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Is Jeremy Lin your Point Guard of the Future?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by SF3isBack!!, Apr 28, 2013.


How many of you are comfortable with Jeremy Lin as our starting point guard?

  1. Comfortable

  2. Uncomfortable

  1. ktbballplaya

    ktbballplaya Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    Actually there have been many threads about the PF situation. True rocket fans discuss the whole roster and dont give double standards. Its obvious to me that Lin has reached his ceiling, which is back up PG. With the Pf situation we have 4 young players that have extreme potential and cap space to pick up a quality Pf.
  2. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Really a backup PG? I don't think I'd go that far. I think he's a great secondary option on a team without Harden. He's a good player, he just doesn't fit as well as other players will with this system.
  3. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I don't disagree that we need a Poward Forward. Unlike most my first pick would be Lamarcus Aldrige. However, the focus here is not even really Jeremy Lin. The focus is the future of the Houston Rockets at Lins position. Point Guard is the most important positon in today's NBA. Given Lins play and the need for a guard who can knock down open shots and maintain his dribble I believe it is very important to ask the question. Because of all the excuses that were given at the beginning of the season and because of the amount of money he is being paid. Now that we have been given a whole season of work. Is Jeremy Lins work this season something that we say that we can move forward with or is it time to start looking for an upgrade and give up on the dream that I too once had about Lin.
  4. coffeelover665

    Dec 14, 2012
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    Because you're saying you've never see it, it means that for a fact, that it doesn't happen? The reason why I said this was because I remember many times Harden did this and one particular Clutchfan member made a post about this and posted a video a while back. I think it was Harden yelling at Terrance Jones or Greg Smith and Jeremy playing the good cop calmed them down.

    But because you never see a teammate calming down another teammate, it must never happen, right?

    And of course Lin also critique and yell at his teammates who doesn't? He yell at Asik all the time for fumbling his passes. But Harden gives you the kobelike death stare sometimes and the whole WTF are you doing expressions. If I ask you who Asik have a closer relationship with, I bet you he'd say Lin.
  5. shortfuse3

    shortfuse3 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I really want him to succeed, but it's hard to root for a guy when he doesn't have confidence in himself.

    The only way for Jeremy to succeed is if he believes that he, himself, can succeed. It doesn't matter what any of us think, because it's all on Jeremy right now.

    As for the question, I don't think anyone, even the coaching staff and Morey, is comfortable with Jeremy as the PG of the future. He's got to show a lot more than he did this season.
  6. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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  7. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    I know right, Kobe, MJ, LeBron, even Bird never pulled any crap like that when they were at their best... :rolleyes:

    Plus, out of all the games I've watched (80-90% of this season) I haven't seen that happen once. Heck, I'd be happy if it did happen...
  8. tinywang

    tinywang Member

    Mar 21, 2008
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    I'm comfortable with Lin but the fact is, this team is built around Harden now. Harden can't play defense. We need a pg who can fill that void (like Kyle Lowry).
  9. Han Solo

    Han Solo Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    PF is definitely the priority. And maybe it would help Lin out if he has another guy he can hit on those drive and dish plays. I really hope Lin goes to work immediately this off-season. He's a young dude. He doesn't need rest. Shoot, shoot, shoot all day every day. Because when his shot is on, his whole game is easier as it opens up his ability to attack the rim which is his strength. He needs gain confidence and keep it. The guy looks like he wants to curl up in a ball and cry when he does something bad.

    So with all that said. Yeah, i can see us giving him 1 more year. And he will only have 1 year left after that anyway. Maybe i am comfortable after all. Obviously if there is an upgrade though, you take it.
  10. roxallways

    roxallways Member
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    Apr 14, 2008
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    Exactly. Another big problem that's became obvious this year like other posters have pointed out is his fit on this team. This team is being built around it's best player, Harden. Lin's strengths don't mesh well with Harden's. If Lin can improve in the basic areas (shooting, handle, defense) he can fit a little better. The problem currently is when Lin's shot is off he is next to useless on the court. Lin is the definition of an average role player at this point but the organization needs him to be more to be successful. The organization is paying him to be more than and average role player as well. Not to keep harping on his contract but until he plays better his contract will be a big subject.
  11. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I see Kyle Lowry as more of a player who needs the ball in his hands to be effective just like Jeremy. While Kyle is more skilled (at this point) and has way more confidence in himself than Jeremy, harden needs a pg that can hit standing three's consistanly. I like Goran Dragic myself. I think we made a mistake letting him go. I watched linsanity last season and I loved every minute of it, but when the offseason began I wanted Dragic to resign with us.
  12. KePoW

    KePoW Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    I think Lin is fine as a backup PG who plays 25 mins. I don't see him as a great starting PG.
  13. josephnicks

    josephnicks Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    ill take a guy like lowry any day over lin.. he was cheap, could handle the rock, rebound, defend, and knock down a jumper with consistency..

    im a firm believer that PG is the most overrated position in basketball.. the pure pg is almost dead, there are few left, rondo, cp3, parker. all you need is a servicable pg who has plus handles that can run the offense and can knock down a shot when given the opportunity.

    the most important positions in the NBA are the 3/4/5, they are bigger they can take over games.. we need a 4 that can play in the post and stretch the floor for harden. when this happens its easier for harden to get to the basket, defenses collapse, and you get open shots and your bigs get easy dunks..
  14. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    So you feel that he won't improve in the future?
  15. Blaster_333

    Blaster_333 Member

    Jan 27, 2012
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    As much as people hate to hear it, it's possible that this environment that McHale has cultured is not great for any of the players confidence. It wasn't great last year when the entire team basically quit on him by the end of the season, and it's the same result this year. They may "like" him alot, but that doesn't necessarily make him a good coach.

    I would rather have a coach that treated everybody equally and was hard on the players, than have a coach that just wants to be everybody's friend and coddles them.

    Coaches should focus on developing talent,recognizing each player for their strengths, creating plays that maximize their strengths, and make sure these guys mature into true pros. We didn't get that much of that this year, especially with Harden.

    Everyone can say they want another year, but there i such thing as a bad coach, and McHale is one of them right now.
    1 person likes this.
  16. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    I think Jeremy is a determined young man,who will do his best to improve. He fits in well with the team.
    If we are lucky to get a frontcourt star,he will play better for us.
  17. KePoW

    KePoW Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    I do not think he will *significantly* improve. But I hope he does.
  18. SeabrookMiglla

    May 28, 2009
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    he is still a young player, and he is still inconsistent. I am semi comfortable with him going foward, but if beverly is going to out perform lin than lin has got to take the bench.I think he would do better off the bench anyways. Imo he will be a lot better next season
  19. nene

    nene Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I am really pulling for Lin!!! And if he can develop a Nashesque jumper it would make up for a lot of his deficiencies. But I must say this, if we had Kyle last night we win for sure!!!!
  20. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I hope he does too. But are we comfortable with giving him another season at the starter role? I really don't think he will improve significantly either and I hope I'm wrong but I don't see it.

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