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[ClutchFans] The numbers are clear: Patrick Beverley deserves to start over Jeremy Lin

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. munsteur

    munsteur Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Man, you are contradicting yourself. I thought the best player is supposed to be "the alpha male" on the court?

    And stop with the "Lin chooses not to be aggressive" bs already because it is seriously getting old. After-all it is a team sport and Lin is not at LBJ level to go 1-on-1 in order to be "aggressive". He needs at least a quality pick to attack, which is there as inconsistent as Lin's performance.
  2. Clarinetmonster

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Well, I'm hoping we keep him so I hope you're right. That being said, I wouldn't call Lowry a better 'talent' - a more seasoned and better player at this point in his career yes. Talent implies potential - again, just my opinion.
  3. SeekingAlpha

    SeekingAlpha Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Wouldn't an easier solution be to just sell the idea of being better on defense to Harden?

    Does Harden really want to be considered great like Wade, Kobe, ... dare I say Jordan?

    All these guys put effort on offense AND defense. Honestly, to me Harden is in no way shape or form any less athletic than a guy like Aaron Afflalo, and yet on an overall basis I think Affalo is having a better season than Harden.

    Harden with even average to above average defense means he starts to approach Durant / LBJ levels. I don't understand why he doesn't want that, is it honestly because he's lazy or is it truly because he doesn't have the stamina to play-make for a team and be a solid perimeter defender?

    Because of it's the latter, then it's MORE reason to start Jeremy and allow Lin to relieve Harden of some of the playmaking duties on offense. Similarly, Howard should be doing the same thing for Harden. Allow Harden to focus more energy on defense until it's crunch time. Then Harden iso ftw, which imo is just as effective as LeBron iso, and maybe a shade under Durant iso.

    So yeah, my point is:

    Harden with max effort on defense + sharing PG duties with Lin >>> Harden preserving all effort on offense only and letting Bev/Howard/Chandler/Jones to play 4 - 5 on D.
  4. chandlerbang21

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Lin has untradeable contract so unfortunately he is stuck here like Asik. No team will pay a PG 15 mill if he cant hit a simple jumpshot. Beverly is playing on a dirt cheap contract and his hustle has earned him the starting job. With brooks warming the bench and caanan working back from injury, I hope morey can pull a trade before deadline
  5. TheJet

    TheJet Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    No amount of positive play will change McHale's mind? I hope that's hyperbole. If Lin takes his 30 minutes a game and plays like he did in the second half last night there is no reason he shouldn't continue getting clutch minutes. No matter what everyone infers the coaching staff isn't stupid.

    As for the starting role, we're talking about what, 60-70 seconds difference in playing time? Who cares?
  6. SirKen

    SirKen Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    They could have fooled me!

    I wonder if Garcia would have gotten minutes over DMo yesterday if he wasn't injured.
  7. HoopFan

    HoopFan Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Like I said, if I were the coach, I'd had welcomed the challenge by starting them together than avoiding it by playing Lin off bench. :grin: Lin "fit" as well as if not better with JH. There were many cases they both played well last season and even this season.

    Let's put it in another way. Suppose Lin (or some other player similar to JH) were not in the Rockets now. He showed a good potential as a PG. He were traded to us today. Would you start him or have him coming off bench? Who would not love to start two JHs (given Lin is not as good as JH; ok JH and JH-light)? That is a good problem to have :grin:

    I hate to point it out. Lin will be more valuable during playoffs and when we play a good defense team. With both Lin and JH, the other team has to game plan for him as well so they can't gear up all their defense on JH only. Plus it will let JH play a more efficient game and conserve his energy so JH can play better defense.

    I know, I know, some people will point out his performance during last season's playoff. Can you cut him some slack already? He was injured!!!!! He was injured!!!!! He was injured!!!!! He was injured!!!!! How many times do I have to repeat it for you understand it :grin:

  8. TheJet

    TheJet Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Does Garcia play the four or five? Probably not then. Now if you're asking if Garcia would have gotten MORE minutes than DMo? Possibly. Our back court was thin last night just like our front court.

    And I'm no McHale fan, but I disagree that he and his assistants are all stupid.
  9. HoopFan

    HoopFan Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Well. One thing is for sure. He did not play spectacularly but he did not play badly either. At least better than PB played in the last a few games. BTW, I love PB, his energy and swagger. But I just don't think he brings more to the Rockets as Lin.

    BTW, have you seen it already? In the coach's mind, PB is the starting PG and Lin just filled in for him temporarily or to fill in for the role set by the coach. How many games during the stretch, Lin was playing as a true PG (I can only think of Washington and Boston?). So to grasp what? The minute PG can play, McHale couldn't wait for him to start.

    To be honest, I don't care if PB or Lin start. I just wish him to use Lin correctly. Lin is not a pure SG and he is more of comb guard leaning towards PG. Attacking is his play style but he attacks not only for scoring himself but also for setting up his teammates. So run some plays for him (like last night and last season) while he is attacking so he won't be stuck in the traffic and cause a turnover.

  10. SirKen

    SirKen Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    When Garcia gets playing time, Casspi plays the four and DMo is left out. So yes, Garcia getting playing time means DMo sitting out.
  11. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    The guys like, support, and have great respect for each other. Both of them said so and their actions prove it.

    It's the fans that are fighting each other. :(
  12. figment

    figment Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    My boys, the sons I've never/will never have. <3
  13. HoopFan

    HoopFan Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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  14. fxbillie

    fxbillie Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    They don't hate each other obviously. Why should their fans? LOL. :)
  15. Bucketfans

    Bucketfans Member

    Mar 27, 2013
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    People like to create drama so they can have rage popcorn
  16. mockster

    mockster Member

    May 4, 2013
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    Lol lin = more of a point guard then Beverly. It is true lin can be a good scorer but lin usually tends to dush out more assist then Beverly if given the approiate minutes. Beverly is a good player and he does create energy and score but like I said before he's coming off of not playing to starting right off the bat.
  17. Rocknation

    Rocknation Member

    Nov 23, 2013
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    He would still be bench. McHale doesn't like Lin. ONly played him against the spurs because harden was out.
  18. Rocknation

    Rocknation Member

    Nov 23, 2013
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    Rockets have a better record when Lin runs point and when Lin plays 30 Plus minutes per game. That says alot. THis was against decent competition too
  19. Rocknation

    Rocknation Member

    Nov 23, 2013
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    Melo started right after the raptors game. Lin played just as well against the Mavericks after losing to the hornets. Linsanity was clutch against the Pacers, Cavaliers, Sixers(12 FTs in 4th quarter). He was very good, not off the charts, but very productive.
  20. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    It doesn't say much at all.

    It is annecdotal. Really nice catch phrase for LOF to scream and yell, but no real meat behind either one of those "stats"

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