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Lin making the case for being a starter?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by trugoy, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Exactly. You cannot conclude that Lin has made a case for being a starter.

    Isn't that what this entire thread is about?
  2. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    200 minutes is about where lineup data starts to take shape, you need to be careful, like any sort of human modelling, as you're always going to work in degrees of uncertainty. the 4+ Lin data is about 167 minutes so a little shy, whilst 4+ Beverley is about 245 minutes. However given the size of differential, it's more like "strongly suggests" to the point where you would feel a fairly high level of confidence, not unlike the Barnes vs Iggy lineups of Golden State look like.

    A better analogy would be suggesting that if you lead by 5 metres after the first 40 metres of a 100 metre dash, you're probably going to beat the other guy, not always true, but it's a bet you'd take 99 times out of 100. We're talking the difference between a 70 win team and a 43 win team in terms of line-up production here, it's not small, you don't need that long to figure out how much better the '96 Bulls are than the '10 Rockets.
    #502 Aleron, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  3. JeffB

    JeffB Member

    Aug 29, 1999
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    You show lack of understanding here. That and Lin hero worship. Not every steal is equal and not every block is the same.

    The complaint is that if you can't be relied upon to stay in front of your man at the rate the team needs you, then you are a liability. If you don't switch in the manner the team requires, then you are a liability. If you don't funnel the defender at the angles the scheme requires, then you are a liability. Moreover, if the coach feels the scheme is superior with a player who can stay in front of his man without the constant requirement of rotations an so help and/or with a player who switches properly and plays the scheme, then the coach will go with that player. What is hard about that for you to understand?

    Team effort is McHale's whole argument. A shot ending in a blocked shot if fine, just not when the block occurs because the perimeter defender screwed up. The other 3 times the same defensive error leads to an open look because the defenders are too busy rotating to cover for you, then that most certainly is a bad thing. The Olajuwon led a Rockets funneled defenders into the shot blocker. Dudes are just blowing by Lin and Harden at will.

    And how do you score against an NBA defense? Get the defenders moving. And how do you do that? One way is, if you have a guard who can do it, have him best his man off the dribble causing the defense to rotate.

    Simple. And this simple point applies to both Harden and Lin. The coach thinks that any offense lost by Lin can be regained with Lin coming off the bench or is covered by Harden. But he can't have too poor perimeter defenders in Lin and Harden on the court att he same time too often.
    1 person likes this.
  4. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    This BS gets 500 replies in 4 days.. smh
  5. Billionzz

    Billionzz Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    You're right about one thing, it is bull****.

    It's total bull**** that we should have to even talk about Lin being the starter. This team is better with Lin as the starter, even a blind man could see that.
  6. timyeung

    timyeung Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Its a tough call whether its best for the team if Lin is a starter or whether he's better leading the bench. I think he will do well with both units. Its not like McHale does not respect the 6th man position. McHale was one himself. In the last Spurs game, Lin played so well with the starters that the Rockets had a 15 point lead at the end of the first quarter. The Spurs never caught up and the Rockets won. On the other hand, the bench could sure use Lin to help lead the offense. Arguments can be made for both sides. I just don't like Lin being labeled a weak defender, especially since he has worked hard on his defense during the offseason and this season so far has left Calderon on 0, Tinsley on 0, Parker on 6, and Holiday on 3. IMHO that's pretty impressive.
  7. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    Since there's so much Lin talk let me throw my 2 scents. I liked him the first time we got him. I hated Morey for waiving him but now that he's back he sucks. I believed in Linsanity but he just never got his form back, from injury or whatever reason. Maybe it's the lack of discipline this team reeks. Look at Harden, he's regressed so bad now. He came here as a leader now it's all fun and games. I feel like our players aren't pushed hard enough mentally and physically. That's my take and advice.
  8. HoopFan

    HoopFan Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    So whose fault?

