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[GRANTLAND] Schaub Story

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by oelman44, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. josephnicks

    josephnicks Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    meh before that 2010 season he had a respectable defense, he qb'd 8-8/9-7 teams.. weve seen him fold way too many times under pressure.. hes just a loser and wasnt a legit playoff qb until we had a stacked defense..
  2. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Yeah, never mind that same interception throw in the first quarter in the red zone that cost the Texans a sure 3pts.

    Schaub chokes under pressure - or he caves to the ground, always has, always will, in fact it is getting worse.

    Is he the best QB on the roster, probably - but sometimes all a guy needs is a chance.

  3. ipaman

    ipaman Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Sorry but the article is garbage, focused way too much on the pick 6's.

    We fans know the entire body of work. We know Schaub turns into Joe Montana when the game is seemingly out of reach and the pressure is off but when the pressure is turned on turns into Schooby Schooby Doo!!!

    Bottom line is he is a different player when pressure is on/off and I don't think you can learn that skill.
  4. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    At his best, he was tolerable, but has he ever had a stretch where he's made so many critical mistakes?
  5. rezdawg

    rezdawg Member

    Feb 15, 2000
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    Is that really a fair comparison? Comparing Schaub to one of the best passers in the history of the game?

    When you expect Schaub to play at a historically elite level, you'll be disappointed. Every QB except for maybe 3 others would lose in that comparison.
  6. SK34

    SK34 Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I thought it said sob story
  7. josephnicks

    josephnicks Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    you meanies made matt delete his twitter..
  8. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Actually, I had to make that post because I DIDN'T believe Schaub should be compared to Brees. But the person I responded to did.
  9. Progs

    Progs Member

    Oct 17, 2012
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    Matt Schaub INTs and the timing is alatming. Plus his foot speed and lack of athletism is well below average. Time to get that QB of the future whether by trade or draft. Texans need to make QB as soon as next season or this season because the Texans core aint getting any younger.
  10. Mattj

    Mattj Member

    May 20, 2002
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  11. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    The effort is very much applauded - but let me ask you a question: the other QBs have thrown far more pick-6s (in large part because they've thrown far more passes) - how many of those came in games eventually decided by 7 or fewer points? Isn't the final score more relevant than when it happened? I can't remember the last time fans shrugged off a pick-6 because it was "early." Those tend to be backbreakers regardless when they happen. Look no further than the Raven game - anyone want to argue Smith's pick-6 didn't blow that game open in the 2Q?

    We assign waaaaay too much importance to the idea of timing, IMO. You'll never convince me a 31-7 win is somehow less impressive than a last-minute 31-27 win. Or that a grand slam in the 9th inning that wins a game has any greater significance than a grand slam in the 1st inning of a game you eventually win 4-3.

    Also, frankly, I think your research supports Barnwell's position that this is an anomaly to potentially end all anomalies - prior to this year, Schaub hadn't thrown a pick-6 close and late since 2010, and had totaled all of three between 2007 and 2012 (regular season) - so that's three in 80 starts. He's currently sitting at 2 in just 4 games this year, and three overall. (And it's really 3.5 because that SD pick might as well have been a pick-6.)
  12. Mattj

    Mattj Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Yes, I tracked the time and score of every interception for each QB mentioned. I think it can easily be argued that a pick 6 in the 1st half is more easily overcome. In fact, of the 32 4th Quarter "Pick Sixes" I tracked, only once did a 4th quarter Pick Six not result in losing the game. That was the Titans game from 2 weeks ago. When the Pick Six occurred outside the 4th quarter, the QB's team won the game 21 out of 61 times.

    So while the likelihood of a win is not great in either case, 33% > 3%.

    Over half of Drew Brees' 19 Pick Sixes happened when his team was already trailing by double digits.

    Half of Tom Brady's "Pick Sixes" happened when the Pats were already down double digits.

    5 of 13 for Roethlisberger with Steelers already down double digits.

    8 of Peyton Manning's 21 "Pick Sixes" occurred with his team already down double digits.

    Eli Manning had the 2nd worst numbers to Schaub in that regard with only 4 of his 15 picks happening with the Giants down double digits.

    9 of Schaub's 10 "Pick Sixes" occurred during 1 score games.

