can you believe some posters wanted to lock this team up for the rest of the howard and harden years to add courtney lee and brandon bass this season? some posters dont care at all abut anything beyond this season....until that year comes and we are in the picture for big name free agents.
Calm down or your pacemaker will overheat. We were in the game until the 4th quarter with a winning chance. We couldn't overcome that 2 consecutive 3s by the Clippers when they have got home court advantage.
I am willing to bet that the most athletic thing you have ever done involved checking the mail on a rainy day, but you sure speak authoritatively about what pro athletes are capable of. Stop posting.
coaches are usually scared to make big moves like this that raise questions, especially coaches who are insecure about getting re-signed in the off-season. if we lose and one of griffin has a good game, dmo or jones have a bad game then everyone will point at that and say thats why we lost....its the coaches fault. we need a coach who isnt scared of trying out new things. especially against a team that has been owning us.
Bev was in foul trouble. He ended up fouling out. I don't agree with McHale often but I understand what he was doing tonight. Another interesting move was playing Asik and Howard in the 4th for while. Jones was getting eaten alive by Blake, but the offense was horrible with both Asik and Howard. We were basically screwed either way tonight.
the los angeles clippers official first round advancers over the houston rockets. bounced out of the second round by the oklahoma thunder
Are you serious? On the last leg of a 5 game road trip coming off a back to back and to play one of the best teams in the NBA? This was a schedule loss. Switch games with the Lakers and Clippers I'm sure we would see a different outcome.
This game came down to us missing like 15 wide open layups... That's 30 points that we just let go down the drain. Oh and Chris Paul is the cheapest SOB in the NBA.
5th game in 7 nights all on the road -- to me it made no sense why the Rockets didnt have a back 2 back in LA and then a back 2 back in Nor Cal with the Kings and Warriors it would have reduce travel time to zero in LA and be under 1 hour in Nor cal instead of go up north to play in Oakland then to phoenix then back up north and then back to LA. That all being said I expected the Rockets to lose this game in those circumstances after the first few minutes I thought they would get steam rolled. There were a few things I could take away from the game tonight (I was at the game sitting super close to the court - so I had a good view of alot of the action) - The clippers get away with a lot - a lot - of physicality on the inside that was not called -- this could part of the new 'clipper mystique' but Houston probably should have shot a lot more FTs. - Jones clearly does not have the capability to handle a PF like Griffin - Griffin is a unique combination of athleticism and power. Motiejunas thought still over matched did a much better job on Griffin especially in the screen and role combination - Asik by far was the best interior defender tonight on whomever he guarded - he was our best defender on Griffin - Losing Crawford was a small blessing at least in this game for the clippers - the 2 PG set lineup was difficult for the Rockets to defend with Harden having to match up against either Paul or Collison both of him are faster and smaller than him. The Rockets could not go to a Bev/lin/Harden lineup because of Lin's own issues recently. - Lin is probably the only player I didnt hear cuss on the court - but man ever since th e all star break he has played pretty badly for him. This team will not advance far if Lin keeps playing at this rate. If Canaan starts to steady himself more I would not be shocked if he starts taking some of Lin's minutes. There were a few plays were mistakes (whether TOs or poor decision making in shots) lead directly to transition baskets for the clippers. I am a bit critical you can say of Lin because I expect a lot out of him. His role has always been to be aggressive and attack but he just seems so hesitant out there and still tries to make the most questionable of passes. - Bev - he will jaw with anyone out there he was going at it with Griffin one play and then with DeAndre Jordan the next and he was not backing down. I honestly though he was going to punch Paul after Paul got away with flops on both ends of the floor late. - The Lack of the 3 ball hurt the Rockets tonight - Hamilton knocked a bunch down off the bench but the usual suspects in Harden and Parsons were 2-11 - which makes a huge difference. - Hamilton must have shown something on both ends of the floor to come in and take Casspi and Garcia's minutes so quickly and he has produced. I think once he has settled in more and understands his roles and spots more he may prove to be the biggest bench threat we have. For a guy who barely played in Denver his demeanor on the court just reeked of confidence. -The Rockets are figuring out how to get Dwight involved more - he has been getting more shots and scoring more and its being done in the flow of the offense - this can only be good as it will open up the entire floor and game plan. - Asik and Dwight can work well in limited stretches as seen tonight - but to start the game no way. Asik has been a amazing off the bench and is gettin back to better shape he is going to be a difference maker down the stretch - Paul got into Bev's head and i think Bev got into Paul's head because there was a lot of times Paul was complaining to the officials about he was being played too physical and on every pick Paul was trying to elbow in Bev off the curl. I would like to see the two of them go at it more than one more time this season -DMo - I can see why he has gotten more minutes lately -- he just flat out hustles the first time he took a breather tonight he looked like he gave it his all - he looked tired - and he did hustle all over and had to battle with Griffin and Jordan and then stepped in to take a charge from Glen Davis. He has stopped forcing the action on offense and let things come to him now more. As Jones has regresed a bit over the last month - DMo has stepped up. Now if it came down to a playoff series -- if the clippers get Granger and Redick back I still think they will have the upper hand (esp if they have home court) right now they are going to find ways to incorporate Davis off the bench and get him some scoring opportunities. Add in Collison, Crawford and possibly Granger and that second unit will have a lot of potential scoring power. At the same time though the way the Rockets play with Chandler sick and on tired legs and they kept up with this team shows that the Rockets too have come a long way and their team is starting to gel into their roles and now the sum maybe becoming greater than the individual parts. I am still saying after OKC the clippers are the worst matchup for the Rockets but I would probably say that the Rockets could easily push it to a 7 game series - something I didnt feel confident of earlier this season.
Okay first that's a huge overstatement. He's not phil jackson but he's not a complete joke. Bev IS getting way more minutes, almost had twice as many tonight. Jeremy isn't great at defense but he's not terrible either. Morey's the reason we are even competitive now. You're probably just done watching this team because your nursing home is gonna discontinue the cable.
Rockets were founded in 1967...just saying. I'm no maths wiz, but that's about 47 years...give or take a few months.
I've been saying this all the time. They are a bad match up. They were able to contain us without Crawford and JJ Redick. We be toast if they were in full strength. I donot see us getting past OKC and LAC. We are good but not that good yet at least not this year.
I checked the mail and it was rainy and cold. Don't speak authoritatively about what you don't know. Seriously tough loss on the end of a long road trip. But all this moaning about it is abit overboard. We made some mistakes and and a couple bad calls hurt but it wasn't as bad as it seemed. Trying to integrate Hamilton who has only been here 10 minutes. DMo couldn't guard Blake but no one can. TJones doesn't cut it against the Clippers. I'd like to sign Granger and give him a shot at stretch 4. I don't think we are a championship team but we are not that bad.
3-2 on the road including a few tough opponents. I'll take it. The Clippers are in the same boat as us. They have not proven a thing in the playoffs with their core of CP3, DJ and Blake. We haven't proven anything with Harden, Parsons or Dwight yet either; but we haven't had a chance to just yet. One important aspect: Let's give credit where credit is due. Blake Griffin is on another level this year. Any time I've watched the Clippers this year, he's been man handling his opponents in the post or just blowing right by them. They have our number because their strength capitalises on our biggest weakness: the PF position. It doesn't help when Harden is being guarded effectively by Darren Collison. Seriously, Darren Collision keeping Harden in check AND scoring the crucial buckets to put us away? Terrible.