  9. cn0gd

    cn0gd Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    JeffB play pickup 2 on 2 street balls.
    JeffB's partner get picked off by opponents screen and
    JeffB stay under the hoop all the time waiting for a block .
    JeffB cant block all of the shots.
    when JeffB get the block, it's good defense.
    when the shot gets in, his partner is the liability.
    JeffB is the smartest street ball player. Simple.
  10. Phillycheese

    Phillycheese Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    How does one stay in front of their man if another opponent sets a pick? The man on the pick setter has to hedge otherwise the player picked cannot recover or the two defenders switch - this is what team defense is all about in a pick and roll situation. Dudes are not blowing by Lin at will on a one-on-one situation, they may do so occasionally. Lin has shown a willingness to fight through picks and chase his man. I'm not sure what you're watching but we are definitely not seeing the same thing.
  11. bws

    bws Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    JeffB showed his bias in his last post to you. Suggesting from your post you are a Lin worshiper was uncalled for.
  12. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Statistically that simply has not been the case.

    You can not believe it all you want or think that what has happened thus far is not a true representation of what is going to happen in the future, but to say the team is better with Lin starting has not been supported with any evidence.

    The team has performed worse both offensively and defensively with him in the starting lineup in an apples to apples comparison. The variable has been the teams played against.
  13. Panda23

    Panda23 Member

    Jul 2, 2012
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    How the fkn hell is it Lin hero worship to suggest that the on-ball defender and the screeners defender need to work in unison to defend the PnR?

    Lin's 'improved' defensive performance against San Antonio and Parker had alot to do with the fact that the bigs hedged extremely well and allowed Lin to fight through and track Parker.


    So based on Quatin's point, looking at the above gif, he's saying that stoudemire should step out more and allow Lin to get back in front of his man. Compare THAT effort or lackthereof, with this


    So basically the poster I mentioned is saying that Stoudemire should step out, hedge harder, and allow Lin to get back to his man, as is shown in the other above scenario.

    And for that he's engaging in............
    1 person likes this.
  14. Nubmonger

    Nubmonger Member

    Apr 17, 2013
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    Guys, let it go. larsv8 and JeffB are being willingly obtuse.
  15. gene18

    gene18 Rookie

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Exactly my opinion and observation. Many people don't understand the pick and roll play. It is one of the most effective plays in pro basketball. The person getting picked cannot stay in front of his man with any consistency. That's why the switch and that's why there is a secondary defense down low, like TJ or Dwight.
  16. ItalianRocket

    ItalianRocket Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I agree
  17. bws

    bws Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    They aren't being led right. If McHale established a culture of discipline, team ball and better roles, the guys wouldn't look to force so much. They're young players and will do stupid things, but the coach's job is to guide them back on track when they get off. McHale has them playing off track, he even puts them there sometimes.
  18. Crunchyball

    Crunchyball Rookie

    Nov 20, 2013
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    actually i started in this forum hating lin. I think he has respond to all the challenges pretty well. Seriously we have to trade him out for his own good. Any longer he stays here, it's not good for him and isn't good for the rockets.
  19. bws

    bws Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    McHale has the team Harden-dependent. So, when Harden doesn't play the team almost seems free from that and plays differently and that's more where Lin shows his starter's capability usually. If he wants Harden and Lin to stagger, stagger them and stop playing Harden so many minutes. Trust that when Lin is in he'll get the ball to guys in a good position to shoot it, but will screw up also at times. Turning him into an SG is just wrong, the guy can elevate the play of Howard, Jones as well as Casspi and others on the bench as a playmaker. There's still an issue of defense at the 5 when Howard is out. Asik's absence is big here.
  20. Crunchyball

    Crunchyball Rookie

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Anyway just found out, In his first four starts, Lin has scored 27.3 points per game. No player has scored more points in their first four games as a starter since the NBA-ABA merger in 1976.
    How many players in the Rockets has an all time NBA record I wonder?

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