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[ClutchFans] Asik Trade Demand Doubles The Trouble For Rockets

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Previously to this season i'd be thinking the same as you, but Asik has now basically sat out 3 whole games just because he's throwing a fit about not starting.

    This situation is pretty ridiculous and bizarre, I couldn't imagine more then a few players pulling this **** in the nba. Never thought Asik would trip like this.
  2. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    What was the reason he didn't even suit up last night. Why wasn't ole buddy putting out maximum effort lately. ( He got benched a few games ago because of that). I'm asking because y'all act like y'all know exactly whats going on in this man's mind. Oh I can't see Asik acting out like this. LOL Looks can be deceiving you do know that right.
  3. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Where, exactly, did anyone say or "act" like they know what is going on in Omer's mind? Are you Miss Cleo now? Maybe Miss Cleo's discarded illegitimate offspring? With all due respect, you are talking out of your hat. We are all discussing possibilities. That is, except you, who seems to think he knows everything.
  4. mirus

    mirus Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Yes Deck , I'm in agreement with you here.

    I think based on what Parsons have said ,I think he did ask it,but not weekly.

    It seems some other teams want to stir the pot(or I'm too farfetched here?:confused:) ).It sounds fishy to me.
  5. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Nope I don't know everything but I do know dude is not handling this situation like a pro should. And why are you looking for possibilities. Everybody knew he wasn't happy about the Dwight Howard signing so why you don't think this dude would act out like this.

    LOL dude pretty much quit on the team and you discussing some type of possibility to why..hahahahaha
  6. mirus

    mirus Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Just curious.I remember the time Asik being signed there's still a huge chance the Rockets got Howard , right?

    btw I really like Morey , but if I'm a player and a non star I wont trust him that much tho.
  7. nono

    nono Member

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Haha doesn't seem like anyone yet wants to pay $15m to stone hands.
  8. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    This is exactly how I feel about Morey. I think he's one of the smartest GMs in NBA history. And I am grateful that he is OUR GM.

    But if I were a role player, I would feel very insecure being on his team, knowing that you could be out of the picture any time. It kind of makes you feel that you are just doing a job, not really playing for a team. Morey takes "this is just a business" literally to the extreme. We joke about the "assets" thing. But it's no joke when you are the one who is being literally dealt like an asset.
  9. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Yeah, it's hard to disagree here. I would like the team to stick together for a couple of years and develop both the young players (a huge proportion of the team), and some chemistry, the one thing we need the most. Sure, there will be a move involving Asik in the not so distant future. That seems obvious enough, but I hope after that, we let things play out for a while. There are several young players I'd like us to keep, including our point guard tandem.
  10. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Role players have the same problem on every team in the NBA. And most of them are happy to be making the big dough.
  11. IBTL

    IBTL Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Role players will feel heat regardless. Morey gave him what he thought was the best deal.

    Asik is quitting on the rockets and his contract. I have lost a ton of respect for Asik and I am disappointed. He too abandoned trying to make TT and non TT work.

    Maybe he really will get to play but he has been getting his chance.If anything his stone hands haven't done him any favors.

    I am no Lin only fan but Asik could learn a lot from Lin about coming off bench and embracing roles.
  12. Breitbard

    Breitbard Member

    Jul 15, 2013
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    I am surprised as well. Perhaps he really does have the flu, so I'm going to defer judgment for a couple more games. But I can't see how this is good for him. If he gets a reputation as a quitter that really won't help his next contract.
  13. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    If he is unhappy about his agent, he can fire him or get out of that contract.
    His body language in the game tells another story. He was frustrated and negative. He probably knew it was a national televised game.
    The audience could tell from his face and the camera guy zoomed in regularly and gave him several close ups.
    Dead fish face, mumbling words and shaking his head.

    He could have handled it behind curtain. No need to even sit on the bench with this kind of attitude.
  14. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    You could say that about every other team in the league. There was an Royce White article that I refer to where it is written that the Rockets are one of the most player friendly teams around the league.

    Other teams would have erased Royce White from their roster entirely after what he did.
  15. cfansnet

    cfansnet Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    We'll if there were only 30 or so people in the world that could reasonably flip burgers and you were among the top 10 then you would have every right to demand such things.
  16. MourningWood

    MourningWood Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    How much influence do y'all think Dwight & James have on the FO? James mentioned that he and Morey discussed the impending Dwight chase last season, and I can't remember how he put it, but something to the tune of, "we agreed it was best to pursue him despite injuries."

    For example, if a Rondo deal was on the table, would Morey run it by his 2 stars before pulling the trigger?
  17. Morlock O

    Morlock O Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    This is the first thing they teach rooks when they come into the NBA... NBA is a business... they will get dealt to another team just like that... teams will sign upgrades if they can... but they are taught to be a professional.. to honor their contract no matter what, because this is not only the RIGHT thing to do but will also benefit them in the long run... being a prima dona will only lower down your value, unless you are a superstar... Asik is no superstar...

    Asik himself said that he will do whatever the coach asks him to do because this is his job... but he is not honoring this word now...

    Dwight a superstar, has received so much criticism for asking to be traded from magic... despite helping Magic reach NBA finals 1 time and helping them reach playoffs for so many years... yet he remained a professional... he still played like a superstar when he is on the court regardless of his discontent.
  18. Morlock O

    Morlock O Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    all his co workers and fans has EVERY RIGHT to call him out on that...
  19. RRockets

    RRockets Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    We don't have the contract for sure. But what if there is a clause that states Asik will be used as a starting center and such? Once Rockets broke this clause, Asik can request a trade?
  20. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Jenny Dial Creech ‏@jennydialcreech 3m
    Asik intends to return to lineup, compete against Celtics: http://blog.chron.com/ultimaterocke...-to-return-to-lineup-compete-against-celtics/

    After several days in which center Omer Asik was “not available,” the Rockets believe he will be part of Monday’s practice and in uniform for Tuesday’s game against the Boston Celtics at Toyota Center.

    Asik has not played the past two games and was not on the bench in Saturday’s game after his frustration with his diminished role on last week’s road trip led to him to say he was not ready to play and to ask that he be traded.

    In the team’s daily meeting Thursday in New York, coach Kevin McHale spoke about players stepping up to contribute in any way possible after a tough overtime loss in Philadelphia in which Asik played just four minutes, according to an individual with knowledge of the meeting. Several players, particularly Pat Beverley and Chandler Parsons, spoke. At one point, McHale asked center Greg Smith if he was ready. Smith said he was, and McHale then asked Asik if he was ready to play that night.

    According to the person familiar with the conversation, Asik said he would not be ready to play that night and soon met with his agent.

    McHale, general manager Daryl Morey and several players have spoken with Asik in the days since the meeting, with Asik indicating he intended to return to practice.

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