Don't worry about me, I guarantee you that I am not going to be in hopeless deep poop for all eternity. That's something you are thaught to scare you into believing. No legitimate all powerful god would require such trivial coercive tactics to maintain believers. That there is some evidence I know the god Christians created isn't real. No god made of love would ever demand that someone accepts him or goes to hell. Are you serious? We are not communicating - you do not understand what or why I think the way I do. So with all due respect, I will end this debate and simply say I respect your beliefs and faith. I don't want to offend you or your beliefs, but if you are going to tell me I am going to hell because I don't buy into your god, I am not going to pull punches. So let's end this and move on.
I dunno, I just want to let people believe what they want to believe, as long as whatever they believe doesn't infringe upon the rights of others, even within their own religion (e.g. leader of a cult brainwashing members of his cult, objectively to their detriment). And I don't want people - be they religious or atheists - to make unsolicited attempts to convert me to whatever they believe. When I read posts here of people being so sure that God doesn't exist or that whatever specific version of God they believe in is the only possible truth, all I can do is shrug. Our brains aren't made to comprehend whether and in which form God exists or not, I am afraid. Science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, in my humble opinion.
"Burden of proof". The responsibility of proving the claim falls in the hands on the one making the claim. Science or anybody else doesn't have to do anything. The evidence presented by the claimer should be presented and then evaluated. Whether the evidence sufficiently proves the claim, that is what's usually debated.
So what point are you trying to make? You could claim that God exists and you could claim that God doesn't exist. Burden of proof in both cases, and in both cases you cannot prove it. What now?
I'm curious. If you think Science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, do you have a position on what you think can prove or disprove the existence of God?
Nope. I don't claim he doesn't exist. There has been no evidence provided to me that sufficiently proves of his existence. That is a big leap for you to say therefore, I claim he doesn't exist. The point I am trying to make is that if somebody makes a factual claim, that person needs to provide proof. If I don't agree that the evidence is sufficient, all I can say is I don't agree. That does not mean I have taken the opposite position.
And that's the thing. Believers in god have no proof that he exists, but counter "well prove he doesn't exist!". THey are the ones claiming he does, so I think it's for them to prove that he does, not for other to prove he does not. When someone shows me one piece of evidence that these ancient gods of lore are real, then I will pay attention.
Bible prophecy is the proof that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is real. Bible prophecy has a stunning 100% accuracy rate. There are very few prophecies left to be fulfilled and most if not all of them will more than likely take place after the rapture during the seven year tribulation. Anyone who takes the time to study Bible prophecy has zero doubt that God and Jesus exist. It is truly sad but some people will never believe. There was a thread in here a few years ago with the question did a person named Jesus even exist. Some people actually believe there was never a person named Jesus and the whole story was made up. I can somewhat understand how some may not believe he is the son of God but some people truly believe he never existed. I pray the realize the truth one day. I can't imagine how my life would be without Jesus. The Lord has blessed me in so many ways. I can only guess how empty and alone I would feel if I had never accepted Jesus as my Lord & Savior. When a person accepts Jesus and gets filled with the Holy Spirit, it is truly an amazing thing. Life makes so much more sense. I pray some of the atheist and agnostic people someday experience the feeling of the Holy Spirit.
So just to sum it up: If I actually knew anything, I would know 100% that god exists. You feel sorry for me. My life is empty and I am alone. ------------------------------- It is attitudes like this that make me sick.
100% Accuracy? Seems like a bold claim and if the bible was really predicting things it would be pretty obvious to what are some of these prophecies that have come to pass?
How can you say they have a 100% accuracy rate if they haven't all been fulfilled? Can you point us to a list of all the prophecies made by the Bible and how they've come true over the years?
My position is in the post you quoted . Re-read it. Basically, I don't think you can prove or disprove it. And contrary to what New Yorker is posting, that means to me that either position is equally valid (or not valid). To assume that the other side has the burden of proof is the first mistake.
Because I subscribe to the crazy idea that something should have to prove what they are saying is true in order for me to believe it.
So Sir Jackie Chiles, you are saying that the tooth fairy existence is 50-50? And it's a 50-50 shot that alien abductions are real? Interesting.
I don't know about 50/50, but comparing the question of the existence of a not clearly defined God to a tooth fairy and alien abductions already shows your bias. I am not saying God exists or doesn't exist. I am just saying that you are an idiot, and that I can say with about 100 % certainty.
Right about what? Atheism doesn't make any positive claims with 100% certainty, we simply don't believe any religious claims.