It doesn't matter if he had a sub par season because the year before tha he proved her can be good and Hibbert is correct, if rather have my teams player
My point was more that there's no need to take shots at the players playing in pro-ams (Kevin Durant, James Harden, etc). It's great that he's working out with Duncan, but most of the players he's taking a shot at are better than him, so it's kinda silly.
What a weird interpretation. Those games are full of scrubs, next to Hardens. It's not a shot at Harden.
I know you're a Pacer fan, but give me a break. He's clearly taking a shot at NBA players who play in the pro-ams, not the scrubs that fill the games out. It's not a direct shot at Durant, Harden, per se, but it's still a shot.
OK, so now that you've conceded my point, where did I say any of the players should be pissed off about the statement? I just think it's silly that this big clown is mouthing off when he hasn't accomplished anything significant in his career outside of playing well against the Heat in the playoffs this year.
Need I remind you that the heat are two time nba champs and also one of the best defensive teams out there.
So it's a shot that doesn't offend its targets? Hibbert is such a hard hitter, then. That post was sarcastic, by the way. Hibbert is right. These leagues are mainly for fun. Everyone knows it, including Hardens and Durants. I don't know what's going on between you and pacertom, but you might be trying too hard to find something negative.
Of course you don't, I'm a Heat fan :grin: Alright I'll drop it lol. You're right, I just think pacertom is a tool, that's all.
I like Hibbert. He shouldn't take anymore games off from now on. I remember last year, I got my tickets for when the Pacers came to town and I was thinking "Yes, a good game". Then Roy got mad at his teammates and was motivated as hell on nbatv saying he was gonna come out full force. Guess which game was next on the schedule? Yep. The Rockets. Needless to say, that was one of the worst games we played that season. At no point did we lead in that game. I want to say we were down 10 within like 3 minutes and it ballooned to us being down close to 20 in a matter of no time. He is kinda like Rondo except instead of playing good on televised games, he just kinda takes 4 games off at a time.
There is such a thing as over-preparing. Coach K wouldn't work out his guys too hard in the off-season and early on because he didn't want them playing national championship basketball in January. I'm not knocking Hibbert here, more just saying playing in pro-am stuff isn't horrible and come the start of the season a lot of those players like KD, like Harden will be ready for it just as much as Hibbert is. Contenders need to look passed November and see through to the playoffs.