a big pay day in Dallas? Each is trying to better his situation at the end of the day.

    Personal relationships with GMs is a rare thing and will continue to go that route as long as the GMs are coming from Morey's pedigree and not from former players or coaches. This is just NBA players getting a hard knock education on the real world of corporate America where everyone working is considered a movable asset.
  11. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    The difference is that one is management and one is an employee. Basic 101 of being a good manager is making your employees feel valued. It has nothing to do with the NBA - it applies to every manager in every industry. Being smart and making shrewd decisions is important. But so is developing employee buy-in.
  12. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    SamCassell you gets no arguments from me sir. Parsons is not up there with Melo, Lebron, or Durant.
  13. RocketsPimp

    RocketsPimp Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    To be blunt, **** Chandler Parsons! Morey and Les did him a solid by not picking up the last year of his contract. I wonder how offended he'd be earning ~$900k versus $15 million this next year. Have fun sucking in Dallas for the next 3 years jackass.

    You're NOT a star Chandler Parsons. Not only have you scratched the surface of where you can be as a player, but you are about to smack your big ass, pretentious head against the ceiling.
  14. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Exactly steddinotayto
  15. BackNthDay

    BackNthDay Member

    May 29, 2006
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    Agree wholeheartedly, too many disappearing acts for me to give you $15 mln reasons to do it again. I enjoyed watching him grow as a Rocket and contribute. It would have been nice to see him step in that big 3 role in the Portland series.
  16. Snorkin

    Snorkin Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    So far this offseason, the Rockets have lost three of their core rotation players, all three of whom have expressed feeling disrespected by the organization. Maybe it's not such a great idea to always think of your players as trade bait to get the next big shiny object.

    The Rockets play fantasy basketball in the front office and pickup basketball on the court. It works well enough to make the playoffs in the West, but to get over the first-round hump maybe a change of attitude would help
    1 person likes this.
  17. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    So you're telling me that Morey didn't make Parsons feel valued by letting him become a RFA rather than say "Hey you know what Chandler, I can get one more year of cheap labor from you".

    Manager and employee relations is a two way street my friend: Managers have to do their job in appreciating their employees and the employees should know and realize their own real worth. Morey might not have pat Parsons in the back enough but Parsons also had an unrealistic view of who he is relative to the "elite employees" like Bosh and Anthony.
  18. slothy420

    slothy420 Paper Street Soap Co.

    May 10, 2002
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    I think the way this entire situation was handled has been a colossal mistake that may came back and bite Houston in the ass in a year or two, if not sooner. I'm a Rockets fan, first and foremost, and I understand the NBA is a business, but as a fan, but this one hurts a lot. I was about to buy my kid a Parsons jersey before all this went down... I've been grooming them to be a Rockets fan for years and Parsons was their favorite player. While they may not be plugged in as much as I am, they can still see the headlines and the headlines don't reflect well on the Rockets organization.

    Note to Morey: Getting rid of fan favorites is not only a bad way to grow your fan base, but it's a good way to alienate your fans as well.
  19. LabMouse

    LabMouse Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    HaHa, Clutchfans, they like to argue, aimlessly and continuously.

  20. Snorkin

    Snorkin Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    For all of you justifying your hate for Parsons by saying we enabled him to get paid are just lying to yourselves if you say it's his fault. He played his heart out and we have D12 here in Houston largely because of his recruiting. Can you idiots really be so scorned by him leaving and taking his best option because he did what's best for his career? In fact, we put him in that situation! Honestly, Parsons is the last person to blame in all this. We can look at the front office and their poor decisions for that one.

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