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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Blazers 4/25/2014 (Playoffs Round 1, Game 3)

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Like Tmac's 13 in 35.. but not seconds, 13/35 shots
  2. AuburnRocket

    AuburnRocket Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Everyone here I think is well pleased that we won. Hey, I probably went a little overboard too. I just think that Jeremy used bad judgement in the circumstances involved. For real, he really tried to out quick 3 Portland players for sure and maybe 4. Watch Clutch's video and see where he is on the court and the defenders when he takes off.

    You are looking at an oldtimer who watched Game 7 against the Knicks IN PERSON in 1993. I was on the top floor of a highrise (Holiday Inn I think) just down from the arena. My wife and I watched from the fire escape as the feeder road as well as whatever freeway that is in front came to a literal standstill with people celebrating. People stopping their cars on the spot. I want to see that again. Auburn and the Rockets..even the Astros are my teams.
    1 person likes this.
  3. THE DR34M

    THE DR34M Rookie

    Nov 15, 2013
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    Efficiency wasn't there but Harden led us to the victory. Trust me, if we win this series it will be because of Harden.

    Harden is BOSS.

    Lin is a whipping boy just like when Aldridge elbowed him in the face.
  4. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I wish Harden will win us the series as well but he hasn't showed us much so far. TMAC in playoffs > Your idol.
  5. Hibrido

    Hibrido Member

    Nov 27, 2012
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    No mate, your reaction is totally justified. Houston won a playoff game away from home and somehow one player missing a layup is all the moderator and his cronies think is worth discussing. No one posts a video of Harden missing 20+ shots because it doesn't matter because Houston won the game.
  6. goyao11

    goyao11 Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Harden is indeed the star on this team, and our wins and losses will fall primarily on his shoulders.

    Lin is the whipping boy in the sense that people around here will scrutinize every little detail of his game, and undeservedly so. Lin played well tonight, and contributed a lot to our victory. Did he singlehandedly win it for us? Naw. Were his mistakes so egregious? Naw.
  7. RoxBeliever

    RoxBeliever Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I hope Troy stays hot. Because Harden needs him.

    POR is smothering the way he plays, so any good 3pt shooter is gonna be a pressure release for his game.
  8. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Harden did score 37 tonight so at least he did something... albeit, he took 35 shots to do it, LOL. But we all know he can score much more efficiently than that when he's on.
  9. calcium

    calcium Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    It was pretty badly executed.

    But given that he mostly makes those, if I was coach, I'd be happy for him (or any other player) to attempt that when given the opportunity, which Lin was in this instance.

    The fact it didnt come off was just bad execution.
    But I'd go _again_ with the same play.

    But that's just me, fan or no fan.

    And Clutch is right that the above is the reason we went into
    overtime. But by omission of the words "one of the" he makes
    it sound like it was the ONLY reason why we went into overtime.
    If you look at this stat, 45 FGs from 105 attempts which means
    we missed 60 FG attempts. 60! (OK, it counts the OT ones as well
    but we can gloss over that). 60!

    Which means the above is ONLY one of about SIXTY reasons why we went
    into overtime. We make one of these 60, no issues.

    I am sure if one looked (probably not that hard), one could find from the sample of 60 missed FGAs another similar play which would have avoided overtime (with us winning).

    OK, I dont expect everyone to be unbiased and and level headed but I must say I am a little disappointed at Clutch's stance/outlook here but mainly because I hold him to a higher standard than the others in the forum.

    And finally, hooray for the guys.
    Well played EVERYONE.
    Am feeling quite nice and toasty from this :)
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  10. tehG l i d e

    tehG l i d e Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    I'm happy for the win. That Lin missed layup blew my mind. And then Harden not calling timeout immediately after getting the rebound after the Blazer miss blew my mind again. These guys need to focus..Blazers aren't a team you mess around with in a close game.
  11. dsounG

    dsounG Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Lost my voice due to the amount of yelling I did during and after this game. This team brings me to the lowest of lows to the highest of highs. That Lin layup that didn't fall through absolutely baffled me. So thankful for Troy Dani3ls though.
  12. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Seriously? THE reason we went to overtime? How can a moderator be so irrational? Whatever. Posters on this forum will look to your opinion as some objective truth yet you are only a site moderator.
  13. dxdx

    dxdx Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Of course it did, but the way you put it across absolved all the other things that the team didn't do well (such as Harden's 13/35 and Parsons no show again), which of course, were also why we went into OT.
  14. ish1973

    ish1973 Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    The moderator please also post the video of the winning 3 and quote "This is the reason why we won this game!"
  15. goyao11

    goyao11 Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Well, now that's unfair - there are people who are biased in both camps, especially nowadays. For every crazy Lin fan who thinks he's the second coming of Jordan, there are three Lin haters that mock every poster who says anything positive about Lin's play.

    There might have been a LOF issue back in the day, but now its gone way too far the opposite direction. It's become a witchhunt for anybody who *might* like Lin and says anything remotely negative about the rest of the team.

    As a moderator, isn't it your job to temper the discussion? Of course, you can do as you choose - all the bickering back and forth probably create great traffic for the site... just see the "Jeremy Lin is a Joke" thread that has gone on for hundreds of pages... :)
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  16. bobloblaw

    bobloblaw Member

    Mar 15, 2013
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    Clutch is not trying to drum up traffic for the site. He is trying to have a semi-rational and optimistic discussion about the Rockets. There are entirely too many Lin fans who posted before the game about how we would probably lose and then complained after the game about either Harden or McHale almost lost it. Lin fans take pleasure in Harden or McHale screwing up because it gives them optimism that he is a superstar and being limited by others.
  17. cfansnet

    cfansnet Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    I have to agree. There's a lot of bias from both sides.

    Can't believe how polarizing a character like Lin is. It'll be interesting to see how his career plays out and how people on this forum might react afterwards.

    You can call me biased (and I guess I am) but I think Lin will do just fine for himself in the future.
  18. Dementium

    Dementium Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    How in the world is posting a video of a missed layup by a player who arguably had the assist of the game optimistic?

    And basically what you are saying is since Lin fans take pleasure in Harden screwing up we should take pleasure in Lin screwing up? Two wrongs make a right?

    If you wanted optimistic the video should have included Harden talking to Lin after the missed layup telling him it was okay. That was leadership by Harden and something I wouldn't have minded seeing more of.
  19. Whoopy

    Whoopy Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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  20. bobloblaw

    bobloblaw Member

    Mar 15, 2013
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    Eh, he is polarizing because he creates basketball fans or attracts fans of other teams. Most Lin fans admit that they are inspired by him as an Asian American. A lot of people joined ClutchFans just to discuss Jeremy Lin. They have formed a faction that no other player on the team has. Unless Lin is succeeding Harden, Howard, McHale, Parsons, etc. are holding him back.

    I'm sure most people here agree that he will have a fine career with a slightly lower contract. He is probably capable of starting for a poor team or being a rotational PG/SG for a good team. If you mean that he will be an All-NBA PG (he will probably make an All-Star w/o appropriate stats due to fandom) I don't buy it.

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