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It is official, Harden the laziest guard at NBA

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by landryfans, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. iJHolmes

    iJHolmes Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Hopefully after this couple days rest, he's healed some to play back at full speed.

    Granted, even though he is lazy at times, he still carries this team on his back
  2. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    So ...... he DOESN'T contribute to wins??? Please tell me oh brilliant one what you want to do here..... trade him for Patty Mills cause he beats Harden down the court in windsprints???

    Harden seems selfish and lazy to you.... well boo freaking hoo.....

    He's really really good at basketball... shut up, and go away.
  3. ooooaaaah!

    ooooaaaah! Member

    Feb 6, 2013
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    Injury is a big part for Harden but even last year his defense sucked. Parson have back issues won't help either. When he plays guys like Green (San Antonio) and Redick (Clippers) he will always have issue. You just hope that those guys don't hit their shots.
  4. Grinds

    Grinds Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Your weak trash talking attempt is comical. Appreciate the laugh.

    However, I'm speaking on a bigger level than mere regular season wins. For this team to be a champion, James will have play better defensive and show more leadership. If Harden DOESN'T seem lazy and selfish to you, then maybe your head is too far up his ***.
  5. TheBigFive

    TheBigFive Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    With Harden's footwork, body mass, great shooting touch, and propensity to stay in one spot, he probably would have been an all time great center if he was 6 inches taller.
  6. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    So what.... yes, you are right. This team isn't going all the way until he improves on the defensive end.... That's pretty common knowledge.

    So whats the point of this thread and your argument... you want to trade him, bench him, or do you just want to bash him to make people hate him???.. or do you simply just like to state obvious problems, b**** about them with no solutions????

    Tell me.... whats the point??? Everyone in the NBA knows that he has to get better defensively to really be an MVP type of player... he's even said so himself. Still doesn't mean that he's not a very, very good basketball player. You are acting like you just founded Einsteins Theory of Relativity or something by showing us measurements that he hasn't been running wind-sprints on the basketball court on every play 11 games into the season with multiple foot injuries.

    Here's a thought..... HAVE A POINT every once in awhile folks.
    #46 dobro1229, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  7. hugo2000

    hugo2000 Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    the beard aerodynamically slows him down, and reduces the distance.;)
  8. howo13579

    howo13579 Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I didn't see anyone wanting to trade him. Fans just don't want to see a player put half ass effort when he's getting paid (max or not). If you're an employer, whould you not want your employees do their best? If you're a customer, wouldn't you want a quality product? We all know he's good, but his laziness especially on D is getting on my nerve. I rather see a scrub work his ass off instead of clearly "I don't give a ***" attitude in front of all the fans who are the ones paying his contract.
  9. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    If you think he's lazy and your upset about it.. Tweet him yourself. Let him know personally.... That's what its there for. To communicate personally with him.

    Creating endless amounts of threads on here complaining about it is different. Its just b****ing. Tell us something we dont already know, and give some resolution or analysis that shows up something interesting please.

    If you were say a caller on a radio show with Morey, McHale, or Harden himself and told him this they would all tell you that Harden has been playing with multiple foot injuries early this season, but he's been trying to play through those injuries to help his team win. What would your response be to that???... "I disagree James.... dont play and dont help the team win in whatever way you can."???

    Also- If you paid 150 dollars per ticket to go see the Rockets live, would you want every player who was dealing with injuries to sit down or would you rather them at least try to play??? I say that because I spent a ton of money on 4 tickets to the Clippers game the other day when Harden was supposed to sit out, and I thought about this myself as a fan... I pretty much said to myself... screw it I just paid a small fortune for these seats... I hope he plays.

    When Harden is healthy... yes he needs to improve dramatically on the defensive end. That's not uncommon knowledge. But whining and complaining about it constantly.... without any analysis or problem resolution it does nothing but make our fanbase look dumb, whiny, and petty. 29 other fanbases would take him in a heartbeat.... bad feet and all. Why is it necessary that this fanbase HATE every single athlete every single waking minute of every single day????
  10. Hak34

    Hak34 Member

    Feb 21, 2009
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    Really. Have you never watched Harden play a game of basketball? The constant waiting in our own end after any turnover. Waiting on the floor after anytime he falls to the ground so the other team can have a five on four. Never chases his man around on d. It has Nothing to do with his "injuries". It simply is a matter of fact that he is lazy.
  11. J Hard

    J Hard Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    It sounds really lame for a grown man to refer to himself as a 'Lin Only Fan'

    Are you in junior high? I hope so.
  12. Grinds

    Grinds Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    READ A POST once in awhile folks (without getting emotional).

    My first post said everything... remove your emotion and reread it. The FACT is James was "lazy" last season, so injures might not be an excuse this year. That's all. Only a blind sheep would assume injuries are the sole reason for James' laziness after seeing him last year.

    Also from the first post.... what's your excuse for James blowing off the coach? Injures?

    Also reread my second post, the response to Aleron. I'm not against James, man. Just calling it like I see it.
  13. J Hard

    J Hard Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    Clutch should create a certain number of troll threads per topic.

    Like 1 and done, and let the trolls all hangout in a single thread and be fake Rocket fans there.
  14. wfeebs

    wfeebs Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    So everybody complaining would rather go back to 2 years ago when we worked our ass off to be mediocre. You're saying that's what you'd rather watch/root for? Because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We have a budding star who is only 24 and you want to trash him? Everybody here should thank god we have Harden. All this b****ing about him comes from unintelligence and ignorance.
  15. roksoer

    roksoer Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    I don't think his injury is affecting him that much, even with a broken foot he should still move a lot more than Marc Gasol, come on, that guy never runs. A guard should never be that low on the list, let alone a superstar guard.
  16. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    averaging 40 minutes a game, upto 9 assists in a game even more than our pgs, steals, blocks, and he still lazy LOL
  17. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    you are not paying for his contract.. he got paid by Les because he's a franchise player regardless if JLIN and LOFs are here
  18. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    really? now we're complaining that he's not running too much thats he's not a superstar guard?
  19. wfeebs

    wfeebs Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    How can somebody look at that god awful top 10 and say harden needs to strive to be near that???
  20. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    and LOL to all these LOFs who think distance traveled per 48min is more important than distance traveled per game

    distance traveled per game, Harden's behind CP3 and ahead of Parker, Westbrook, Lebron, Love, and JLin

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