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[Podcast] Morey on 610 today: talking Lin, free agency & expectations for next year

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by HMMMHMM, May 8, 2013.


    HMMMHMM Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I'm fairly certain Lin will improve his shooting over time. He already did so over the course of this past season. If he puts the time in, his ball-handling should improve some, too.

    What I worry about with Lin is mainly decision making, which though it can be improved upon usually takes time and Lin's carelessness seem to directly correlate with his aggression, which is is why I worry he'll either continue to be careless or not/less aggressive going forward, neither of which is ideal at all.
    He obviously needs to cut down on the boneheaded plays and stop picking up his dribble with nowhere to go, however he cannot be deferring and hesitate when driving/shooting/scoring opportunities present themselves.

    One area I'm not sure one can improve upon is lack of instincts to create angles, which Lin IMO seems to lack -- more so in early offense/transition than the half-court, though that's obviously something you could live if Lin were to improve in the areas that are improvable.
    #81 HMMMHMM, May 8, 2013
    Last edited: May 8, 2013
  2. RoxD

    RoxD Member

    Mar 30, 2007
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    Morey may have answered the question in your mind by saying
    "he's was better defensively than people think/give him credit for, very good at securing 50/50 balls"
  3. RedEyesKirby

    RedEyesKirby Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    I'm sure if Morey uses public stats like much of the clutchfans here, then he wouldn't have gotten his GM position in the first place.
  4. pcheung08

    pcheung08 Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I have learned a lot with your "Houston's game plan" thread and appreciated your time and admire your basket knowledge.

    Obviously I am a Lin fan. I have confident that he would improve some of his weaknesses if not all in this summer. Of course, whether he actually could remained to be seen.

    I am interested in your "lack of instinct to create an angle" in exactly what it means, whether to create an angle to score, to penetrate or dish for an assist, etc. Appreciate if you have time to explain further or how to create an angle works.

  5. DaGreatest

    DaGreatest Member

    May 25, 2010
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    I dont want Lin on this team, but since it looks like we're stuck with him, the only thing I want Lin to improve, is his mindset. Play with frikkin confidence game in and game out. Too many times prior to the game I found myself saying, "be confident and play like you belong"

    Have Pat Bev confidence Lin.
  6. gene18

    gene18 Rookie

    Dec 29, 2012
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    If you looked at advanced stats through the year, Morey statements are correct. Lin's defense is better than others think. (82games.) WP can be found on the more advanced stat sites and is more highly regarded as a measure of productivity for a team than PER. Also, 82 games has Lin rated as the best ball handler on the team. ("Hands Rating")
    1 person likes this.
  7. iconoclastic

    iconoclastic Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Morey probably just had enough of the Lin haters and wanted to shut them up.
  8. Whoopy

    Whoopy Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    There's a reason why Morey is a GM.
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  9. GoRox2013

    GoRox2013 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    He had the same turnover problems in NY and was careless all season with us. He had all season to adjust but still continued the same terrible bad habits (jumping in the air w/ no clue where to pass it). It got to a point where it was very uncomfortable watchin Lin dribble. The games he played in postseason he was unaggressive and indecisive as he was pretty much all season. The Rockets will probably bring him back, but they really need to look into upgrading pretty soon.
  10. Fighton

    Fighton Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    i tend to agree with this and see this as a concern as well, though i see this more as a factor of lacking experience with his current teammate than anything else. half of the time he anticipates his teammate's movement real well and gets the ball to them at the perfect spots. the other half, not so much.

    i think mchale sees this as well, and hence his comment, even in his exit interview when asked about lin, about jeremy being a "home run hitter". i think i'm beginning to understand what that means. he said that jeremy can be very, very good because he IS a home run hitter, but at times should also settle for bunts and singles if home run is not there. i take this to mean that jeremy wants to make an impact play every time he has the ball. either it's assist at the rim for high percentage shot (home run assist), assist at the 3, or score at the rim with chance for and-1. high risk, high reward plays. but in games where mchale praises him, he points to his simple passes and hockey assists.

    i sense a difference in philosophy here in terms of how mchale and jlin sees the ideal way for lin to play pg. jlin sees the need for him to stay aggressive in order to be effective for this team. mchale wants him to not take as many risks. i think his hesitancy throughout the season has more to do with trying to find this balance than anything else like confidence, etc. you can see that when he knows that he needs to be aggressive (i.e. when harden is out), he is much more decisive and effective, instead of going back and forth between attack and facilitate.

    hopefully a summer with his teammate and just another year of maturing in this system is what is needed to get him more comfortable in this role.
  11. gene18

    gene18 Rookie

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Beverly stated that McHale said "the sky is the limit" and get ready for some heavy minutes next year". The sky is the limit is a platitude. I interpreted get ready for heavy minutes next year as a motivation for him to get in shape. Beverly said he was not in the best of shape when he came to the Rockets this year because it was a sudden move and he couldn't work on his conditioning. He said that the first thing he was going to do was to build his endurance through running after he takes a month off.
  12. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    or acquire a player via trade

    Might a TE for up to $14mil not allow Indy great latitude in the opportunity cost issue?!!
  13. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Sure he does. Howard defines the front court of any he is in. Jeff might be a good fit with Asik but Ryan Anderson is a good fit with DHoHo. Just sayin'.

