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[ClutchFans] Houston Rockets Salary Cap Update

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by BimaThug, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. theDude

    theDude Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    The Rockets don't have to go that high if nobody else is offering anything close.
    And Feigen indicated that talks regarding Smith seemed to stall. So they may be content just letting Smith walk.
    But I have a feeling Morey will put something creative together that will improve the team even more. If he wants Smith, he could probably work a three team deal where the Hawks get some compensation for a sign and trade.
  2. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    The only way to keep our full MLE is to not use cap space. In other words, to operate above the cap. This would require trades abiding by the trade rules such as the 150% rule and the +5 million rule and the 125% rule. Therefore to stay above the cap and keep our full MLE we would have to execute a sign and trade transaction of Dwight by putting together $15.5 million of outgoing salary.

    We already have committed to trading TRob and White. IF we were able to find a taker for Lin or Asik who would give us nothing back but draft picks THEN we could execute a sign and trade by throwing in Smith, Anderson, Ohlbrecht and some future picks to the Lakers. Lakers would get 3 players on minimum non-guaranteed deals to fill out their roster, 3 players with talent that could become part of their rotation, and they would also get the huge $20.5 million TPE. We in turn would be able to stay above the cap and have our full MLE, plus the BAE, PLUS we would be able to retain Garcia's Birds rights and re-sign him.

    With the wing shooter free agency pool so depleted since Duneavy, Redick, Korver have already agreed to sign elsewhere and Delfino looking like he's on his way to OKC too I think it becomes even more important to retain Garcia. I don't know if we can even retain Garcia with the Room MLE. Don't know if that is enough $$$. If we can keep his Birds rights, we don't have to worry about that. Remember, to sign Dwight outright we have to renounce Garcia's Birds rights and then we can only offer him or someone else the Room MLE.

    Signing Dwight outright leaves us in a similar position to what the Heat were in in 2010. They were locked in to the Big 3 with no MLE. Lost in the Finals. Added Battier during the off season with their MLE and went all the way. Added Ray...won again. I'm sure Morey is considering all these possibilities. If we are really going for it this year......he's considering a S&T that will keep him over the cap with the full MLE, the BAE, and Birds rights on Garcia.
  3. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    We have to cut Anderson and one of Smith/Ohlbrecht to sign Dwight outright........unless.........Dwight is willing to take less than the max. Consider that because a well-known source has indicated it is a distinct possibility. (Can we leave the sources out of this so they can maintain some sort of anonymity while feeding us info?)
  4. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Well, it would obviously be Anderson and Ohlbrecht, but I have to say, I think letting Anderson walk would be a big mistake. He is incredibly versitile and a solid defender. He was playing out of position last year, but he'd provide excellent backup minutes to Parsons at the 3. That cheap contract is worth holding on to. Watch, he's gonna blow up summerleague. Solid role-player.

    I think we ought to find another way to free up $900 grand.
  5. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    Maybe you are right, but this is the tweet that I read last night:

    He only mentions Smith and Beverley so sure your right about about Anderson and Ohlbrecht.
  6. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    I'm going to wait at least until after July 10, when we'll actually know (1) the salary cap, (2) James Harden's actual salary, and (3) Dwight Howard's actual salary (although I assume it's the absolute max for him of $20,513,178).

    A team that uses its cap space AT ANY POINT during an offseason cannot later use its MLE or BAE during that season. In order to use cap space, a team has to waive its rights to those salary cap exceptions. The only exceptions available to such teams are (1) the Room Exception (which was specifically created under the new CBA to address situations like the Rockets are in now) and (2) the Minimum Player Salary Exception (which allows teams to exceed the cap to sign players to the league minimum).

    Hope that clarifies things for you.
  7. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Thanks Bima - so to give Howard the absolute max we would need to cut Ohlbrecht and Anderson, right? How much could we offer him if we only cut one or no one?
  8. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    no other options short of trading TJones or DMo for draft picks.

    If you waive Anderson there is a chance that you can re-sign him. Ohlbrecht will probably be picked up by Ainge. Smith would probably be snapped up as well.

    I like Anderson too but I think he is easily replacable. DJ Kennedy is in RGV and is ready. Also, Anthony Morrow is still scrounging for a contract. Shooter deluxe right there.

