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The Trenches: Where our focus needs to be

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by newAge_Rockets, Nov 29, 2013.


Which area of the Texans would you improve with the first round pick?

  1. The lines

    45 vote(s)
  2. The Qb

    29 vote(s)
  1. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    Just like my handle on the Texans message board, "Tex Trenches", you can see why I chose the handle "Roc Paint"...basically that is where the game is won. That being said, I can't call myself "Ass-Mound" for the Astros, cause I could be reprimanded.
  2. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    QBs can come from anywhere. They take time to develop and are highly dependent on their coaches and surrounding talent to succeed. A badass DL/OL is a badass DL/OL even without fantastic coaches. If you have a bigger, stronger, faster lineman, he will win at the LOS the majority of the time. Unless you have a shot at a transcendent QB talent, draft linemen, trust your scouts and coaches to cultivate the QB.
    1 person likes this.
  3. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    Ideally, we draft the best DL/DE on the board and hope that the OL picks we've made over the past few years contribute next year. Antonio Smith is a goner, and Watt needs someone else to draw pressure. Hopefully if we hit on the DL pick, Reed and Mercilus will start to produce again.
  4. vinsensual

    vinsensual Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Watching how the 49ers, Panthers, Chiefs, and Seahawks have turned it around, I can believe this. If Teddy still turns out to be the #1 prospect, I think you get him. But you build up from the inside out. At least defensively, all those teams started to turn things around by solidifying their front 7.
  5. BasketballReasons

    Jun 27, 2008
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    We have the players to do so but they can't seem to stay healthy...
  6. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    Peyton doesn't take THIS team to 13-3. Did you see how much time he had yesterday in the KC game. Most of the time he could have sat on a stool and drawn diagrams of potential routes. Peyton would be in the hospital after playing on this team. And the Broncos can actually stop teams on occasion.
  7. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    A lot of that is not actually true. A lot of how teams are blitzing us right now is in direct correlation to how the QB handles the blitz. Teams don't blitz Peyton as much because he would absolutely murder them.

    Hell, I guarantee you that if Schaub was in there, teams would be blitzing far less because you actually do him a favor when you drop less guys back in coverage. He reads blitzes well enough that teams don't want to get burned.

    Has less to do with the O-line unless they're consistently getting beat with base pressure... this line isn't elite anymore, but they'd be able to seemingly protect better with a better QB.
  8. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    I still say Peyton doesn't take the Texans to 13-3. This team has too many holes; he couldn't compensate for all of them. However, I don't think he loses ten straight.
  9. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    That is likely true. The Broncos, and every other AFC contender has a better defense than the Texans.

    On the flip-side of that argument, the Texans possibly have a winning record with a 2011-type defense that forces turnovers.

    Not blaming this all on the defense, but acknowledging that the let-down this year was a complete team failure. No side should be spared blame, and upgrades should be looked at EVERYWHERE.
  10. Drew_Le

    Drew_Le Member

    Jun 15, 2001
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    Manning's line is crap and yet the Broncos offense is unstoppable. Same can be said for different year's versions of the Patriots, Packers, and Saints. All have elite QBs. You take Bridgewater and don't look back.

    Besides, "the trenches" can be rebuilt in rounds 2-7. These aren't mutually exclusive concepts.

    1 star thread.
  11. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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  12. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    Well KC's defensive line ran through the Texans like they were soft butter; didn't have the same impact on the Denver offensive line. I would say they are better than "crap."

    I am warming to the Bridgewater pick; his scouting reports are impressive. Case Kennum, may have a future as a starter, but he has work to do and coaching could help. He would be an excellent back up next year if the Texans bring in Bridgewater or maybe he starts and Bridgewater becomes the future.
    #32 solid, Dec 2, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
  13. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Again... KC played more base defense against Manning in both games. They have to commit extra defenders to all his receivers (usually 3 + TE), along with a RB. That's 5 people that are all a threat to catch the ball, and who all have the ability to create space... and a QB who is dead-on accurate and knows how to read a defense at the line.

    With the Texans, they took a chance and left 1-2 receivers wide open on those blitz packages... they gambled that Chase wouldn't be able to read where the blitz was coming from, and if he did, that he wouldn't be able to get it to the open man before they got to him. They were right.

    It only takes a few completions in the face of pressure to get the defense to back down... see the Texans as a perfect example of a defense who often gets burned on the blitz, and ends up playing teams conservatively.
  14. SevenMinuteAbs

    Jul 13, 2012
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    You do realize the aformentioned teams have without a doubt the 4 best qbs in the league right? The only Elite qbs and 4 of the best to ever play the game.

    You're comparing those guys with a kid who is good but isn't even the best qb in the country right now, and isn't a once in a generation Andrew Luck type either. He's really good, but you just cannot compare him to those guys.

    As tempting as clowney looks, it might be best to trade down. But i do think we need to solidify the lines. I'd love for Shane Skov to fall to us in the 2nd or 3rd round. I think he'd be great for our defense.
  15. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    There is a lot of truth to this.... Manning, Brady, Rodgers and Brees all have had relative success without good offensive line play at particular junctions.
  16. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    FTFY. They can overcome bad line play, but it still affects them.

    Manning is the one, in particular, who seems almost immune to it, though.

    Probably because he basically runs the entire offense, unlike Brees, Rodgers, etc.
    #36 DonnyMost, Dec 2, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
  17. texanskan

    texanskan Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    If I thought any of these QB's were a potential top 5 elite QB than I would draft one but to me none of them are.

    To me Keenum = Asik definitely good enough and unless a Dwight Howard becomes available than you roll with that

    First Round BPA 2nd round OL 3rd round a QB that competes with Case (maybe we strike gold and get a Russell Wilson)
  18. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Absolutely. You can't be 2002 Texans level bad at the line, and expect an elite QB to come in and fix everything.

    However, this O-line was in the upper half of the league last season, and was ELITE in 2010 and 2011. They have been performing poorer this season, but they aren't as bad as some of the QB decision making is causing them to be.

    They do need to address the right side of the line. It is not good, and would shore up a lot of bot their run issues and base coverage protection issues. I'm not against trading down to do so, provided they do their diligence on the QB's out there (i.e. - don't buy into media hype), and they get a deal that's too good to pass up.
  19. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    They were 12-4 last year. If they can go from 12-4 to 2- and something why don't you think they could win 11 or 12 games. Maybe not 13 games, but at least 10+. The Year before Peyton got there the Broncos allowed 40 something sacks. He gets there and they have 20 something. I don't think the Broncos line suddenly got that much better.
  20. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    I didn't watch all of the KC/Denver game, but I saw a blitz that sacked Peyton.

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