    And, folks, if Howard were to agree to come to TheToyShop might he demand JSmooth be signed to align with him? Ferry might happily accept Asik as a good return. Horford back to the 4 where he belongs etc.
  14. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    In that sense, absolutely. I was just referring to Old Man Rock's translation of Morey saying our eventual starting four is "probably coming from within" meaning Howard is unlikely to come. If anything, it could express confidence that Howard is coming, since Morey seems to believe high-dollar resources may be allocated to another position.

    Bottom line is that Howard and Asik aren't playing together for any significant amount of time. That's getting thrown around too much. If Dwight comes here, it's as a center, not to play PF while stretch fours torch us.
  15. apcgamb24

    apcgamb24 Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Lol seriously? What makes you think he WONT improve? He's still pretty young only 24 and it was his first year as a starter. He's been improving throughout the year and has been on an upward trend. And its not like he put out some ludacris numbers . 15-16 and 7 is very reasonable considering he's been at 15 and 6 since the all star break and 17 and 7 the last month of the reg season. Now he gets a whole summer to work on his game and gel with the team and you dont think he'll improve at all?

    Maybe you're the one being biased?
  16. tminusrex

    tminusrex Rookie

    Aug 3, 2012
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    one thing beverley has to work on is his foul trouble. no starter can foul as much as he does.
  17. AggNRox

    AggNRox Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    it's the reason morey stood out among all ppl as a gm. if he used same data source as everyone else can find, it would be hard for him to stay ahead other gms.

    HMMMHMM Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Sure. It's kinda difficult to explain without video, but I'll give it a shot.

    I was mainly referring to creating passing angles (for trailing teammates), however it essentially goes hand in hand with creating scoring angles for yourself.
    It pretty much comes down to being aggressive, making players commit and freezing players either with the dribble or by change of pace.

    There are many ways to do so. Often all it takes is dribbling into an area and/or freezing the defense with a change of pace.
    Sometimes you can freeze the defense by a simple behind the legs or (back and forth) between the legs dribble. Other times you may be able to make multiple players commit with a hostage dribble when the guy supposed to be guarding you is trailing you (keeping your dribble alive, while boxing out the guy out on your back).
    Sometimes all you have to do is run towards the paint/a crowd and you'll have at least one trailer open at the wing. Other times you may be able to make multiple players come out to you on the side or short corner with the trailer being left open in the paint.

    It's the little things. Knowing on which wing your trailing shooter(s) will be at. Making his defender commit to you in addition to your defender. Setting your teammates up by being aggressive. Presenting yourself as a scoring threat, when you're really not and vice versa.
    Attacking, while being aware of your surroundings, without picking your dribble up until a scoring opportunity for yourself/a teammate presents itself or the the defense sets itself up.

    Jason Williams often overdid it with his dribbling moves, but he had very good instincts in the open floor. Rondo does. Rubio, Chris Paul.
    Again, I'm not sure how much one can improve upon in this area. Tightening up your handle should be helpful as it allows you to be a little more creative and play with a little more leeway, however I believe it primarily comes down to instincts, which I'm just not so sure Jeremy has.
    Again, though, it's not a huge issue. It would be nice if your starting PG would be good at it, but many aren't and many teams have won championship without their PG being good at it.
    2 people like this.
  19. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    Something else I noticed upon listening again is that he never said anything about waiting until next free agency. He talked about being patient in waiting for our own players to develop but then he said this off season they would try to acquire that all star...

    "Either through trade or free agency more likely free agency we're going to try and acquire a MAJOR PIECE and we're constantly doing that. If we can't we're probably going to look at... look at 1 year type options in free agency and staying patient and letting our young players develop... and stay opportunistic on the trade front."

    Which means he may think like me. It's better to spend our dollars this coming season by the trade deadline than to wait till next off season. Not saying that isn't an option. But Morey clearly understands that waiting another off season makes you limited in what you can do because you always have to be concerned about cap space. Not to mention every year you wait you lose out on that MLE option to sign another piece or pieces and remember Morey loves using the MLE to sign players like Parsons, Smith and Beverly to multiple year low salary contracts that are almost totally advantageous to the Rockets. Almost evil the way he does that. ;) Plus waitng postpones the building process. So I would be very surprised if he doesn't use up the cap space on a MAJOR PIECE by the trade deadline. It's 2013/14 or bust.
  20. DraftBoy10

    DraftBoy10 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Decided to be a selective reader, so, we are getting LeBron now?

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