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Rockets sign Trevor Ariza to 4-year, $32 million deal

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by J.R., Jul 12, 2014.


Do you like the signing of Trevor Ariza?

  1. YES

    610 vote(s)
  2. NO

    170 vote(s)
  1. FeaR

    FeaR Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    You are right but Parsons isn't the difference(1st round or beyond) either. A very good bench or a third star is.
  2. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    A bench with Parson IMO is better than any bench player you can obtain for his cap hit of $2.8mil. If you can tell Morey of a certain player that can produce as well as Parsons for less than $3mil, I'm sure he'll decline to match immediately.

    I can't think of anyone though. Who do you have in mind?
  3. daytripper

    daytripper Member

    May 26, 2003
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    Ariza is great as a role player like he was used in Washington this past season. Now that he won't have to be 'the man' I think this is a really solid signing.

    I hope they use the rest of the capspace on a stretch 4 like Anderson or Ilyasova. It stings to probably lose Parsons but for basically the same money I would prefer Ariza + a quality stretch 4. Two obvious holes last season were perimeter defense and a stretch 4 next to Dwight. These additions would go a long way in solving those issues. Maybe on paper losing Lin, Asik, Parsons for Ariza and stretch 4 seems like a wash talentwise but when you look at fit I think the Rockets will be better. Parsons quit playing defense after his rookie season and Asik was just too redundant w/ Dwight for the money he was making. Defensively Ariza+Harden should be much better on the perimeter than Parsons+Harden were last year. I'm ok with scrapping the Big3 idea and just building a better fit around the 2 stars we already have on the roster.
  4. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    We still need a power forward and back-up center, and pray that Nick Johnson can back up the point.
  5. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    I don't think that's right. To just outright sign Ariza we'd need the capspace for that - so we should be at the very least at a 0 right now. Plus the caphold for his rosterspot is gone, so a little over 0. IF we get rid of Asik we should get his 8.3 million back. That's the very least we should have available (not sure how the rosterspot caphold works here). If we wanted Deng, we could surely make him part of the Asik trade in a S&T.

    The big question is: why would we want Deng now? If it's Deng at 12 million as opposed to Parsons at 14.6 I'd much rather have Parsons. And we could use Asiks capspace or trade value to get a PF.
  6. FeaR

    FeaR Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    I absolutely agree with you. I just don't see Parsons as a much better player than Deng(IF we could finalise Asik trade etc ...). I also believe Morey will match.I would do the same But his contract ... I just can't.
  7. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    We cannot sign Ariza as of right now. The Asik trade has to be pushed through first. Ariza likely just agreed to the parameters of the deal. The Rockets currently don't have the capspace to sign Ariza even if the do renounce Lin's TE and all our non-guaranteed contract.

    And like you, I agree that paying Deng makes no sense. To me it was always either him or Ariza. But I liked Ariza much more because he's a true 3&D guy. Still, him and Deng don't make sense together, but having one next to Harden is pretty much mandatory.
  8. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Are you sure? I was under the impression that we were pretty much exactly at the cap (plus minus a couple of 100k) and trading away Lin would give us about 8.3 million in capspace - trading away Asik another 8.3. Cutting Jones, DMo, Covington and the other guys would've given us another 4-5 million to sign Bosh.

    So if we are not able to just outight sign Ariza now - we should've never been able to sign Bosh for 20 million. Or am I forgetting something here?
  9. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    All we have to do to sign Ariza (and Daniels) outright is to get the Lin trade cleared and renounce Jordan Hamilton.
  10. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Cutting those players don't free up as much money as one may think. Because they're replaced by a $550K cap hold. Also, you're probably forgetting Capella and Daniels qualifying offer. As well as Canaan's contract being guaranteed. All those players easily movable? Sure. But still it's guaranteed money if we don't trade them. That said, I may be wrong because I'm using shamsports numbers, and because my math is simply wrong. I remember running it coming out to be roughly $8.2 mil in capspace. Ariza's starting salary is $8.6mil. So perhaps there is just enough.