    Ben Roethlisberger and Peyton Manning have won 5 games in which he threw a pick 6. Eli Manning has won 4 games in which he threw a pick 6. Brady won 3 of the 8 games in which he threw a pick 6. Schaub has won 2. Drew Brees has won 2.
    1 person likes this.
  13. ipaman

    ipaman Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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  14. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Dude, you win at the internet. Also, I think you just made a Grantland writer look lazy.

  15. Xsatyr

    Xsatyr Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    He sucks. The end.
  16. ryano2009

    ryano2009 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    The question is, is Gary Kubiak capable of taking a team to the playoffs and winning Superbowl, Absolutely no, even if he was coaching Manning or Flacco when they got hot in the playoffs, he is not capable of winning Superbowl, they guy is below average coach and good OC and I think it was terrible mistake by any organization to hire this guy is a coach.

    Back To Schaub, is there a possibility that he might get hot and start playing like great QB, sure there is a big possibility, but I DON"T SEE IT, why:
    1-the guy doesn't have leadership
    2-his demeanor and the way he carries himself as a player doesn't convince you that he might get hot at some point.
    3-his decisions are below average despite having great accuracy on hitting target

    The author mentioned not getting a lot of help from his teammates.

    I think it's total BS, he has pro-bowl wide receiver, promising rookie WR (IMO the best WR taken from this year's draft), Pro-bowl TE, The best RBs combo in the NFL, and not to mention the #2 defense in the NFL.

    So what I want to say is, I truly don't see this team going deep in the playoffs or winning Superbowl any time soon with the combination of Matt Schaub and gary Kubiak.
    1 person likes this.
  17. ryano2009

    ryano2009 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    I really don't understand this move, it's absolutely dumb, every fan on this city lost their faith in you and what you do..? you delete your twitter account so you won't read their tweets about you :eek::eek:
  18. ynelilvs99

    ynelilvs99 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    i havent said two words against kubiak in literally years but it is becoming abundantly clear he is not a good coach when it matters. and hes not good for this team. he may be a great guy but a great coach (which is what we need) he is not.
  19. rpr52121

    rpr52121 Sober Fan

    Mar 28, 2006
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    This right here. What Superbowl-winning QB cannot audible out of a play that they can see will not succeed? You have to let him audible out of that play, and if you do not trust him to do so then you need a new QB. Defenses are too good, well-prepared, and "chaotic" to not allow your QB to audible on 2/3's of plays.
  20. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Easier, sure; but generally, teams don’t overcome pick-6s, regardless of when they happen. Taking the numbers you provided for just these QBs, they’ve lost 81% of the games in which they threw a pick-6.

    Further, and I’m kicking myself for not mentioning either of these previously: how many of their interceptions led directly to points? I mean, is a pick-6 really more devastating than a touchdown one or two or three plays after an interception? (See: Schaub’s interception against San Diego in week 1.)

    I really think – and this is Barnwell’s point - that we’re desperate to assign a deeper level of significance to something that is routinely, regardless when it occurs, a devastating game changer. Interceptions are bad: this isn’t rocket surgery.

    Lastly, Brees, Brady, Manning, Manning, Roethlisberger… you’re talking about three of the greatest QBs of all-time and two other not-as-great-as-the-other-three QBs who nonetheless share four Lombardi trophies. No one should be terribly shocked that Matt Schaub doesn’t measure up to those guys (even though, overall, he actually does when it comes to pick 6s). If your point is that he’s not as good as those guys (or in the case of Ben and Eli, not at accomplished) … uhm, have fun arguing with yourself, I guess.

    The bottom line is that Schaub has been terribly reckless, and destructive, for seven consecutive games. But that has not been his calling card for the vast majority of his career. In fact, love him or hate him, I think we all can agree that he has actually been rather exceptional at not turning the ball over prior to this current stretch. Before the wildcard game last season, he hadn’t thrown a pick-6 in more than 2 years, and only 3 altogether in 80-something starts. Collectively, he threw 15 INTs between 2011 and the first 12 games of 2012; 11 INTs in the 10 games since.

    He has become a liability. I don’t think we need to dig a lot deeper than that. If he can fall back to just safe and secure Matt Schaub, the team will be OK. But everyone in 100% justified in doubting whether we’ll ever see that Matt Schaub again, and that should include his head coach and general manager. It’ll be interesting to see how long they stick with him if his pace continues. Tate fumbles once and never sees the field again: what is Schaub’s “that’s it!” number?

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