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The Market for Patrick Beverley

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by RocketPowerNick, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Rockets would .. blazers never would.
  2. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    No, but stop being dishonest. You said the only endearing skill he has is his onball defense. Thats not true, Bev might not shoot at at a 70% clip for much longer, but he clearly is more then just a defensive gun. He is more versatile then some folks are making him out to be.
  3. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    Oh the irony!Lin fans take every pot shot they can to put Bev down to propup lin and anyone with two or even one functioning eye or eyes can see that.
  4. AggNRox

    AggNRox Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    I said his other skills are solid at best. it means his other skills are not as bright as his ball pressure defense.
  5. seven7seven

    seven7seven Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Same can be said of LOHs taking any opportunity to knock him. I'm a LOF but really like Beverly. Both Lin and Bev are good kids and do the job that's asked of them. If some haters, whether they're LOF, LOH, BOF or BOH, really consider themselves Rockets fans, then they should lay off both players and support them both.
  6. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    This. The issue is that there are very few people on either side who are willing to admit that the problem goes both ways. Obviously not referring to you. :)

    You can tell from some of the chats we've had during game streams that there are more than a few LOFs here who would rather us lose a game than for Beverley to have a good game, and LOHs who would rather us lose than for Lin to have a good game. I think it's super pathetic, both ways.
  7. Reach

    Reach Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The latter group doesn't exist, and if it somehow does exist, I challenge you to find even two posts in this entire forum that even suggest such a thing occuring. LOF's like to pretend that a massive cadre of LOH's are menacing the forums to somehow justify their behavior in their own eyes.
  8. hltiki

    hltiki Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I'm a lin fan, but I'm also really big on PB, more so than many CF members.

    With PB's contract, I can see other franchises chasing him, and I can see him wanting to leave the Rockets--this is all assuming he keeps up his level of play.

    To me, PB wants to play aggressive, and he's said it himself; but the problem is, in order for a PG to play aggressively, he's gotta have the ball and control the ball. Just name me one top tier PG that doesn't demand the ball.

    His defense doesn't need to be talked about, but I would like to have some numbers in regards to his offense.
  9. hltiki

    hltiki Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    They do exist, and many of them are merely trolls and have been banned, especially due to racism. How do I know? Because I responded to one and was subsequently negged by a moderator for my stupidity.

    For every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. I challenge you to find me one instance where this law, the law of binaries, of yin and yang, does not exist.
  10. RocketPowerNick

    Apr 14, 2013
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    The latter group does exist, which is why some fans of Lin (and the Rockets) support him a bit more passionately sometimes.
  11. Reach

    Reach Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    If these trolls who dedicate their time on this forum solely to hating Lin actually do exist, they are very few in number or exist only in the minds of a select few.

    I have no idea what to say to your second assertion. Truly speechless.
  12. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    No one has flat out admitted it, and I don't think they would. I do think the former group faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar outweighs the latter -- it isn't uncommon to see these kinds of posts during the games from people who self-identify as LOFs:

    "Hahahaha!! Another Beverley turnover!" :grin:
    "Goaltending by Beverley!" :grin:
    "A Beverley miss!" :grin:
    "4 fouls on Beverley!" :grin:

    I've seen all of those with my own two eyes, as games are happening. Perhaps the most pathetic (and ultimately most satisfying):

    LOF: Hahaha!! I knew Beverley would have zero offensive contribution! :grin:
    CF Poster: He just hit a 3.
    LOF: Oh. :(


    I genuinely think that most of the posters who strongly dislike LOFs are not necessarily people who "hate" Lin -- but people who just strongly dislike LOFs. That said, there are definitely a couple who go out of their way to purposefully antagonize Lin fans for no reason other than to get a rise. They may not be rooting for us to lose, but I think there are those who'd get some satisfaction from Jeremy having a crappy game for the sole purpose of rubbing it in the faces of LOFs.
  13. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    And threads like this one -- which I refuse to believe you started with pure intentions -- fuel the fire.
  14. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Mario Chalmers?
  15. trock

    trock Member

    Dec 9, 2012
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    The thing with Bev is that he's not going to displace too many starters in the league right now. He fits well with this team because he's out there with playmakers Harden and Lin and his talents shine. I haven't seen enough of him running and offense and making it look good. He can fit next to ball dominant wings like Lebron and Harden, but how many teams would pay to have Bev be there starting PG? Not too many. He's more valuable to the Rockets than probably any other team, so not great trade value currently IMO.
  16. Reach

    Reach Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    To the extent that such losers do exist, I can sympathize with Lin fans. But too often is any kind of criticism of Lin or praise of one of Lin's "competitors" conflated with "hating," which leads to accusations of racial bias, idiocy, or belonging to some imaginary group ("ABJ's, "LOF's") dedicated to the verbal tearing down of Jeremy Lin.

    For instance, when the coach or fans think Harden is better off handling the ball in crucial situations, Lin fans label the coach and any like-minded fans idiots, racists, etc. and then proceed to spew this bile ad nauseum on the GARM. Never mind that stats show that Harden is actually more efficient with the ball in his hands than Lin is. Never mind that Lin's assist/turnover ratio, scoring efficiency, etc. were all pretty average last season. In the eyes of many Lin fans, it's racism and other character defects that are primarily at fault for Lin not being treated like the star we're all supposed to know he is (Remember Linsanity! Remember the Spurs game!).

    This happens over and over again, and it gets on people's nerves. As a CF member, I can't say anything bad about Jeremy (or anything good about Beverley, Harden, Mchale) without being met by a horde of Lin fans who will "call me out" in some form or another for my lack of faith. If the criticism is harsh enough, I'll probably be categorized as an "LOF," or "ABJ" and someone will inevitably accuse me subtly (or not so subtly) of holding some inherent racial bias against Asian people generally.

    Listen, I get that Lin fans are really passionate about him, but at some point you have to admit the possibility that every person who doesn't hod the same kind of passion is some kind of stupid hater. It's irrational, it's mostly wrong, and most importantly it impedes on the freedom of speech of others on this board. Please try to be a little more reasonable.
  17. raskol

    raskol Contributing Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    I think people are undervaluing Bev's abilities on the offensive end. If you watched Hoop Reality, you would know that Bev is just talented in basketball period. He's more like a glue guy but from the pg perspective and if you like Parsons for doing a little bit of everything, Bev is the same. People hating on Bev are probably just upset because Lin was never given the same love or willingness to accept him on these here boards though Lin is himself is also a glue guy who does a little bit of everything and works really hard. Nonetheless, don't knock Bev y'all, and watch a bit of Hoop Reality to understand where Bev is coming from. It's just as interesting as Linsanity.
  18. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
    Supporting Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    I would rather have Bev over the following PG's:

    1. Mario Chalmers
    2. Brandon Knight
    3. Kemba Walker
    4. Isaiah Thomas
    5. Raymond Felton

    There are also several starting rookies going into the season that I will reserve judgement for.
  19. hltiki

    hltiki Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    why is kemba walker on that list?
  20. rokit

    rokit Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    He's better than Knight, but Knight is only 21...maybe Chalmers, i don't know. Those other guys are better than Beverley. I wouldn't trade Bev for any of them, but that's because we already have Lin and Harden. Trade Beverley to Sacramento,Charlotte, or NYC and all those teams become worse.

    Isaiah Thomas is very underrated.

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