    Knowing that we are going to have to waive these guys anyways and likely lose the ones we value the most...why not include them in a sign and trade for Dwight and stay over the cap?
  9. Ultimate6thMan

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Yes, thank you very much! So it really does seem like there is really no need to even consider a SnT with the Fakers for DH12 since it won't bring us anything of value like the MLE.
  10. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Not true. If we execute a sign-and-trade for Dwight by sending out $15.5 million in outgoing salary or more...we keep our MLE and our BAE and our Birds rights to Garcia.
  11. Ultimate6thMan

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Yeah, but that's NOT happening from the Rockets or Lakers perspective. Plus it wouldn't be worth it just to get the MLE, BAE or Garcia's Bird Rights. All of that is not worth Asik & Lin.
  12. Fair Dinkum

    Fair Dinkum Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Understood. I forgot that using any of your cap room to sign a player means we have to waive our full MLE... etc. So the plan is just sign Dwight outright by waiving Ohlbrect and Anderson.
  13. Fair Dinkum

    Fair Dinkum Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    We are not going to lose Asik and Lin to do a S&T with the Lakers just so we can keep our MLE and BAE.

    Lakers wont do it anyway cause they want to reduce their lux tax and maintain cap flex for next year.
  14. Do WHAT?

    Do WHAT? Member

    Jun 26, 2001
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    In other words, the Rockets will have another trade completed prior to July 10 to accommodate the incoming salary of Dwight Howard and still be able to maneuver with additioning players coming to us with the open player slots.
  15. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    basketballholic, I think you misunderstand when a team is even eligible for the MLE and BAE.

    The Rockets right now--BEFORE the Robinson and White trades are consummated--are only about $2.3 million or so about the cap when you add all current team salary, the cap holds for Garcia ($9.15M) and Boykins ($884k), the Nontaxpayer MLE and the BAE.

    If the Rockets--AT ANY POINT during the consummation of any of the transactions you are talking about--drop below the salary cap when those extra items are accounted for, they will AUTOMATICALLY lose the MLE and BAE.


    While it may still be theoretically possible for the Rockets to stay above the cap, none of the specific illustrations I have seen would actually accomplish your goal. (Please note, however, that I have not read all of your scenarios, so it is entirely possible that you successfully achieved your goal with a scenario that I just haven't seen. If so, my apologies.)

    Again, love the creativity. But I just don't see it happening. Not to mention that dealing someone like Lin or Asik for next to nothing just to get the MLE may be counter-productive, as I think Lin and Asik are each better than pretty much anyone you could get for the full MLE.

    Thanks again for your creativity.
  16. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Fair enough. I understand. Just think Anderson was another Morey gem worth keeping. Would be shocked if another team doesnt snap him up. But conceivably, we should be able to move Greg Smith for a pick; assuming we keep Asik. So that'd be another way to keep Anderson. I think with Asik firmly playing in the backup 5 role, one of DMo, Jones, or Smith will be left out of needed development minutes at the 4. Given t he upside of the other two, I'm betting it would be Smith. So why not move him for a draft pick and clear up the room needed to keep Anderson?
  17. okierock

    okierock Member

    Oct 3, 2001
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    I expect to see a lot of Greg smith in the summer league to facilitate just such a move. Greg will dominate the summer league IMO, as will Anderson. We need a backup two more than a big and bigs are over valued.
  18. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Unless the cap comes in over $58.5 million, then Anderson has to be waived. Of all the non-guaranteeds..I think he is the most likely player that could be available to re-sign.
  19. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    Agreed that Anderson's higher salary makes him the likeliest cap casualty of signing Howard (barring another trade), although I have to think that at least one team with a little cap room left will claim Anderson off waivers. He's a non-guaranteed, minimum-salary equivalent contract who is a young quality bench wing. But I wouldn't be surprised if Morey has already reached out to Anderson and his agent to let them know he'd be willing to re-sign Anderson to the same contract if he clears waivers.
  20. Fair Dinkum

    Fair Dinkum Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Hi Bima, I've been thinking about how we can sign our players back when they clear waivers. Can you explain how players clear waivers? Is there a waiting period and if no team picks up their contract, they are a free agent?

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