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Official Fire McHale Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by FTW Rockets FTW, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. chenglug

    chenglug Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Rick Adelman is no doubt better than Mcfail. he has 1000 freaking win under his belt? But what's more important is, I really love it that he can coach his team and design his play based on what kind of players he have, he is an offense genius, that's why he was able to push the Lakers series to 7 with a bunch of bench players.
  2. Hrock

    Hrock Rookie

    Nov 7, 2012
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    Mchale is make or break next year. A different coach might figure out a different system, because I'm sure everyone on here likes McHale but question his calls. Everyone says Mchale brought this team to the playoffs, but if there are no offensive sets and the only thing noticeable is his questionable substitutions (sometimes they are good substitutions) the entire season, it's basically the players playing "Read-and-react" that brought us to the playoffs, not McHale. Imagine a coach that ran things differently. The young team and chemistry doesn't fly in the second half of the season when the players have shown what they are capable of in a "read-and-react" system.

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Not really. The Lakers fell asleep. THey took us for granted and let their guard down. Remember game 7? It was a ****ing blowout. We scored 70 points. Where was his genius then?
  4. nono

    nono Member

    Jul 26, 2012
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    I don't really like McHale. Before firing him though I'd like for him to be give a chance with a good roster. Not with the youngest team in the league having the worst pf rotation.
  5. cw3k

    cw3k Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    What is wrong with this youngest team. I will take this team any day of the week over the Lakers or the Knicks.

    It is McHale. Why did he even run a play that win us a close game? Never. Only play he has is ISO from the 2nd half to the end of the game.

    Lin carry ball to Half court, hand it to Harden
    Bev carry ball to half court, hand it to Harden
    Delfino carry ball to half court, hand it to Harden

    Lin and Harden both out, the team is lost. There is no play or movement whatsoever.

    Great play coach.
  6. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Bottomline, Thunder have Durant, Westbrook, and Ibaka plus their bench. We simply can't match up with them.

    Denver and Memphis have better talent as well.

    We simply aren't there yet talent-wise to make any noise in the playoffs. Not too hard to understand.

    Coaching is important but you overvalue it. Look at the Clippers.
  7. Reach

    Reach Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    LOF logic:

    Rockets lose? Lin didn't get to handle the ball enough. Mchale's fault. Fire him.

    Rockets win? Good win, but Lin didn't get enough plays this game. Fire Mchale.

    Lin shoots 20% with 4 turnovers? Lin wasn't getting the ball because Parsons and Harden were allowed to make plays. Fire Mchale.

    Harden drops 45? Too much Harden ISO. Jeremy would've won us the game with TEAM BALL. Fire Mchale.

    Lin shoots us out of the 4th quarter? Mchale didn't have enough confidence in Lin so he made him miss. Fire Mchale.

    Criticize Lin? You're a hater and probably a racist. Just like Mchale. Fire Mchale.
    2 people like this.
  8. chenglug

    chenglug Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    "falling asleep" hardly happens in playoff, and in 2nd round. I know game 7 was a blowout, but I don't even know if the current team will have a game 5. Will Thunders fall asleep?
  9. Naija Texan

    Naija Texan Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    What are you talking about Vinny Del Negro has more head coaching experience then McHale, two full seasons with the Bulls both of which had him in the playoffs. One bad season with Clippers before they got Chris Paul and Chauncy Billups and all the older hangers on/C level stars started to gravitate toward the team chasing a ring. This regular season we just finished was McHale's first complete season in his coaching career.

    Coaching makes a world of difference in getting the best of talent even in basketball. Do you really believe Harden or let's say Dwight Howard or Josh Smith are brilliant enough to see how to get their fellow players through every defensive set up another team throws at them? Coaches are usually standing in games for a reason they are supposed to be yelling out instructions for the offense when they are their side of the court and/or seeing what the other team is doing defensively.

    And as far as the Thunder go, who besides Kevin Martin would you say is better then someone on the Rockets bench? Would you call Derek Fisher has more physical tools that Patrick Beverly or any of our potential guards couldn't stop him? Is Nick Collison's talents on either side of the ball such that any of our younger PFs are outclassed by his normal average of 5-6 points and 5 rebounds a game?

    With the Nuggets, you can make a case for depth but really, outside of Andre Miller, McGee and Fournier, how much of the bench is above average outside of the system they play in?

    It is not luck or magic, talent can win you games but you need legit team work under a unified leadership starting under your head coach if you expect to get anywhere beyond the first round. Talented players alone can't do everything for you.
  10. cw3k

    cw3k Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    It's not LIN genius. There is a problem with McHale's system or lack of it. Melo is one of the biggest ball hogger, but Woodson does not ask the rest of the them just hand the ball to Melo at half court. Woodson has a system that works for Melo and the team. Knicks get 2nd seeds with the oldest team in the league.
  11. New

    New Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    If you disagree, just point out what is not right. name calling only shows that you have no argument at all.
  12. New

    New Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Nice post.
  13. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Come on... Vinny is a decent a coach, but no hall of famer. The bulls and clips got to the playoffs because they have talent, not awesome coaching. He is average at best.

    And again you overvalue head coaching and undervalue the coaching staff. McHale is a player's coach, most players like playing for him so I'm not sure what the issue is here. Especially big men like Smith and Howard, you don't think McHale would garner respect from those type of calibur big men? Why wouldn't they like our offense or McHale's style?

    I get it, you don't like McHale and don't think he is the future. Personally I don't think he is the future either as we are no longer a lottery team that needs to be "developed" but one piece away from making noise.
  14. RoxBeliever

    RoxBeliever Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Our end-of-season collapses last season and this season--they convince me McHale should go.

    His inability to adjust within games and craft an alternative gameplan after opponents have already figured our game out--shows the limitations of his coaching knowledge.

    His unwillingness to utilize his bench--resulting in over-using a hobbled Harden late March--shows his inability to develop confidence in his players. After we had two good games when Harden sat out, on hindsight, he should have continued resting Harden so that the other guys could get in sync. Instead, Harden started playing before he was 100% and we began to see the worst of his ball-stopping plays.

    Oh yes, his inability to hold Harden accountable must be very demoralizing to other players on the team. Resulting in some bickering among the players.
  15. shortfuse3

    shortfuse3 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    You guys saying to fire McHale are dummies. Aside from Harden and Parsons, we don't have another potential all star. The PG position is pretty weak and we don't get much offense out of our PF and C. Harden is the only one who can create his own shot. That's why we've been running and gunning all season.
  16. shortfuse3

    shortfuse3 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    By the way it's a personnel issue first and foremost. We don't have a post presence so we need to teams down on the perimeter. Having a pick and pop player would solve a lot on offense.
  17. sweetness1

    sweetness1 Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Just watched the end of the knicks/celtics.

    Woodson drew up an unbelievably gorgeous play:

    1. carmelo to felton to carmelo...

    2. then a series of handoffs between jr?/carmelo/felton with kmart finishing with a dunk attempt and foul.

    The entire play took maybe 7 or 8 seconds.

    No one in their right mind can defend mchale's coaching. The rockets' record is solely a product of their talent, nothing else.
    1 person likes this.
  18. Steal&Deal

    Steal&Deal Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Agreed. Finally an intelligent comment coming out of Clutch Fans.
  19. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Melo has been shooting 30-40 shots a game....
  20. RocketFever

    RocketFever Member

    Feb 5, 2013
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    All 4 of our core players are better at their positions (all at least top 20), than McHale is as a coach (arguably a bottom 10 coach based on his current career record and lack of credentials, i.e. never an assistant coach, college coach, never viewed as a player/coach while on the Celtics, etc.)

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