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Portland forcing Harden to his right: Where is the coaching adjustment?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by vator, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    The thing I can't understand is this. Portland is clearly overplaying James to his left hand on every single possession and then putting a help defender behind his man just in case he still gets the blow by. Excellent coaching by Terry Stotts and execution by the Blazers. I'll give them that.

    It is well known that James' efficiency as a scorer goes way down when he is forced to go right and Portland is trying to make him go right every single time, hence the results we are seeing. Where is the coaching adjustment though to counteract that move? Why are we not putting him in position to be able to attack with his left hand either through pick and rolls, pin downs, or screens? Also James has proven to be an elite scorer when he can catch the ball going to his left so where are these plays? I acknowledge that he has been great all year dribbling and going one on one, but Portland has put things in place to make this difficult for him so yeah, you still do a little bit of that, but you mix in a few other wrinkles too.

    You can't just let a team take away your best player in the playoffs over something as simple as this. I don't get it.
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  2. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Milk Hair needs to draw a duck facing left.
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  3. OkayAyeReloaded

    Jul 7, 2010
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    He needs to hit threes off picks and he's getting open mid-range jumpers at times. He has to hit those.

    McHale could run some set plays to help free him up, but this is more of a Harden thing imo.
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  4. ryano2009

    ryano2009 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    noticed that throughout the game
  5. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    The thing is he has taken those shots sparingly all season. Taking a few a game is fine when he is in rhythm, but that just isn't his game. Expecting him to maintain his same effectiveness relying heavily on jumpshots is clearly a recipe for disaster. The playoffs is not the time to experiment and try new things. The scouting report says he pulls up more often when forced to his right and he takes it all the way when he goes left. We need him to be able to get to his left hand to maximize his abilities and I'm not sure I'm seeing this addressed by the coaches.

    This is all analytics and we are being "out analyticed" lol
  6. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    its very simple. Have Jeremy be on his right side and Parsons between the two of them. They over play Lin's right, so that means there should be a wide open lane for CP25 to come running through like Adrian frigging Peterson
  7. Darmonx

    Darmonx Member

    Apr 23, 2005
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    its a soft double team. your man plays the close shot while the helper zone plays the penetration or alley oop to dwight. the adjustment is to post dwight to force the hard double team down low to free up the shooters but dwight is not really good at looking for his shooters on the hard double team. the issue here is the rockets never played this way through out the regular season which is off setting their team chemistry. they need to gel with this play set (low posting dwight) immediately to become successful.
  8. yummyhawtsauce

    Oct 2, 2013
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    he has improved his right hand from last year but he doesn't attack with as much force as he does left...
  9. IBTL

    IBTL Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    good observation but going to his right is least of the issue.

    he definitely seems uninterested and I have gone out of my way to not notice it.

    When portland goes on a run in game 6 I am concerned that harden will give his final quit. His body language is atrocious.

    Harden has been my boy all season and watching most of the games it's clear that harden is a sick sick player.

    right now he is a different kind of sick. I think he's slightly sick mentally.

    something has happened. I am not sure what but he looks ready for the offseason. I hope he has not gone full diva yet but he is scaring me.

    I wish he would just wake the f up and stop being a baby that he is not getting 100% of shots and the glory.

    I don't know the guy but he comes across and arrogant and not in a friendly way. It would rub anyone the wrong way. Up until now in these playoffs howard is the definitive leader and is carrying his weight. I think harden is being a bit of a baby about that and not being team player. But that's just my observation as an outsider.

    Who knows maybe they are all best chums and harden just has really crap body language and not a big ra ra guy. That said he did seem ra ra at beginning of series and was screaming and hooting chest thumping. Now he just seems completely uninterested. Too cool for even the game and all of us. God I hope not
  10. Andrew Wiggins

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Tmac could go right.
  11. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Vator, you ignored me on Titanfall today :(
  12. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Haha! Naw man, I sent you a message. I had stepped away and it normally logs me off automatically, but I came back an hour later and it was still up for some strange reason. Now that you bring it up, maybe I'll do a little killing before I go to bed. :grin:

    As somebody mentioned Harden can go right just fine, but his attack dribble going right isn't as good and he doesn't finish well going right which is why he pulls up more often. I honestly don't understand why they can't set him up going to his left better than this. It is crucial for survival that he gets it going and that means getting him going downhill to the basket with his left hand. Not playing around up top being forced to go right. He is dribbling so much because he is trying to get back to his left hand that they are sitting on.

    His body language is all screwed up right now, but he is probably down on himself and he is down on himself because he is not playing up to his personal standards and he isn't playing up to his personal standards because Portland is making him go right and running him right into a help defender. They have taken him out of his comfort zone. Good job by them, but our coaches get paid too. Make a freaking adjustment.
  13. OkayAyeReloaded

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The Portland coach made the adjustment for that very reason.

    Harden has to practice and hit those shots because the playoff aren't going to give you what you want.

    They want to make you uncomfortable and you as a player, with some help from your coach, have to adjust.

    Look at the Jordan rules, this is what superstars face, your game has to evolve with these challenges or the opposition will do everything it can to shut you down.

    I mean, he's missing wide open mid-range shots and open looks off picks. Coaching tries to give you the best shot possible or open looks, after that its up to the player to connect.
  14. madbomber

    madbomber Rox4Life! #FreeJVG

    Nov 15, 2002
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    Sorry off topic for a sec ...mastaofdacat01 my xboxlive account. TItanfall,KI, NBA 2k14 .hit me up!

    Harden needs more game from midrange and look to start his offensive from there rest of the way. Make Mathews work on defense ! Harden is not burning any of this guy's energy!
  15. bonny1

    bonny1 Member

    Nov 12, 2012
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    cause Harden is a super star. Mchale does not want to hurt his ego
  16. shortfuse3

    shortfuse3 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Coach needs to do this coach needs to do that. Stfu already.

    It's Harden's fault if he can't go right.
  17. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Yeah coaching in the NBA playoffs mean nothing. Adjustments? It's all about the iso.

    -Scott Brooks
  18. swyyyguy

    swyyyguy Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    james harden in this playoff series is really showing us how valuable t-mac is and how far he still has to go to reach t-mac's level.
  19. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    The bottom line is he's missing wide open shots that 3 weeks ago we're money. Sure Portland is def making him work on defense and playing him really tite on offenses but james harden is really good he's still getting wide open looks. Point blank he just needs to hit the shots. All it takes is harden to get to his reg avg on 3s and he woulda had 23 7 and 3 on 7/15 shooting and it's a good game for harden. It's in his head now and it's on him to get over it because he's been too good these last two seasons to be missing wide open 3s and easy mid range jumpers.

    What I have noticed is he's been real hesitant when taking his step back jumper he's not letting it rip but rather over dribbling and to many pump fakes. He needs to just take the shot in the flow of the move. If it goes in great if it doesn't so be it but he needs to play his game.
  20. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    run pick and roll to death? nahh, we're too good for that gimmick. Iso all the way from the three point line mano a mano with 4 more manos. that's the way to go.

    the adjustment, throw it to dwight. =)

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