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Why so much hate/blame placed on Lin? I think he's been playin well...

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by jisangNY1, Nov 11, 2013.

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  1. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    you need to be banned for bringing your D&D bullshet into the GARM the fruck is wrong with you.
  2. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Ok, show me. Show me the hate towards Lin. I can`t see it. In every thread I look I see lots of people praising Lin and some critizing him. In game threads I see some people calling out Lin for turnovers or bad plays - and I see people calling out every other player on this team for turnovers or bad plays.

    Please, show me examples. And remember, there are always some trolls. But overall, the vast majority of Clutchfans does not hate Lin. They critize him like every other player - it may seem like they critizice him more than other players, because he also gets praised way more than any other player and people want to put it in perspective.

    So, I am waiting for quotes of people hating on Lin - I am seriously not seeing it.
  3. esteban

    esteban Member

    Oct 21, 2008
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    The GARM is full of D&D posts just like the OP's, in case you haven't noticed. What is the matter? Something I said touch a raw nerve?
    1 person likes this.
  4. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title

    Dec 22, 2005
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    You know a thread is garbage when it gets moved from the GARM to the D&D.
  5. MONON

    MONON Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I hope your overall opinion of Americans isn't determined by the "racist Whites and Blacks" you've encountered here. Just remember that discussing sports, religion and politics tends to bring out the worst in us. And I agree that Lin's having a very good season.
  6. jisangNY1

    jisangNY1 Member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    Nah, Clutch probably thought the subject matter was too controversial and not p.c.--which I don't blame him for, actually, lol.

    I think the thread needed to be posted, though, because there is an undercurrent of racism throughout Lin's time in the NBA, no doubt about it. Some people either are too blind to see it, refuse to acknowledge it, or just plain don't want to deal with the subject. Most human beings are like that, actually...
  7. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    I'd say let's move all Lin threads to D&D but we'd just be moving the trash from the GARM to the D&D. I think it might be time to create a Lin forum. And to keep the poor admins from pulling their hair out, if Lin is mentioned in more than 10 posts, it automatically moves to the Lin forum - sans the game threads.
  8. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    I´d say this thread needed to be posted if there are enough examples to back it up. Show me. Show me quotes of people hating on Lin.
  9. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    So basically the entire GARM gets moved into the Lin forum
  10. jisangNY1

    jisangNY1 Member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    This will be my last post on this thread...

    I was treated very badly by Whites, Blacks and Latinos growing up for being Asian. So, yes, I do have a bad impression of my fellow Americans, since I am still an American citizen.

    Also, sadly, I think the country is going down the toilet faster than you can say "Rome." All the shootings, social ills, the racial problems, and the ridiculous government shutdown is making me glad I moved abroad from the United States.

    Seriously, when you're overseas and see all the ridiculous things going on in the country, you can only shake your head in disappointment, and say, 'whatever happened to that once great country I grew up in, once upon a time...'

    I like being in Asia, though. Great place. I've been in South Korea, China, and will now be in Thailand soon. I have also traveled to Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau for vacation (when I've had time off from teaching). Philippines might be another option in the future. It's good for Asian Americans to be in this region, I think.
  11. esteban

    esteban Member

    Oct 21, 2008
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    All it took was a couple posts from esteban and this thread is moved to the D&D.
    esteban has that kind of special power?
  12. jisangNY1

    jisangNY1 Member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    Yeah, thanks a lot, Esteban! :p
  13. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    I am sorry that you had to endure all that.

    But hat doesn`t change the fact that you are accusing basically this forum of very bad things without even one example. Actually you are generalizing whites and blacks and pointing fingers without proof. You actually may call that racism as well. You are using your own experience and generalize it to the way this forum treats Lin.

    In my experience here I haven`t seen much hate towards him, just criticism like every other player gets. Maybe a little more because of all the extreme praise he gets by his fans. Harden and McHale gets way more hate on here.

    So either you back up your claims or stop accusing the people on this forum.
  14. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    If we are talking backgrounds here I am ethnically Chinese, very similar to Jeremy Lin's, and am probably older than you. The first Rockets game I saw was when Moses Malone was still playing for the Rockets so I've seen the evolution of the diversity of NBA, and Major League sports. While yes there have been some racism directed towards Asian athletes for the most part it seems like they have been accepted. Criticism of Yao after a year or two had little to do with him being Chinese but with him being soft. Now some claimed this was because he was Chinese but if you watch him play a lot of this was because he wasn't as strong as he should be and didn't have good technique to play an NBA post game. Once Yao developed into a dominant player most criticism of him being soft disappeared.

    I think some other people addressed it already but the vast majority of Lin hate is directly proportional to the ridiculous amount of Lin threads and the ridiculous amount of Lin love. I like Jeremy Lin as an Asian American who has made it to the NBA, as someone who seems like a really good guy, and as a pretty good basketball player. That said he isn't the second coming of Michael Jordan. He is a good player who has flashes of brilliance but also is very inconsistent and turnover prone. That has nothing to do with race.

    Right here is a good example. Yes the whole team hasn't played great but it seems like you are deflecting blame in order to protect Lin. I didn't see the Clippers game but did see the Lakers game. Yes Lin wasn't the primary cause of the loss but he contributed to it. He had some boneheaded turnovers and played poor D. So yes if Howard hits two more free throws the Rockets win but in a 1 point loss it is just as reasonable to note that if Lin doesn't turn the ball over and gets one more stop on the Lakers' guards the Rockets win.

    Lin shouldn't be singled out for criticism in what is a team loss but he shouldn't be immune from it when he also makes mistakes.
  15. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Let me give a related example. Consider how much Tim Tebow hate there was out there. It should seem pretty obvious that was directly proportional to the Tim Tebow love there was. Many people have tried to argue that Tebow isn't playing in the league and got so much hate was because he is a Christian who wears his religion on his sleeve. While that is true that isn't why he is out of the League. There are many NFL players who wear their Christianity on their sleeves, Ray Lewis for example. What there aren't though are many NFL players who lack the basic mechanics to play their position.
  16. esteban

    esteban Member

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Serious question.
    Do you have a lot of the East Asian features like the shape of your eyes, your jet black hair, the shape of your nose and your bone structure?
    America has a lot of different Asians from various part of Asia and the looks varied a great deal.

    Growing up, I've noticed the few Asians in my school that got picked on were usually the East Asians like yourself...not so much with the Pinoys. Looks matter a whole lot in America

    You can call me an Asian lover because I've gotten into plenty of fights in school for defending those few Asians from blacks, whites and hispanics. Everyone picked on them because they're so few of them and they won't fight back.
  17. IBTL

    IBTL Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Awesome troll post.


    Mods asleep at the wheel
  18. esteban

    esteban Member

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Give the mods a break, this is Monday.
    No trolling here, esteban is a certified Asian lover, mrs esteban is Asian in case you don't know.
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