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Before Game 5, Jeremy Lin hadn't done a great job of being an offensive spark this series

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, May 1, 2014.


Before Game 5, Jeremy Lin hadn't done a great job of being an offensive spark this series

  1. True

    282 vote(s)
  2. False

    231 vote(s)
  1. JLFan

    JLFan Rookie

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Exactly... but just saying your asking why people defend Parsons because those fans are Rockets fans not PArsons or Harden fans. How many people went from being a Harden only fan on OKC to only caring about the Rockets? im sure not that many. Same with Parsons, although Dwight may have a fanbase from Orlando.

    Lin on the other hand is the only Asian American, Harvard grad to ply in the NBA plus the whole Linsanity thing, so you would need to understand Lin fans caring a bit more than typical fans. Plus you wouldnt know but when i was watching Lins first game in Golden State, the place errupted like crazy when he came out and the Asian media was swarming him even though he was benched behind players like Acie Law fighting for mins from Steph Curry and Monta. So as a Lin fan, I care about Lin but i do care just as mUch if not more on the Rockets winning.

    I dont care if Lin is on the bench or not scoring as much, I just like Lins teamball philosophy I feel that everyone wants to play and really hustles. Its similar to the Spurs playstyle and the old Suns.
  2. rev1274

    rev1274 Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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    You can't really trust the media, as they will give you a different approach on a conversation.

    Small theory, but could this be like they are using Lin as a scapegoat and blaming him for games 1-4? And saying this was a fluke game for Lin?

    Could Les/Morey make a push to have Clutch, and other Media write negative things about Lin, so that Lin decides to buyout with the Rockets, so the Rockets can achieve a Max player next season?
  3. Karolik

    Karolik Member

    Jan 29, 2010
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    Yep, Clutch might want the best for the rockets, but at the moment he's just another poster on this forum with moderating powers. The reason I'm on this forum is for the Rockets, not Clutch, so I could care less about what Clutch does or what his opinion is. Like everyone here he's entitled to his opinion. But to say he is not biased is definitely ignorant and to say that you probably haven't been on the forums. I've only been on this site and lurking for 5 years, but that said..You've changed bro!!! I think the LOFs have gotten to him, I've never seen him like this.
    1 person likes this.
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    This thread is freaking awesome.

    Polls? Of course he can make them!

    Bobby Brown rule applies to #1

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/TgAlZFX1Rvw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. klkl96

    klkl96 Member

    Feb 15, 2004
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    Have been a Rockets fan for more than a decade starting from the time I lived in Austin. and I came here occasionally, mostly just check news and discussion. I didn't post much.

    Of course I appreciate the board since to me it's a good place to find Rockets fans and discuss Rockets issues. Unfortunately the board is full of hate this year and make me feel it's a mess. Maybe I will leave when I think it's time...although I have been here so long.

    Clutch is also a fan and fans are easily biased. I am OK with that. Why can't I say he is biased? If he wants to be a neutral administrator he needs to do things which let people feel that way. Again I don't think such a poll does any good at the moment.

  6. blahblehblah

    blahblehblah Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Absolutely and Empirically false. He hasnt been good overall and have border on being unplayable in games 2 and 4, but his play in games 1 and 3 makes this statement patently false (unless your definition of not a great job = better than 6th man of the year candidate production).
  7. amak316

    amak316 Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    I think this situation is akin to someone running a political forum that was a strong democrat, who acted neutral then every once in awhile would post some passive agressive pro democrat agenda on the front page.

    This would eventually result in all rational republicans finding other sites, leaving only democrats and extremely confrontational irrational republicans. These irrational republicans would then always be pissed off and attacking others, causing the equally irrational democrats to get equally nonconstructive and bicker back, making the forum less enjoyable for everyone left.

    I love the Rockets and this is far and away the site with the most content pertaining to them, but the reason a lot of threads quickly become annoying starts at the top.
    1 person likes this.
  8. dookiester

    dookiester Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Maybe he's the best poster. This post in particular is Tinman quality. Tinman is probably one of the worst posters on this board, so the association means this is one of the worst posts on this board. Just wanted to spell it out for you since you're obviously challenged in the logic department. HTH
  9. kfmfe04

    kfmfe04 Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    would rep if I could
  10. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Clearly you've spent a lot of time in Houston. Kudos on your ignorance.
  11. Doktor Mndbndr

    Sep 18, 2013
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    I am just always impressed how Lin gets more threads dedicated to himself than all the other members of the team combined.

    Every day I come here, near the top are 3 to 5 new threads specifically on Lin, and maybe 1 to 3 on all other players. Dwight is almost complete invisible. Even Parsons is relatively rarely spoken of.

    And I can always tell how Lin has been doing in a game (and to a lesser extent the Rockets) by how close to the top the "Jeremy is a Joke" thread.
  12. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    You suckers don't know Clutch at all.
    he's super passionate about the Rockets and he'll tell it like it is.

    It's not being biased, it's from the heart.

    here's clutch's article on Pippen


    Bye, Bye Scottie

    I am completely tired of listening to some try to defend Scottie Pippen.

