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[GRANTLAND] Schaub Story

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by oelman44, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Mattj

    Mattj Member

    May 20, 2002
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    No actually, Barnwell's point on Twitter was Matt Schaub was just as likely to throw a pick 6 as any of the great QB's. He might have thought he had a statistical basis for that. I used statistics and my eyes. The idea that Schaub is as likely to throw a Pick 6 as Manning or Brady is just arguing to argue. Schaub looked like a QB capable of winning a Super Bowl when he had the most perfect conditions possible: dominant OL, Stud RB, Stud WR, and dominant defense. Now that conditions have changed, he's been outed as JAG. There are probably 15 other QB's that you could put on the Texans right now and they'd have a legit shot to win it all. BTW good luck trusting this regime to find a QB since this is Gary's 3rd AB in that department.
  2. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    This is why Kubiak must be fired if the Texans fail to make the playoffs. Nothing less than cleaning house is acceptable.
  3. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    And… he’s right. Isn’t that why your article is titled, “Are all ‘Pick Sixes’ created equal”? Isn’t that why, in said article, you state, “I knew in my head that while Barnwell might be right about the rate of interception being similar, Schaub's pick 6's ‘seemed’ worse in my eyes.”

    Your point is that the similar rates are irrelevant because Schaub’s are more costly, right?

    I concede Brady. As for the rest - if they each threw 1,000 passes, Schaub would throw 3.2 P6s; Manning: 2.8, Brees 2.8, Eli 3.0, Ben 3.9.

    If anyone’s arguing to argue… it ain’t Barnwell.

    So? You could put 15 QBs on the Broncos and they’d be a threat to win it all – is that an indictment of Peyton Manning? It’s an empty statement. The only issue is whether Schaub can win it all. If your point is that he can’t, fair enough – he’s not doing a lot to make anyone think otherwise right now. But it doesn’t require the best, second best or even tenth best QB to win a Super Bowl. That’s why Joe Flacco has more Lombardi Trophies than Tom Brady since 2006.

    Third? He inherited Zombie Carr and jettisoned him almost immediately. Who else? You’re going to hold back-ups against him? That seems fair.

    He’s had one QB (since coming here, and it predates Rick Smith, iirc), and I can’t tell you Gary Kubiak made him better – but Schaub’s been, for the majority of his career, a very good/great QB under Kubiak.
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  4. Mattj

    Mattj Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Gary go the job because he told McNair he could win with Carr. He was either lieing or poorly evaluated him.
  5. pacman0590

    pacman0590 Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    He won't lose his job till we are out of the playoff picture.. Simple as that, so do everyone a favor and be a freaking fan.. Root for Schaub.. I don't like him either, but burning Schaub Jerseys and cussing him out on twitter is very Dallasesque.. When Kubiak is the real one to blame, choosing to stop stretching the field, choosing to be a predictable playcaller setting Matt up for failure..

    You guys think that life would just be magical if we had another QB.. There's only one Peyton Manning y'all.. Ya'll wish for a mobile QB.. This is what y'all sound like to teams who are expected to draft high next spring...

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/Kaepernick7">@Kaepernick7</a> you suck! We should've kept Alex Smith he probably wouldn't be getting wooped on by the colts, i'll tell you that much!! U suck</p>&mdash; HayCity™ (@Hay_Hayden) <a href="https://twitter.com/Hay_Hayden/statuses/382683354232913920">September 25, 2013</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/Kaepernick7">@Kaepernick7</a> you suck , Niners need to bench you for colt McCoy</p>&mdash; ⚡Amadeus⚡ (@Swaveyy721) <a href="https://twitter.com/Swaveyy721/statuses/382682602848923648">September 25, 2013</a></blockquote>
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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/Kaepernick7">@Kaepernick7</a> I've always said alex smith was better then you <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23stepyour****up&amp;src=hash">#stepyour****up</a></p>&mdash; 12b (@GAJICMAGIC) <a href="https://twitter.com/GAJICMAGIC/statuses/382601482605838336">September 24, 2013</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    These are just 3 out of the 100's of favorited tweets by Colin Kaepernick..

    The rest of the league is laughing at how terrible our fan base is.
  6. Mattj

    Mattj Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Not sure how old you are, but Warren Moon endured 100 times worse fan insults and threats from the Houston fan base and he was a legitimate HOF QB. Schaub has it EASY compared to Moon.
  7. Anticope

    Anticope Member

    Jun 11, 2001
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    The difference is anyone would take Manning over all 15 of those QBs, while Schaub would be at the bottom of that list.
  8. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Yes, you're right - thanks for the 7-year old news flash - and? Kubiak didn't draft David Carr; he didn't trade for him or sign him, either. He inherited him; more factually - he was forced on him. You're really going to hang David Carr on Gary Kubiak? And even if we all agree Carr's failure is a strike against Kubiak (which, again, is absurd)... that's still only two and he's batting .500 - so who are the other two swings and misses?

