During Asia Trip TJones had 0% efficiency against David West when he was defending 1on1 in low post. Whenever West went against TJones - he scored. DMo had a VERY good game on Defense today and he had really solid big man's rebounds during both games against Pacers. And West didn't even try to take on DMo in low post. #LegitFearOf7footers
He definitely outshined Jones who got the start and went 1/8 FG. If D-Mo could just hit his 3 pters and FTs more consistently, the question if him starting would be much easier...
All d-no has to focus on is playing hard. Either way just like the of spot, we've got a good quandry with two youngsters with potential.
Except that it is not really clear there is a truly open question about this, except in the minds of certain people here on this board.
Casspi may get a lot of rebounds, but it doesn't mean he's better a rebounder than DMo or Jones, it's just that a lot of those rebounds weren't even contested or against weak bench players. Many teams have strong PFs, similar to West, and there is no way Casspi could keep high rebound numbers in real life lol. All against Jones in the post
Casspi isn't a full time PF. He's kind of a tweener. I think his minutes will mostly be Parsons' backup. BTW, Garcia played pretty well too. So the competition of backup PT is gonna be insane at the 2, 3, and 4 spots.
Start Terrence Jones or Greg Smith or Asik (if possible), bring Motiejunas off the bench for his scoring. Seems to be the best course of action, since the offense of the starters will revolve around Harden, Howard, Lin and Parsons anyway. Don't know why so many people are still in love with the idea of starting a Small Forward at the Power Forward position on this board. None of our SFs are Lebron or even Melo in size or skills to make up for the defense you lose in pitting undersized guys to guard against opponents that probably have either bigger or stronger players.
WHo are these bigger or stronger players? LMA, Bosh, Melo, LBJ, Blake Griffin, Amare Stoudemire, kG, Tim Duncan, Drummond etc etc...you think you can get PFs on the cheap who can keep those guys out? Terrence Jones or Dmo won't make a ton of diff against these guys defensively, but havign someone like Parsons or Casspi makes a lot of difference offensively since they're quicker and can hit perimeter shots better. Those guys can tire the opponent out on offense and then play roughly and use all their fouls on defense. We got a ton of stretch PFs to throw, Casspi, Covington, Garcia and Parsons are all ready to go.
I think DMo's played very well this preseason and has earned his spot in the rotation, possibly as a starter. What impresses me the most is that even though he's bulked up, he's still incredibly quick. He gets out on the fast break faster than any seven footer I've ever seen!
I thought he did okay on defense as well. He struggled against Davis (although T-Jones did too) and Scola, but for the most part of yesterday I thought he did a very good job of boxing out and defending.
Havent seen this posted here yet <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/pOEHjN4hm1A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
so far whoever start at PF is struggling because he is automatic 5th option seem like our best PF option is Smith who doesn't need to ball on offense and play good defense and opponent can't take advantage on size
I had predicted 35 minutes after taking away the twin towers and small ball minutes. But I was including Casspi's minutes at the four in the 35, so I guess we're in the same ballpark. Who do you think is likely to get the 22 and who the six? I think D-Mo would be better suited to starting because he has more offensive versatility and offensive court awareness and is a better passer, so if they wanted to test a few more drawn-up plays in the first or third quarters this year, those might work better with him in there. On the other hand, Jones is such a great athlete, and I worry that giving him only six minutes a game will stunt his development. His biggest weakness, it seems to me, is court awareness both on offense and defense. But how can he develop that without getting playing time?
Did you guys notice the block D-Mo made against Hibbert at the rim in the Taipei game? That was eye-opening