Okay. I just listened to it. REALLY? THEY ARE ALL IN THE SOUTH? REALLY?!??!?! I mean, sure, Washington DC isn't technically the South. But, it's TOUCHING Maryland and Virginia. Close enough.
why would NYC only be a honorable mention? The place have over a million Asians. My personal ranking will have to be 1) NYC 2) LA 3) Toronto 4) SF 5) Chicago 6) Houston
Bill Simmons doesn't belong talking basketball. The guy is always the guy on the panel who blurts out something incredibly stupid & corny. Espn should fire this douche
what Jalen said was false. Where are these excellent strip clubs is he talking about? Men's Club, St. James, and Treasures and that is pretty much it! Even the standards in some of these places have gone way down hill. Have you seen some of the women there now Not to mention the stupid laws that changed the whole meaning of a STRIP club in the first place. That's my rant for the day :grin:
Meadows Place??? Where the heck did that come from??? Meadows Place isn't ghetto. It's not River Oaks, but it's not ghetto. It's just straight middle class. There aren't even that many Asians in Meadows Place. Just a bunch of them monopolize the tennis courts, because one person with a badge lets 15 friends in from around the city.
I won't defend jalen on the strip club thing,but guys do make lifestyle choices when they become fre agents. Guys want to be in cities where they can blend in hangout, and just breathe. That's why utah,sacramento,milwaukee, and cities like that overpay for players. Remember webber said he was crying when he was headed to scramento when he saw pastures? Now, sometimes guys change their mind once they're drafted and win in those discreet cities. Its not that big of a deal because you want to see people who look like you.