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Is Jeremy Lin your Point Guard of the Future?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by SF3isBack!!, Apr 28, 2013.


How many of you are comfortable with Jeremy Lin as our starting point guard?

  1. Comfortable

  2. Uncomfortable

  1. ed_tx

    ed_tx Contributing Member

    Sep 30, 2003
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    Because Haters gonna hate! If anyone sees the monster games that Lin has had at times this season or how many games he has with large assist numbers, there is no way they can say he had a bad first year here.
  2. Panda23

    Panda23 Member

    Jul 2, 2012
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    People have short memories, love the shiny new toy. It was Lin in NYK, and i honestly, love beverely, but lin was a decent starting PG for us this year, and by no means disgraced himself.
  3. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Jeremy Lin just needs to work on playing off-ball more to fit Harden.

    Better at spotting up, better at moving without the ball, and he would be a perfect fit next to Harden.
  4. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    yeah but beverly isn't necesarily the question here. it's not Lin versus Beverly it's Lin versus getting someone esle.
  5. Billionzz

    Billionzz Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    Lin is it unless CP3 comes here which I really doubt.
    I like Beverley and Brooks a lot but they aren't even in the same class as Lin.
  6. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    They seemed better to me.
  7. Jetfuel

    Jetfuel Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Jeremy Lin's stats -


    Minutes Points Assists FG% 3Pt%

    February : 32.2 14.5 5.7 .438 .424

    March: 28.1 13.8 5.0 .482 .400

    April: 31.8 14.1 5.8 .414 .321

    This is all despite playing next to a very ball dominant guard in Harden. Despite this, with 36 minutes a game he could easily have been 16/7 or 16/8 in the last three months of the regular season. Let him share the ball more, give him more screens and those stats would go up even more, 18/8 or 18/9 is not out of the realms of possibility.

    Now please tell me what point guard are you going to get for $8 million dollars/year that is going to give you the same production. I mean someone the rockets actually have some kind of realistic chance of getting? And considering how much he improved during the season. There's no reason to think he won't be better next season.

    As for Beverely and Brooks, are you basing this on comparing their performance in the playoffs with an injured Lin who couldn't use his right arm for all but the first game? So you're basing your opinion on GAME ONE, where Lin played badly, along with the rest of the team and Brooks didn't even play?

    I regret to inform you that if you think they are better, it means you are either clueless about the actual production/stats of these players or you are quite simply prejudiced against Lin (for whatever reason).
    1 person likes this.
  8. Zergling

    Zergling Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Sorry to break it to you but playoffs >>> regular season in terms of player evaluations. Jeremy Lin had an objectively TERRIBLE postseason. Beverley had a significantly better postseason. I'm not going to use injury as an excuse considering that Lin PLAYED and according to him could've played in the other games as well. The injury is a very convenient excuse to hide his glaring flaws for a PG we need to complement Harden.

    Will Lin improve? Yes. But how long will it take and is it worth investing the time/money to see his improvement, or are we better off acquiring a PG that already has the skills necessary to complement Harden?
  9. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    They're actually a lot better.
  10. BBAL

    BBAL Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Missing 2+ games because you can't raise your arm above your shoulder to even shoot the ball isn't a "convenient" excuse.

    He did have a terrible game 1 though, but the for the 1st half of game 2 and all in all yesterday, I think he did a pretty decent job all things considered. He played solid defense yesterday. His biggest blunder was an air ball and misscommunication with Greg Smith, who hasn't exactly look like he's been wide awake out there himself this postseason. Other than that I thought he played solid but it was clear he was still limited by his injury.

    As far as playoff atmosphere, someone didn't watch Linsanity. He embraced the pressure and spotlight like it was nothing and just about every PG in the NBA had a target on Lin's back because they didn't want to be embarrassed by him. They went at him hard game after game so he's gotten a taste of it way before he reached the playoffs.

    It's just unfortunate he got hurt 2 years in a row and gives a bunch of people ammunition for criticism, regardless of how off the mark some of it might be.
  11. ccrystal99

    ccrystal99 Member

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Yes, he was playing better and better in the 82 games.

    Too bad he got hurt in game 2. It is not right to make conclusion based on how an injured Lin played. He did all he could, I believe. By the way, I want to say that I came here because of Lin, but my heart really, really went out for all the players while Lin was not playing in game 4 and 5.
  12. illadelphiah

    illadelphiah Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    clearly have no idea how painful a chest contusion can be, i'm not whiteknighting Lin, but be real.
  13. AVoiceInACrowd

    Apr 12, 2013
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    Good Point.

    Also, After 27 pages, no one has come up with a viable alternative for replacing Lin.
  14. Jetfuel

    Jetfuel Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Except, they aren't. Not even close.
  15. Jetfuel

    Jetfuel Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    You use the word objectivity and then fail to apply it in your post.

    If you watched the games where Lin did try to play despite his injury and didn't see how clearly hampered he was in the use of his right arm, and how this would have a dramatic effect on his performance, then I don't think it's possible to engage you in a rational discussion.

    Lin should get a lot of credit from true rocket's fans for making himself available to play even when he was clearly, badly hurt to the point where he was visibly wincing every time he lifted his right arm in game 2. That took courage and heart, but those things don't seem to mean much to many on clutchfans.
  16. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I think I'll be avoiding the GARM more often in the postseason.

    How 6 games can invalidate progress made in one season borders on supermodel as a girlfriend expectations.

    Everyone knew Jeremy and the rest of the team were raw to the point of outright calling for a tanked season. Now the expectations are beyond delusional.

    You b****es gotta relax and let the next couple years play out.
    1 person likes this.
  17. Jetfuel

    Jetfuel Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    The issue isn't game 6. The issue is the legions of haters and trolls who were waiting for an opportunity to dump on Lin and are using the fact that he was injured in the playoffs to go on a massive troll fest.

    Sadly a few ignorant 'old timers' have also joined in. And the mods seem to have no issue with posters who troll or endlessly hate on a single rocket's player (with or without cause) as long as that player is Lin.
  18. BBAL

    BBAL Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    My advice is ignore it and try not to get into arguments with people you have come to the conclusion have an agenda.

    It's pointless really.
  19. Jetfuel

    Jetfuel Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    It would help if there was SOME kind of moderation of people who are so obviously trolling.

    I'll admit I'm a Lin fan, and he's the reason I'm following the rocket's. But I don't wish ill on any Rocket's players and I have grown to love the team over the course of the season.

    I'm here in good faith. As I think are most 'Lin fans'. These trolls aren't. But you're right, it's just hard to swallow this endless hate though.
  20. rpr52121

    rpr52121 Sober Fan

    Mar 28, 2006
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    The problem with this logic, is that you are agreeing that our current offensive scheme is the end out offensive scheme.

    Do you want to have players who can play off Harden? Of course.

    But you want players are more versatile, so that we can actually run a more complicated offense that may work in the half court against a good defensive team. OKC can be a good defensive time like they showed in Game 1 and the 2nd half of Game 6. Harden, Beverly, & Brook's ISO's don't work in those situations.

    So far the ONLY true point guard who has shown to be able to get the team to even run a true set offense in stretches/flashes has been Lin. That is the requirement for this team to reach the next level.

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