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Romeo Crennel expected to be new defensive coordinator for the Texans

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by jdm485, Jan 4, 2014.


Do you like the move to let Wade Phillips go and hire Romeo Crennel as new DC?

  1. YES

    178 vote(s)
  2. NO

    51 vote(s)
  1. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Everybody needs somebody.
  2. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    As evidenced by what? What has Crennel done in his career to show that he's a really good DC? He's only had success in NE.
  3. conundrum

    conundrum Rookie

    Feb 18, 2010
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    You answered your own question, I think winning 3 Super Bowls as a DC proves you are really good.
  4. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    or it just proves that you were riding the coattails of Belichick. The fact that he's had ZERO success outside of NE leads me to think that Belichick had more to do with those defenses than Crennel. The Chiefs had to kick him to the curb in order to get their defense to the point where it was this year.
  5. Remii

    Remii Member

    May 29, 2013
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    J.J. will be just fine in Romeo's 2 gap system...

    Richard Seymour had a couple of 8 sac years in Romeo's system. Seymour was 6-6 320... He's no where near as athletic, explosive, quick, and fast as J.J.

    They'll probably find a couple of 300 plus ponders to put on the line next to J.J. eveutanlly. Two other guys on the line at the point of attack that have to be doubled along with J.J. and there's only 5 offensive linemen... Do the math. And we see J.J. fight off double and triple teams all the time.

    J.J. is a one of those once in a lifetime players... He's system proof. I actually think Wade's system was holding J.J. and the LBs up with two lil guys on the line that can be blocked one on one.
  6. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    He was on the giants SB staff under Parcells. Under Belichick in Cleveland (who would have continued to build that team if not for the move that caused it all to fall apart)

    He's had experience and success at different spots. He's not just some bum off the street.

    Who would you want here?
  7. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    I'm guessing you didn't watch any Chiefs games last year or this year.

    You have no clue about what impact Crenel had not just on the overall defense, but on the types of players he helped acquire.
  8. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Good post.

    He also had big a role on the Giants teams that stopped the Broncos, 49ers and Bills during the SB runs.

    He's been around just as long as Wade, but has a far greater pedigree of success. Again, it's not as if he's some bum off the street. Don't really have a whole lot of guys available right now with this sort of track record.
  9. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    LOL, so you are going to give Crennel credit for what the team did after they kicked him to the curb?

    As to "being around as long as Wade" Phillips got his first Defensive Coordinator job in 1981, Crennel got his first DC gig in 2000.

    The only time Crennel's defense was top 10 in the league was when he was in NE and even then it was only 3 times as a top 10 scoring defense and twice as a top 10 defense based on yards, Wade Phillips has led 10 defenses to to the top 10 in scoring defense and 15 defenses to top 10 in yards.

    Wade Phillips has led more top 10 defenses according to yards given up than Crennel has led defenses total.
  10. conundrum

    conundrum Rookie

    Feb 18, 2010
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    How have NE's defenses performed since he left?
  11. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Glad you asked, they have been a top 10 scoring defense 7 times but only top 10 in yards 3 times.

    Crennel's other defenses have never been in the top 10 either way.
    1 person likes this.
  12. HollaIFyaHEMI

    HollaIFyaHEMI Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Cleveland Browns (2000) - Took over DC and slightly improved the defense (even with one of the worst offenses in the history of the NFL @ 10.1 PPG). Not sure if he had a hand in drafting Courtney Brown #1 overall though.

    New England (2001-2004) - Took over a Pats team that gave up 21.1 PPG (#17) in 2000. Drafted Richard Seymour. Pats allow 17 PPG (#6) in 2001 with basically same players + Seymour. The Patriots win the Super Bowl by holding the Rams (Greatest Show on Turf) to 17 points and only 3 points through first 3 quarters (Rams averaged 31.4 PPG.)

    The next few years he completely dismantles, discombobulates, destroys Peyton Manning in the playoffs....TWICE. For example...in 2004 the Colts had the #1 offense in the league (32.6 PPG) and had not scored less than 20 points all season. They only get one field goal in the playoffs vs NE.

    Kansas City (2010-2011) - Takes over KC defense allowing 26.5 PPG (#29) in 2009. Drafts Eric Berry. Defense improves to 20.4 PPG (#11) in 2010. They make the playoffs with essentially the same crappy team they had the year before.

    Romeo has a history of winning, making bad defenses better, and performing when it matters the most.
  13. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    I'm not saying Romeo is terrible, he does have a record of improving really really terrible defenses to above average, and he has a record of riding coattails, but none of that compares to Wade Phillips' record, which is what I was talking about.

