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Lin's treatment of McHale

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Angkor Wat, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Just because a player is not happy about his playing time, it doesn't mean that he dislikes the coach. A coach has to put together a rotation and it is inevitable that some guys will be disappointed with their playing time because there are only so many minutes to go around. It doesn't mean that a player has to take this as a personal affront and hate the coach.

    Aaron Brooks probably (rightfully) thinks that he deserves a bigger role in the NBA than injury insurance, but it doesn't mean he dislike McHale. Omer Asik wants to be a 30 mpg starter somewhere but it doesn't mean he blames McHale for the situation (getting a trade done is really on Morey and not McHale and it's not for McHale's lack of trying that the Dwight-Omer frontline didn't work-- he stayed with it for as long as a coach could have given the outcome). Similarly, just be cause Lin would prefer to start it doesn't mean he bears a grudge against McHale like you people do.
  2. SugarLandDream8

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Yeah you probably though Lowry was cool with McHale till he almost went ghetto on coach. You probably thought Royce was cool with McHale till he went even more nuts on twitter.

    Everyone with common sense knows Asik is not a fan of McHale. That Lin after his amazing start to the season isn't thrilled with McHale. Maybe Lin and Asik do not despise McHale, and I definitely see Lin the devote Christian not hating him, but that is very different to say "everyone loves McHale" like others claim.

    We know for a fact Lowry and Royce hated Mchale.
  3. glacier921

    glacier921 Rookie

    Nov 17, 2012
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    <iframe class="vine-embed" src="https://vine.co/v/htzequBQdrM/embed/simple" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  4. webattorney

    webattorney Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Why Parsons and not Lin. Interesting b
  5. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    Lin has said "McHale is like a father figure" to him.

    Royce's issue was with Morey and the NBA HQ. The back and forth was between those 3 parties. McHale wasn't involved because Royce didn't train at the TC or attend team practices.
  6. bullardfan

    bullardfan なんでやねん

    Jun 27, 2008
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    McHale is clearly laughing and they seem to be joking around. this is a horrible thread
  7. Wilezra

    Wilezra Member

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Pretty sure this thread was created with tongue-in-cheek.

    Thanks for posting, OP. Some of the replies here were pretty funny.
  8. SugarLandDream8

    Mar 1, 2008
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    I guess you didn't pay attention when Royce said McHale wasn't his boss but more like a co-worker and the back and forth between coach and Royce. I guess you didn't pay attention with the Lowry it's either me or McHale drama. I guess you're not paying attention now to Asik giving McHale the stink eye.

    Jeremy probably doesn't hate McHale as I said because Lin is a devote Christian but he doesn't appreciate the spotty minutes, short leash, and getting benched when he played well every game of the whole season then 17 minutes against Dallas. If you actually paid attention to some of his quotes anyone can tell he is annoyed at a min with his short leash.
  9. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    Royce white a jobless overweight baby making machine and Lowry a malcontent who also woreout his welcome in Memphis before they unloaded his pouting ass for nothing.Such golorious exampels of players. Lets not forget Martin who refused to pass the ball as well.

    McHale has his fault as a tactical coach, but almost the majority of the players who played under him liked him as a person. Go see or listen to how well respected he was by the TNT crew.
  10. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    He looked pretty happy last night when the game ended. You LOF's are a piece of work!
  11. C. Orientalis

    C. Orientalis Member

    Oct 12, 2013
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    How so?
  12. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    Lin is probably the most courages and ntoughestb player we have. The guy gets beaten up and he seems to play with more fire once he sees blood. It's uncanny. Once he starts bleeding he goes RAMB.,
  13. SugarLandDream8

    Mar 1, 2008
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    We're in agreement bro that the majority of the players like him as a person. I think as a person he is great. As a coach I'm not a fan of his especially his time management of player's PT. How can Harden avg 39.3 MPG when he has been hurt all season while the Rockets have Lin, Bev, Brooks to give Harden a rest is beyond me. How McHale doesn't limit Parsons when he starts off the season poorly for the first 6-7 games but benches Lin at a drop of a hat when he balled all season long every single game then 17 minutes against the Mavs just because he missed his first 2 shots.

    Long before Lin came here fans were calling him McFail now all of a sudden fans can't question his weakness as a coach because Lin is on the roster. Give me a break.

    Like McHale has such a stellar record as a coach with so much success in Minny and here that he deserves to be treated like he is Phil Jackson or Coach Pop. Or that he won anything which gives him unconditional hero worship like Rudy T and his 2 titles.

    Yes I agree the majority of players like McHale. I would go further and say the majority think he is a good coach.

    But there is a difference between a majority and ALL which some naïve fans claim.

    That is what is being discredited that ALL of McHale's players love him and think he is doing a great job.

    Lowry, Royce, Asik this year, and most likely Lin have doubts about McHale and I don't blame them.

    In fact the majority of clutch fans though McHale was "McFail" before Lin joined this team.

    Having Lin here should make McHale untouchable to critic.
  14. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Hilarious how you turned this thread into some weirdo diatribe. WTF?
  15. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    The McFail term was created when he was the GM of the Wolves. As a coach he is average, the fact that people tend to say he isn't liked because of a few isolated incidents is not right. Hell even the great coaches had players who disliked them. Pat Riley was disliked by the Knicks. Derrick Harper commented on this.They are not their to be liked but to get the job done.

    Some will say he hasn't got the job done, but I think after the bad start, he started coaching pretty well. This season he has had some good ones like the Memphis and Denver game and some bad ones like in Philly.
  16. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    Also, the Asik thing is not McHales fault, if anything he went out of his way to get Asik playing time with the doomed twin towers scenario. In the end Jones provides much better floor spacing and offense.
  17. SugarLandDream8

    Mar 1, 2008
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    McHale has always been bashed first as the GM of the wolves then their coach. He was attacked as the coach of the Rockets but once we got Lin oh no McHale can never be called out or you're a LOF lmao.

    McHale is a mediocre coach and always have been. When he wins something then he can be praised and hero worshipped and immune to any attack.

    So far he has done nothing as a GM and Coach to give him this kind of immunity from attack.

    McHale's record as a head coach is 128 wins and 129 losses in the regular season and 2 wins and 4 losses making the playoff for the 1st time last year in his whole coaching career.

    Just because some people dislike Lin doesn't mean McHale all of a sudden became Phil Jackson or Coach Pop
  18. Crashlanded19

    Crashlanded19 Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Fields isn't white..smh
  19. Hibrido

    Hibrido Member

    Nov 27, 2012
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  20. Canadiandude

    Canadiandude Member

    Jun 18, 2009
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    "Every time I feel like things are going rough on my end, I always try to think about Coach, you know, how he has to show up to work every day with a smile on his face, get to work even though he had to mourn the death of a loved one. Just his determination to come back as quickly as he came back and join the team - we've all grown to really respect him for that." -Jeremy Lin on McHale.

    Juxtapose this statement with the fact that D'Antoni quit on his team in the middle of a season.

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