    Gary Kubiak, as head coach of the Houston Texans, is, to this point, defined by exactly one QB: Matthew Rutledge Schaub. To argue he's been a failure (or success, for that matter) with any other QB while here is utterly silly.
  9. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    I'll pose the same question to you as I did Mattj: So? Is the idea to have the *best* QB, or a QB, regardless of where they might rank in the QB hierarchy, capable of winning a Super Bowl? Because you know who's probably 14th on that list, just ahead of Schaub? Joseph Flacco.

    Again, if you don't think Schaub is capable... have it; I don't think too many people are going to argue the contrary right now.
  10. Mattj

    Mattj Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Joseph Flacco has legitimate arm talent. Schaub is a paper mache golem.
  11. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    He can throw the ball very far. Unfortunately, prior to Schaub's recent slide, it hit the ground or fell into the arms of his opponents with far greater frequency than Schaub's did. David Carr had "arm talent." JaMarcus Russell had "arm talent."

    Moving the chains and the keeping the opponent's offense on the sideline is a talent. Why this is so routinely dismissed - when it is sooooooooo much more vital to winning than being able to throw a ball 50 yards - is, and will always be, beyond me.
  12. Mattj

    Mattj Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Fine have them switch teams and tell me the Ravens are better with Schaub and the Texans are worse with Flacco.
  13. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    Maybe Kubiak just wants a QB who he can micro manage. Less likely with the top QBs who are more likely to call the shots, run the show themselves.
  14. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Since 2011, Matt Schaub has been a better (regular season) QB than Joe Flacco. He has completed a higher % of passes (64% to 58%); despite Flacco's "arm talent" (whatever that means), Schaub has averaged more yards per attempt (7.6 to 6.9), thrown more touchdowns (%-wise, to even the disparity between games played – remember: Schaub missed six games in ‘11) and has a higher winning percentage (70% to 67%). (They’re dead-even, %-wise, on interceptions, BTW.)

    So even though there's no way to definitively answer your hypothetical - and assuming you don’t think the Ravens would be better with Schaub (or, at least, as good considering both teams are among football’s best since 2011) - what are you basing your conclusion on? Because the empirical evidence suggests you walked right into a wall on this one.

    Look, if you want to keep moving the target until you hit a bull’s eye… godspeed, I guess. But you have traveled soooooo far off the path here… and all because it’s apparently not enough to state Matt Schaub has been very bad; we have to make sure everyone knows he’s been very, VERY bad?

    I don’t get it…
  15. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    Every QB has thrown a pick6 in their careers but to be a 7-year starting QB of a championship-caliber team and throw THAT throw?
  16. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    It was most assuredly an indefensibly bad throw/decision. But any worse than this one?

    He's currently a liability - he might be a permanent liability. But let's have a *little* perspective: Matt Schaub is NOT the only QB, elite or otherwise, who makes mistakes.
  17. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Flacco has arm talent, a super bowl ring, and a super bowl MVP. Yeah, that's about the same as David Carr and JaMarcus Russell. You always try to pick and choose your facts to create some illusion. Give us all a break.
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  18. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    We can all pick our stats but really these are the ones that matter now aren't they?

    Since 2011...

    Matt Schaub - 1 playoff win,
    Joe Flacco - 6 playoff wins, Super Bowl MVP

    Playoff QB Ratings:
    2012 - Flacco 117.2, Schaub 87.5
    2011 - Flacco 96.1, Schaub season ending injury on a QB sneak didn't play
  19. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    Like I said, all QBs have made a pick 6 (e.g. errant) throw in their careers and mistakes are made but, like you said, this one was indefensibly bad.

    Schaub was/is/will be the scapegoat for that loss and will be the player that gets thrown under the bus if the team's season doesn't pan out like the way most of us thought it would (e.g. at least a playoff game) and rightfully so. QBs get the glory and the will also get the blame.

    That being said, my personal belief is that Kubiak needs to take the blame (I haven't read much on what he's said post-game) for the atrocious play calling that had put Schaub in that unenviable position in the first place.

    Whatever the Texans can manage to salvage out of this season would be a positive because I think, by now, we should all see that the way this team is constructed and coached that the ceiling for this team has probably been reached due to constraints that can be eliminated after the season. Whether that is getting rid of Schaub, Kubiak, or both, something needs to change. Of course, with the Titans losing Locker, the Texans are still in a good position to win the division or at least get a wild card birth....which would be all that it will take for Uncle Bob to say "Lets keep Gary and Matt for another year"
  20. HillBoy

    HillBoy Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    The Houston fanbase isn't terrible by a long shot but they are a little anxious right now because they can see this team's window of opportunity to get to the big show shrinking and slipping away. Both Indy and Nashville are on an upward trajectory while the Texans have basically plateaued and that has got many fans on the edge. Sure, Schaub has not played championship football but neither has the rest of the offense. I still feel that Schaub can get the job done but for that to happen Kubiak has to adjust to the fact that opposing defenses have figured out his offense especially the naked QB bootleg. So far that hasn't happened.

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