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Lin worth a first round pick? A lottery pick?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by haydenfisher342, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. ccrystal99

    ccrystal99 Member

    Mar 27, 2013
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    You still sounds Asian:)
  2. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
    Supporting Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    I should hope so. I am an US born Asian who learned Mandarin before English (a rarity).
  3. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    If JLin was the given free reign as the primary ball handler I am certain he will average over 15 ppg.

    Probably would average around 18 pts, 6-7 assists, 4-5 rbs, 1.5 steals.

    Obviously this team would be a lottery team but that's a different discussion. We're not talking about championship contending team. In the NBA, alot of players can put up big numbers in the right situation.

    When you have players like Isaiah Thomas averaging 20 ppg on the Kings, Brandon Knight 18 ppg on the Bucks, Alec Burks on the Jazz, Nick Young on the Lakers, Tony Wroten putting up big numbers on the 76ers, Jeremy Lin could easily put up solid numbers on a lottery team.
  4. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    I am not denying that Lin can be a 18/5+ player on a garbage team, but my question still stays the same: which team (even lottery ones) do you honestly believe will take that chance with Lin, building around him and making a system that works for him? This requires a team desperate enough to take a gamble on current Lin, not Linsanity Lin.
  5. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    If your asking which team would trade for Lin, and put him as a primary ball handling option? A tanking team. A team in tank mode that wants to sell some tickets. Sounds alot like the 76ers this year. They want to lose games but having some exciting players.

    Also sounds alot like the circumstances to when Rockets gave Lin his contract, BEFORE getting Harden and Howard remotely crossed their minds as a potential reality. The same reason the Rockets didn't want to give Dragic that player option, they wanted flexibility (in terms of years). Rockets, in all practical respects, were in tank mode/rebuilding mode. Getting the 9th seed in the Western conference wasn't cutting it. The fact that the Rockets were in rebuilding mode doesn't mean they were BUILDING around Lin. Two separate things. Lin was a popular player at the time (nobody can deny this fact) and the Rockets wanted to fill the seats while they rebuild. It's not that complicated really. So to answer your question. Alot of teams in that situation would gladly take Lin and continue to lose with their crappy teams. The question for the Rockets would be, is there anybody you would want from their teams that's worth trading for? Probably, not many. Alas, the reason why we are "stuck" with Lin. We are contenders now, but we signed Lin to the contract for the same reason a garbage team would use his services.

    Edit: A point I should reemphasize is, a team like this wouldn't be BUILDING around Lin. There wouldn't be much of a gamble since the team knows what they're getting in return. I don't think a single team would build a team around Lin. But I think a ton of crappy teams would take Lin to fill the seats while they try to get high draft picks and potentially a franchise players to build around.
    #145 krnxsnoopy, Apr 17, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
  6. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Thomas is putting up those numbers next to Cousins and Gay, with a combined USG rate of 58%(much higher than Harden+Howard). So no, I don't believe Jeremy Lin will put up 20/5/7 next to those two players.

    As for the other players you mentioned, which team will pay them $15mil and give up a 1st rounder in the process?
  7. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    The question was, would Lin be able to put up solid numbers on a NBA team. I believe he would in the right situation. As we have seen other marginal players put up big numbers on a regular basis on crap teams.

    And as you touched upon, I don't think any lottery team would give a 1st rounder for Lin. For a team trying to rebuild, high draft picks are the most valuable asset. So the Rockets asking price is too high in this situation. Those teams would be willing to give up marginal NBA players on their rosters, but we don't want that.
  8. SamCassell

    SamCassell Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Tanking teams would rather go with youth and cheap contracts. Lin's too good for the 76ers to be terrible. He'd win you a few games you wanted to lose. Why do you think they parted ways with Jrue Holiday? It wasn't just for draft picks. They jettisoned Turner and Hawes for the same reason.

    Lin's best role is as a 6th man where he has free reign to create. Lots of good teams could use that type of player. He's just overpaid for the role.
  9. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
    Supporting Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    We signed Lin as a gamble that he can give us some semblance of Linsanity and to put tickets in seats. Lin now is obviously not Linsanity, so he no longer has that hype luxury going towards his next team. He is also not nearly as popular now compared to before. That is why my question is: which team will be desperate enough 2 seasons from now to sign Lin to be the man or even 2nd fiddle? As for the Sixers, I don't watch them much, but I do remember a PG called Williams that was pretty good. Are you suggesting that they would give up on Williams for an older Lin? Not only do you have to look for a PnR tanking team that would take a gamble on a player like Lin to be their guy or 2nd guy, but they would have to be looking to upgrade at the PG as well.
  10. AvgJoe

    AvgJoe Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Knicks, Lakers. Not building around him, just use him to sell tickets while tanking. Like the other guy said
  11. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I disagree, by making the move the Rockets were in full blown rebuilding mode after years of mediocrity. Getting Lin meant maintaining a reasonable amount of interest in the team in both ticket sales and TV ratings.

    I also disagree that Lin isn't popular anymore. The intrigue of Linsanity has died down but he is still a popular player that will bring additional attention to an otherwise mundane, uninteresting team. A team that doesn't care about wins and wants to salvage interests on their team while they rebuild, is one Lin would bring value to them. Sounds alot like the Rockets a couple years ago.
  12. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    Knicks might have before PJax took over the team. Now, I am not so sure unless it is purely a marketing move. Lin fans would cream their pants for Lin to go back to either Knicks or Lakers, but I doubt the Lakers would want him as they seem fairly invested in Kendall Marshall.
  13. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I can agree with every thing here.

    What I'd like to add to that is, it is unfair to blame Lin for his contract because of the context of the situation of his signing. Hindsight is 20-20 always.
  14. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
    Supporting Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    I personally disagree, but enjoyed the good debate. We will find out soon though and I do wish him well once he leaves. Lin is a hardworking, good kid.
  15. Sanity2disChaos

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Say what you want ,they have the money to eat whatever it costs,which is my point.Rather they want to or not is a different discussion....but a smart owner would understand the value of Lin past basketball.He is not worth the contract if we ARE TALKING ONLY BASKETBALL...but fits the bill internationally as a maeketable player.You think the Bucks,Lakers couldnt profit off Lins' talents and of the court attributes??
  16. eric.81

    eric.81 Member

    Jan 3, 2002
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    Just got to this thread. HOLY SH** that is a good post. I genuinely LOL'd.
  17. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Knicks would be reasonable situation, but not Lakers. Lakers have Kendall Marshall and they are probably more interested in developing him than making him ride the pine so they could sell a few more tickets.
  18. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Mundane uninteresting team? WTF? LOL
  19. WaitForIt

    WaitForIt Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    I hate you.
  20. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Are you going to contribute anything to the discussion? Did you read the posts or are you just taking a snippet from the conversation and assuming I called the Rockets a mundane, uninteresting team? Resulting in you feeling butt-hurt. LOL

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