    Either way, until the Rockets start releasing information about them renouncing the rights to Casspi and Covington, I'm going to assume their salaries are still on the books. And if that's the case, we don't have enough to sign Ariza even if my calculations are off. Besides, it makes no sense to sign him when S&T works much better for the team.
  11. try

    try Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    I'm pretty sure we would also have to renounce the MLE and the BAE. That's why the Rockets will push for a S&T for sure, maybe including the Asik trade in this.
  12. valorita

    valorita Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Can someone photoshop a picture of Ariza in a Rockets uniform pls? Oh wait...

    For all those who hate this signing:
    Different team
    Different role
    1 person likes this.
  13. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    I don't remember hearing them renouncing Covington or Casspi either. Heck, did they even release Powell or is he still around just in case some team need a non-guarnateed contract?

    There are some easy but subtly important moves they have to make to sign Ariza. Moves they likely don't want to make unless it's absolutely necessary. As in, S&T not possible.
  14. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    I just noticed your sig. What's up with you and Brendan Haywood? :eek:
  15. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    I like the sign & trade rout with Washington (suggested by BimaThug) better. We stay over the cap with the following benefits:

    A. We keep the full non-Tax Payer MLE of $5,305,000
    B. Washington gets an $8,600,000 Traded Player Exception & a 2nd round Draft Pick

    There is literally no reason for Washington not to cooperate with a S&T at this point. They are already losing Ariza so for their cooperation they give up absolutely nothing and get back a TE & Draft Pick.
  16. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Ok so I we keep both who starts and who comes off the bench. At first I thought we were going to match Parsons contract but after the Ariza signing I don't think so vstexas. We gain a better wing defender and lose a slightly better scorer. One our biggest issues last season was defending the perimeter. Now having Bev and Ariza I don't see us having that issue anymore. I love Parsons game but he did take a big step back on the defensive end once his offense improved.
  17. davidxhz

    davidxhz Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    i mean ariza is a 3 point chucker, i hope he doesn't regress like he did last time, he is a good player but not worth the money though, why is every body so happy about it, if i could, i would prefer having asik on that contract in a billion years...
  18. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    If we don't match Parsons we have an older SF who is clearly worse than Parsons - and we don't have any depth there either. We also wouldn't really have more tools to sign more players. The only good thing it would do is, we wouldn't get close to the tax apron.

    But we wouldn't really have the tools to get other players that would put us close to the tax apron and thus help us more - at least not this season. We wouldn't get TE, since we are under the cap. Our capspace would be smaller than our potential TE - and we wouldn't get the MLE.

    Parsons contract means overpaying him, sure. But it's not like we could be saying: hey let's take that 15 million and use it for something else. No. We don't get to use that 15 million. We would get to use something like 8 or 9 million in capspace. Now, no FA if really left that would be better use for that money anyways. And if we match, we can get an 8.3 million TE AND the MLE - basically we'd have more tools to improve the roster.

    Again, the only upside would be being farther away from the tax apron. So Alexander has to decide if he is willing to pay - and Morey needs to decide if he is willing to give up stuff like future MLEs if we actually go over the apron.

    For fans, it should be a no brainer, really.
  19. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Asik doesn't want to play for the Rockets. Ariza will get far more minutes than Asik would. Not sure how he is a chucker taking 12 shots a game.
  20. Remii

    Remii Member

    May 29, 2013
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    He's a career scrub and no way in hell he's better than Parsons or on the same level. You guys (not you particularly) do this every year with scrubs like this Morey brings in. If you look in the Crappsi threads when he 1st got here _ same stuff of people saying we got a steal and pointing to stats to "TRY" to prove it. The stats never outweigh the tape, and on tape Trevor is a bench player and that's why he got a bench player contract.

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