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Morey on 790 in the 8:00am hour

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Nice Rollin, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    Yep, that one ring, that won't have a twin in the next 3 years while Parsons cripples their cap and Dirk fades into NBA memory.
  2. HCA

    HCA Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    They might have wanted lin instead of asik which is a no brainer. That part of the trade was not clear. I think we could have convinced them they needed lin to replace rondo and that he would sell more tickets than asik. They seemed to really want asik, but parsons and the picks were what they coveted.
  3. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    1 > 0.
  4. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    Chandler @ 15M w/ trade kicker and player option < Ariza @ 8M

    i r mathz!
  5. WinkFan

    WinkFan Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    And that the team wouldn't be good enough with Parsons.
  6. anchel

    anchel Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    If you look at the Spurs, they just won a championship without 3 eliter players. So?

    - Nobody asked Morey about why he made Parsons a free agent this year???? Seriously.
  7. vernonmaxwell11

    Jun 27, 2008
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    yes! ok, if we fail to land love, which presumable was the biggest reason i can think of to keeping mchale, then he should be fired immediately.
  8. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    The one mistake the Rockets made was not picking up Chandler's 4th year. It was a gamble that that they could sign a max player and lock up Chandler long term at a more affordable price. Morey and Co. evidently misread the situation, and it has really cost us.

    After Chandler got offered that max deal, I think we already lost. Losing out on Bosh makes the situation look even worse.

    Ultimately, I'm ok with the choice not to match the offer to Parsons. He was a really good, all-around player, but not a guy who will carry you. You can replace what he brings by picking up multiple savvy, veteran players at a fraction of the cost.
  9. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    The Rondo story was debunked by both Boston and Houston.

    Ainge said they had no conversations to trade Rondo to Houston and Morey said that Boston never asked them for Chandler Parsons.

    People buy into message board myths too easily.

    Ainge has proven he isn't interested in giving up Rondo. He wants to win NOW. He's been trying to ADD stars around Rondo, not trade Rondo for other people's role players.
  10. HCA

    HCA Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Because he allowed lamarcus aldridge to make history against us in the playoffs. Plus, he is undersized. He is a legit backup, not a starter.
  11. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    C'mon. Portland won just as many games as us last year. If it weren't for a ridiculous comeback by the Rockets in that OT win in March, they would've had home court over us in the postseason. And oh BTW, they still beat us in the first round regardless. And they just added Kamen and Blake for some additional depth(whereas we traded away our backup center and PG).

    Dallas won only 5 fewer games than us. And we just handed them our starting small forward. Plus they got Tyson Chandler back who will make them a better defensive team. I could easily see them winning a few more games next season while the Rockets lose a few more.

    And the Grizzlies were already a better team than the Rockets last season, never mind next season. The only thing that prevented them from winning more than 50 games was the injury to Gasol. They went on an absolute tear after he came back. Including those back-to-back wins over the Rockets where they completely shut us down defensively.
  12. torocan

    torocan Member

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Just a few things...

    1. You can immediately trade anyone you sign in FA. So, with the cap space the Rockets can sign mid-sized contracts to use in a salary match for a player. Flexibility to sign players with cap space gives you the flexibility to still go after a Rondo level player.

    2. You need to look at whether you can trade him in the future because NO team is going to let go of their "star/all star" without getting back good players, favorable contracts and picks unless you get them in FA. Morey swung for the stars in FA and missed. It happens. However, if you want a Rondo or Love or any other upper echelon player through trade you need to send back Picks and players that fits their goals, whether that's clearing cap, filling roster needs, or giving them youth. Parsons basically means you have $15M of contract that doesn't help in that respect as you'd need to add sweetener just for a team to take him at par value, let alone in exchange for an upper tier talent.

    4. FA isn't done, it goes on for some time. That gives Morey lots of time to fill in the gaps in the roster.

    Finally, let's be honest about Parsons. Replacing his skill set in a single individual would be difficult, however, replacing his over all contributions is NOT hard at all.

    Defensively, Ariza already replaces and goes far beyond anything Parsons does.

    Offensively Parsons is significantly superior to Ariza, however that $7M difference in price is more than enough to get 1-2 players that MORE than offsets the drop in Parsons' scoring. Think about this rationally... what is the point scoring differential you would expect between Parsons to Ariza? Can you easily replace that with $7M? Can you replace that Exceed that production?

    Parsons is eminently replaceable. ALL role players are replaceable.

    And the difference is that those new contracts will ALL be tradeable and can be used as packages to land significant upgrades or address roster needs like improvement at the PF position, or filling out bench scoring, or adding strength to the Guard line up, or getting a decent back up Center.

    Finally, all the talk about chemistry needing time is true but my issue is that you need the right core First before you worry about long term chemistry. Whether that's 3 all stars or 2 all stars and multiple very good players only time will tell, but we aren't going to get there if we don't have enough flexibility to improve the roster over time.
    2 people like this.
  13. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    cliffs of interview?
  14. Jimes

    Jimes Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Well said.
  15. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I guess it depends on how you define elite.

    Spurs had 3 players in the top 10 at their position by advanced metrics (Duncan, Kawhi, Ginobli) and Parker is generally considered an elite PG even though his metrics were a tad bit off last year and he fell to #11.

    I don't know what Morey's definition of elite is (what stats he would mean) but my most advanced metrics, Ariza is probably closer to Parsons than Parsons is to Kawhi Leonard.
  16. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    Someone should explain to McHale there's this thing known as a double team. You're allowed to employ it on the defensive end. I'm not saying T-Jones is or will ever be the answer for the Rockets at the 4. But I don't put Games 1 and 2 of the Portland series on him. His coach made zero adjustments until the team was already down 0-2.
  17. HCA

    HCA Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Interesting. He seems to hate the rockets. Maybe it is because we didn't offer parsons a contract with the idea that we would match. He is an ******* and we know whatever we offer he will take to other teams and say beat this offer so he can play the agent game back and forth.

    He could be looking out for parsons next payday knowing he would get more touches in dallas. I doubt it though. Way to screw over one of your major clients, dwight howard.
  18. FTW Rockets FTW

    Jun 23, 2011
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    1. All moves are made with the goal of WINNING it all . Not for a 2nd round exit and not for a WCF exit. Morey believes in most cases you need 3 top end players to win it all.

    2. WOuld have definitely matched Parsons if Bosh signed and Bosh was close to signing. Morey believes with Bosh and Parsons, Rockets were favorites to win it all.

    3. Howard Harden Parsons trio locks you up with no flexinility going forward and is NOT a winning team. A great team but not a winning team. Howard Harden Ariza plus plenty of future flexibility allows you to make moves to WIN it all.

    4. Parsons is a great player but not worth the max.
  19. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    McHale had the double team called on Aldridge, just not without the ball. They were supposed to double him as soon as he got the ball, but he either took the shot before the double could get there or the double was slow developing.

    I definitely think people underrate McHale as a coach because of what they saw on the court.

    Harden is a zero effort defender and Parsons is a wing player who quit playing defense and focused solely on offense in order to boost his stats and get paid. (it worked.) It's hard to make defense work when you have two guys on the wing basically giving you zero on defense.

    For a coach that is allegedly stupid, Dragic loved him, Lowry said he wished he could go back and learn from him again because he realized what McHale was trying to teach, Dwight loves him, Kevin love loves him...
  20. rocketsballin

    rocketsballin Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    so did we get rondo or bledsoe?

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