    Wade Phillips is arguably the best DC in the NFL with a record of success everywhere he goes unmatched by anyone else. Crennel isn't a bad DC, but he's not as good as Wade Phillips which is why I said that this move is clearly a downgrade, I just hope it's not too much of one.
  14. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Luckily we all see right through the yards given up stat... as if we went on that, this last year's Texans bunch would be considered truly elite.

    Do you honestly think Wade deserves another year here? Do you honestly think this defense performed anywhere close to good? Do you honestly think the league didn't already know how to beat this defense going into game number 1, let alone what the Patriots did to this defense in the playoffs.

    I think you do believe all of the above... which basically eliminates any further arguments you're making as sound.

    Yes, I would take any other experienced DC to take over this team right now... including Capers, a Ryan brother, or Leslie Frazier. And, its nothing against Wade personally... Wade had 3 years here as a coach, not an insignificant time. The bottom has fallen out.... a new regime is needed.
  15. Remii

    Remii Member

    May 29, 2013
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    I don't see you saying nothing about what Wade has won Bobby...
  16. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I think that Wade Phillips is by far a better DC than Crennel, you are talking about change for the sake of change, like if the Saints had cut Drew Brees after that 7-9 season and picked up Matt Cassel instead.

    Even if you discount that stat about the top defense via yards, Wade Phillips has coached 11 top 10 scoring defenses and Crennel has only coached 12 TOTAL defenses. This is a clear downgrade and there is no argument otherwise.

    Yes. One down season is no reason to fire him for a lesser DC

    This season? No. The defense was ravaged by injuries and the team performed terribly everywhere.

    I want to be diplomatic here. That is pretty short sighted. The way to beat this defense is to knock out Cushing, and have a street FA have to play in coverage.....is that what you're saying? The way to beat this team is to have one of the top QB's in the game going up against an injury depleted roster....is that what you're saying?

    Oh well damn, I guess they broke the code, time to bring in Matt Cassel.
  17. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    You're right, I'm only talking about performance, not "just winz". If his defenses are top 10 in the league in scoring, he did his job, nothing else matters.
  18. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    But are you maybe not seeing the forest through the trees by drawing an arbitrary line of success? Crennel’s defenses may not rank in the top 10; but he’s been a defensive coordinator three times and each time he took over a terrible defense and made it better.

    The Browns 1999 to 2000:
    31st overall 26th
    28th defensive QB rating 15th
    30th yards per carry 18th
    29th scoring 27th

    The Patriots 2000 to 2001:
    20th overall 24th
    22nd defensive QB rating 3rd
    6th yards per carry 21st
    17th scoring 6th

    The Chiefs 2009 to 2010:
    30th overall 14th
    20th defensive QB rating 7th
    30th yards per carry 18th
    29th scoring 11th

    And he maintained those rankings in both New England and Kansas City.

    I’m skeptical, too (admittedly because he’s overweight… sue me). But he’s undoubtedly been a difference maker.
  19. HollaIFyaHEMI

    HollaIFyaHEMI Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    About the riding coattails thing...do you know how Wade Phillips got his first job? LOL.

    You have to stop looking at regular season stats. Wade got burned when it mattered EVERY TIME.

    His first DC job was with the Saints (working for Daddy). They never made the playoffs.

    His second DC job was with Philly. They made the playoffs in his last year and his defense gave up 20 points to Mike Tomczak & Co. for the loss.

    Third was in Denver. He turns them from #22 to the #1 scoring defense in the league!!! Super Bowl here we come!!! That #1 scoring defense gives up 55 points in the Super Bowl to Joe Montana.

    Fourth was Buffalo. First year they make the playoffs and knock Marino out of Wild Card game by holding to 22 points. Too bad Neil O'Donnell and company hung 40 points on them the next game.

    Well there is always next year for Buffalo right? They make the playoffs, only to get knocked out by a second year Jacksonville team who scores 30 points.

    Ok...so Fifth time is a charm (Atlanta). His defense was great in the playoffs...Mike Vick was not.

    Sixth...he held up pretty well in SD playoffs too.

    Lastly..you know what he did for the Texans. We could dominate any team that did not have a great QB. He made Dalton look like Dalton. He made Flacco look like Flacco. He made Brady look like.....Brady.
    1 person likes this.
  20. ipaman

    ipaman Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Love all of the Romeo haters who don't offer up another candidate... :rolleyes:

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