Please judge people by the content of their posts and not their join dates. I became a Houston Rockets fan when I moved to Houston in 1999. I've been a lurker of CF for many years and just a couple of months ago decided "what the heck" and finally joined so to analyze and decipher intentions by the date under their name isn't really fair.
I think the nature of posters is changing. As little as five years back, internet posting was less frequent and twitter-like. These days people make shorter, more frequent posts, less like paragraphs and more like expressions of feeling. To me it is kind of amazing a guy made 150 posts in one thread. I don't think it used to be like that, but maybe I'm wrong.
I joined purely because of tmac but since then have only followed the rockets. I think another key point is the advent of the Internet in the last couple Of years. Alot of fans here aren't even from Houston or have any ties with Houston.
I remember the ban, because I tried joining in 2005 but it was restricted. I read a thread about Clutch allowing new registers which is when I signed up.
05ers are the rarest and therefore most valuable posters. I don't want to say we're better (it doesn't need to be said), but there is a level of pride that you non-05ers just can't understand.
Interesting thoughts. Obviously, bringing in players with more national and even international appeal brought in more posters with them; however, that doesn't mean that they were YOF/LOF fans. The first time I visited this site, Scottie Pippen was on the front page as an acquisition, and I am the furthest from a Pippen fan. Great chart though, and interesting topic.
It's weird to hear that the board may be getting more popular due to more people being on the internet. I thought that was the case when us old timers posted on the first version of the site back in 97-98 ( and going forward to about 2004 or so. Now I would've just figured it was records/players based.
I joined this offseason because of how Morey flipped the whole roster. It was something you could really dive into and cuz We don't have too many pro fans here in raleigh.
I joined because I'm an all Houston sports fan, and CF was the place to get all the info and talk about them. I don't post a lot, just on the subjects that I'm interested in. I love this joint, its got it all.
I was wonder that myself. My family and I moved around a lot and I only found Clutchfans in 2006, but I've been a die hard Rocket fan since Moses Malone.
there are very few ways to tell who the die hard fans are. The people that watched the entirety of the 05-06 rockets season. It was painful and probably the worst rockets team / season I have ever seen. Players like stromile swift should never be your goto guys.
Yeah, the running joke with my friends was, what does Swift and a basketball have in common. They have the same I.Q.