Something pretty traumatic just happened to him. Its totally believable to me that he had this resentment and anger bottled up within him and he just had to finally let it out. Remember the restaurant scene with his old girlfriend from one of the early seasons? That said, it was a bit over the top (especially his warning that she should never "cross him" and the "mark my words" thing), so I think the interpretation that he did this purposely to protect his wife works better.
One of the most powerful episodes of tv ever. Geez, what an intense day. What is he going to do with the ricin???
Have a feeling Jesse is gonna be free after the cook and will kill walts family. Prob writing Heisenberg on the wall. Hence causing Walt to return after getting the new identity.
same here. we heard walt tell jesse about watching his s.o die and not doing anything. so when he was talking to skyler, I thought he was just expressing what we all think about skyler.:grin: going to rewatch it again
I don't think he's gonna be free. After Todd learns from him, he's probably dead but most likely I'm wrong because who knows what Vince is gonna do.
Lol I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to Jesse. I absolutely love the way Aaron Paul plays that character and I like Jesse because I feel like if I were put in his situation, I would go a little crazy too...He went from a small drug dealing addict to a drug kingpin's right hand man in a manner of a year. I think anyone in that kind of situation would go mad. Not to mention Jesse's girlfriend OD'd, he killed a guy, his girlfriend's brother got killed and his girlfriend's kid got poisoned all within a year. That's a lot of crap to go through in a year and I think I'd go crazy too...confessing to Hank must have been a complete release for him. Cranston's acting on that phone call was absolutely brilliant. Hate that the series is ending...only 2 episodes left. Can't wait though.
priorities/enemies change. he has nobody left in his life. Aryan Brotherhood completely effed him over, and never followed through with their deal to boot. All Jesse did was rat him out under duress after being in an altered state after finding out about the poisoning. he poisoned the kid, let the girlfriend die, and ruined jesse's life...maybe he realizes that he owes him one. i think lydia is a good call for the ricin, maybe in another coffee shop sitdown scenario. hard to understand what the motive would be at this point, though, other than to tie up a loose end, but methinks that ain't quite dramatic enough given the focus paid to the re-acquiring of the ricin. anybody think those dvds still end up coming into play and absolving walt and skylar? marie making mention of telling skylar to throw them all out has me thinking. walt didn't give any incriminating details on that phone call, and still, nobody knows anything (with hank and gomie dead) besides skylar, marie, and jesse. heck, maybe he ricins marie.
Well the season premiere is a flash forward to his 53rd (Right?) birthday. So there's probably going to be a year inbetween next Sunday's show and the finale.
I cried when Steve died and when Hank got the bullet I cried even more. Didn't expect Hank to die in this episode. Such an awesome character s3e7 is proof.
52nd. More like 6 months. I think Nice Rollin is aware of this. It's just that they have to fit 6 months into 2 episodes. They will likely skip a big chunk of time. The question is why? After seeing pretty much every step of Walt's journey, will suddenly jumping a couple of months into the future feel satisfying?
His birthday that he's recreating with the bacon might not even be his actual birthday. If he has a fake ID, maybe he has a different birthday on there, and he's creating 52 "ironically" based on the birthdate of his fake identity?
Wouldn't it make sense if the flash to the future was the final episode? That would build the most suspense at least. I think the next episode should cover what happens to Jesse (I suspect he is dead in the future, judging from Walt wearing the Jesse-throwback jacket) and what happens to the rest of the family (why the house is abandoned and tagged).