    Humpty-Hump has been sent north for 6 players off of the Blazer bench, including Stacey Augmon (right)
    Scottie committed a cardinal sin by callously blasting a current teammate for the world to hear and see. He blamed everything on Charles Barkley, a teammate who made several sacrifices for Scottie to come here and defended him after every 4 point, 5 turnover performance Scottie upchucked. How ironic that Scottie said he was only going to the Rockets because of Barkley, and called Chuck constantly last summer to make sure he would be on board before committing to Houston. Now, Charles is the entire problem. And let me ask: Did this have anything to do with Charles Barkley? If the Rockets had immediately announced they had no intentions of bringing Chuck back, would this have satisfied Scottie? Would it have made the Rockets a better team?

    An emphatic 'no' on both accounts.

    Scottie used Barkley to look justified. He wanted Phil and LA, nothing else. He knows there are many anti-Barkleyites out there in the world. Could you imagine Scottie making those comments about Olajuwon or Michael Jordan? And who is he going to blame in Portland?

    Barkley said some weeks back that we would know more about Pippen's character if he was traded, and he was dead on. Scottie failed miserably. He's shown he's not a leader. He's shown he can't take the pressure of being "The Man". He's shown he's all about finger-pointing and laying blame elsewhere.

    Scottie Pippen is a very good $2 million/year sidekick to Mr. Jordan, and nothing else. His 6 championships alongside Michael mean nothing. After just 50 games in which he proclaimed he would lead the Rockets back to the Promised Land and how he wanted to finish his career in Houston, he quit on the team.

    He's a complete failure as a leader and a teammate.

    I'm not done.

    I'm embarrassed Scottie Pippen was ever a Houston Rocket. It makes you feel almost dirty, like a bad stage in your life where you experimented with illegal drugs or dated some girl you had no idea worshipped "Jiffy the God of Peanut Butter".

    Every day is a good day because it's a day without Scottie wearing the uniform. And I ask, does anyone feel any more animosity towards JR Reid for that blatant takedown of Scottie in Game 4 of the Lakers-Rockets series last season?

    I don't... in fact I'm thinking about sending him a beer in Milwaukee.
  13. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    you'll reach hakeem status one day like me and clutch.

    one day.
  14. Harrisment

    Harrisment Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    He obviously knows nothing about Houston, the Rockets, or basketball in general.
  15. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    One of the most embarrassing posts I have come across on the internet.

    It's not even worth the time to shred it apart. Just some moronic highlights.

    An ex-Yugoslavia accusing us Americans of being racists. That is just pure gold. Actually, not. That is platinum.

    Calling Texans rednecks and hoping Lin goes to NY or Boston?

    errr newsflash:

    NY refused to match Houston's contract. FAIL

    Danny Ainge did not want Lin in a trade. FAIL

    PS. I am from Boston.
  16. dookiester

    dookiester Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    You're John Amaechi status bro. And take that as a compliment. Giving you more credit than you deserve.
  17. pwnyxpress

    pwnyxpress Member

    May 1, 2013
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    I don't disagree with the bolded, but you actually believe the unbolded two things are mutually exclusive?
  18. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Empirically, Jeremy Lin was shooting 33% from the field and 17% from three point range prior to game 5. How's that a great job? Please explain.

    And since Harden was shooting similarly then Harden was therefore doing a great job, the same Harden getting trashed everywhere for his poor offensive showing.

    How's that for hilarious?

    Jeremy Lin, 33% shooting, great job.

    Harden, 34% shooting, you suck! Funny stuff.
  19. blahblehblah

    blahblehblah Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    I'd like to see you make a coherent argument against why the answer to the interesting question posed by clutch is clearly true or false instead of turning this thread into a LOF, LOH, or whatever other acronyms this site seems to obsess about so much.

    I'm not post 2012 but ill post my answer again from page 3 -

    The answer to the question posed is clearly and obviously false. If the subjective term "great job of sparking the offense" can be judge by the defined by the avg spectrum of statistical avgs of this years 6th man of the year candidates, then the Jeremy Lin's performance in games 1 and 2 empirically resolve the question to be FALSE.


    Markieff Morris 13.8 6.0 1.7 51.1%
    Taj Gibson 74 13.3 6.9 1.1 48.5%
    A Varejao 8.6 10.0 2.2 49.4%
    Tyreke Evans 14.0 4.6 4.9 44.1%
    Reggie Jackson 13.3 3.9 4.2 48.0%
    Jamal Crawford 18.6 2.3 3.2 49.9%
    Vince Carter 12.1 3.6 2.7 50.0%

    In game 1 Lin scored 14 points grabbed 6 boards and dished out 4 assist. shooting 45% 5-11. 1/3 from threes with 2 TO.

    In game 3 Lin scored 13 points grabbed 4 boards and had 6 assist shooting 45% 5-11 1-4 from threes and 1 TO.

    His performance in these two games is well within the range of those avgd by the very best 6th men in the league in 2014 who's role asides from AVarajao were to spark the offense and lead the second unit. If a bench player performing at the level candidates for of 6th men of the year is not worthy enough to be deemed having done a "great job sparking the offense" I'm curious what is.

    Again this seems obvious, especially since the question is having ever (opposite of hadnt) meaning in any game, sparked the offense.
  20. TheMystery008

    TheMystery008 Member

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Well, this escalated quickly.


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