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[TV] AMC's The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Xerobull, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Eh, the idea that they should trade the prison for Woodbury is kind of silly. Sure, Woodbury has electricity and water for the time being, but the prison is a very easily defensible position. It's significantly easier to keep out walkers, easier to keep other people from attacking you, etc. Sneaking into Woodbury is very easily accomplished.
  2. FLASH21

    FLASH21 Heart O' Champs

    Jun 21, 2008
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    I honestly don't think S4 will be entirely set around the prison.... I mean how much room and food do you have to really provide for an entire community??

    I anticipate them moving the setting and finding a new "home base" so to speak.

    Could you resend it? I don't think I ever got it.... my email is below....

    not sure if that's the same one that pulled up thru Clutchfans, but it should have been, thanks!
  3. dmc89

    dmc89 Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    This finale was a letdown. S3 was pretty good, but S1 > S2 > S3. The Governor story has run out of gas.

    I'm tired of the prison and Woodbury locations. I didn't care for the farm from S2 that much either until the last episodes. This must be why S1 was so amazing with Atlanta and exposed highways.

    -Andrea deserved to die. She took too long. There were several times where she stopped trying to pick up the pliers because she felt emotional and needed to talk to Milton. :rolleyes: Also, there was no reason for her to walk from the building to the prison. She could've taken the Governor's truck or at least sabotaged it.

    -Glen and Maggie are worse at shooting than Tyreese. They have had experience. No excuse for their piss poor accuracy.

    -Given the number of opportunities to kill him, by various people who knew he was a sociopath, the Governor should've been killed already.

    -Morgan was the highlight of the season for me. Great acting. I look forward to seeing him in S4.
  4. Angkor Wat

    Angkor Wat Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Well I thought it was pretty damn good. I enjoyed the whole season as well.
  5. MoonBus

    MoonBus Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    FLASH21, please check your message under profile again.
    1 person likes this.
  6. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    life > comfort

    At the moment, the Gov is too reckless for them to sit at Woodbury and not worry about him. They can always go back, once the gov situation is done.
  7. SunsRocketsfan

    Jul 1, 2002
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    go back? imagine how boring of a script that would be.. not going to happen.. here is what happens in the comics

    The prison gets completely destroyed and Rick is forced to find a new home. They come across a community with strong walls built up around it that makes woodbury look like a 3rd world country. It's run by a good guy unlike the Governor but he's ultimately a weak leader cause he has no balls. The main villian is a guy named Negan who kills Glenn... This has to be season 4. I imagine they tie up the prison arc in the first 2 episodes next season. It's gotten stale and boring.
  8. FLASH21

    FLASH21 Heart O' Champs

    Jun 21, 2008
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    Got it!

    Cool. I just started reading the comics last night so I should be able to catch up to you guys soon.

    We'll see where they take season 4 I guess. That cast member you mentioned I like em too, would hate to see anything happen to them as well. I'll see how much of an appeal they have on me in the comic.

    Thanks again!!!
  9. Indaface

    Indaface Member

    Apr 3, 2012
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    Anyone know where I can read the comics online...I've gotten to like issue 55 i believe (just after the prison arc ends).
  10. nappdog

    nappdog Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    One of the best things about this season was the character development of Carl. He's turning from little Rick to little Shane. If you think about it, a lot of Rick's decisions end up with people getting killed, which was the point that Carl was making, and even Shane before that.
  11. FLASH21

    FLASH21 Heart O' Champs

    Jun 21, 2008
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    I just started reading the comics and really just been googling each episode one by one.

    mario_v suggested walkingdead08's clips... I'm sure you can google his clips as well.
  12. droopy421

    droopy421 Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Yeah but they have deviated so far from the comics at this point...

    Spoilers for those who haven't read the comics:

    Rick doesn't really go nuts until after the prison finale resulting from Lori/baby's death, being sick and separated from anyone else. Carl has to man up and take care of him until they eventually regroup with Michonne and others from the prison and decide to go check on Morgan in heading towards Washington. You could definitely have an episode with that but knowing AMC would want to drag it out for 4 episodes. I really disliked how they made Rick so blatantly crazy in this where in the comics he held it inside until he hit a breaking point and the safe-zone became his relief because he didn't have to be 'The Man' anymore. It seems they already are making him the wiser more compassionate leader that he became at the safe-zone after they are heavily attacked by walkers. Remember it finally clicked in his head how dumb their enemy is and figures they can stay there forever and can keep the town safe -- albeit before Negan and the Saviors come into play.

    Travel + other arcs
    They might bring Morgan back like they did in the comics in which he joins Rick and the group. Church survivors, cannibals, all would make very entertaining episodes. Remember the only reason they were heading towards the safe-zone area was that the one guy (group they encounter from Hershel's farm in returning?) said he knew they could get help there and knew the cause of the infections. Safe-zone I feel like would turn into a Woodbury-esque dragged out for too long saying too little in the actual show. Negan to me is such a better villain than the governor and the communities are much more at large and interesting than Woodbury. I do hope that the governor quickly gets knocked off, but again, I don't know how they would do it since he was killed by his own soldiers in the finale. All the story that they had from the Prison arc shouldn't last too much longer but like I said they have deviated so much that they could just change things in a whole new direction. I think there was more of a hopeless feeling and breaking points int he comics but of course they are a little easier to go more in depth on.

    I just get tired of how much they drag things on in this show and hopefully the new showrunner will know how to pick up the pace. I need to reread the comics to brush up on the plot and because it is so enjoyable to read.
  13. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    This show will not make it past Season 6.
  14. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    Breaking Bad isn't going to make it to a season six, so I don't know what sort of bar that's supposed to be.

    This BBS needs an enema - way too many people with nothing to do but carp on things.

    Dead S3 finale had 12.4M viewers - all time high for the series. My only hope is that they don't try to further expand the seasons. 16 episodes already invites more filler weeks than I'd care to see. But the 8+8 formula may work out well if they go with two separate arcs.
  15. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    there is no season 6..

    season 5 is two parts. It ends here. Walt will pay for his sins.
  16. FLASH21

    FLASH21 Heart O' Champs

    Jun 21, 2008
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    emjohn pretty much answered it for us. This show has been averaging 11 million viewers thru S3... as much as we all complain here we're still going to watch what the producers, writers, directors come up with throughout the series.

    Especially those who have followed the comics, just to see how much they deviate from the "original".

    I'm no exception, I b****ed about the finale but you better believe I'll be back for S4.
  17. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    But yes, the show ratings could swan dive. It happens. The finale disappointed an awful lot of people, and for good reason. No show survives for long if the people in charge mishandle it.

    Not many cable shows of this sort last terribly long, either. In a sense, you don't want them to. Tell your story and quit. Don't stretch things out and decay.
  18. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Did it though? Or did it upset some people on the internet who are vocal with their whining?

    My wife thought it was the best episode of the show.

    Also, as much as Andrea is disliked on this forum and I guess by people who read the comics, she's apparently pretty popular with fans of the show. My wife was SHOCKED that they killed her.
  19. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    Not qualified to answer. Only going by my friends, this thread, and various news reports/recaps/etc.
  20. DFWRocket

    DFWRocket Member

    Mar 21, 2000
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    this is a good point regarding comments, reviews, etc on the internet AND in media. People who are upset or not happy are much more likely to voice an opinion/write a review than someone who is happy.

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