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What's actually Jeremy Lin's trade value?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by meh, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Orange

    Orange Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Bad of chips and a diet coke
  2. mike_lu

    mike_lu Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    He'd be somewhere between that and his current stats.

    But he'll still shoot ~7% from 3s, and be asked to shoot more of them while sitting in the corner.

    He'll pout, for sure, in this system.
  3. lookabove

    lookabove Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    How is John Wall like T-Rob? It's 3rd season vs a Rookie. He is a horrible fit next to Harden. You have a lot NBA information on J-Wall. Career .222 3pt shooter with DRtg 108 vs ORtg 99. So you got PG who is bad 3pt shooter with bad defense.

    John play almost 60% more game and minutes then Lin and his numbers are worst.

    I don't think Les (business reason) would let DM trade Lin w/o Rockets becoming a contender.

    If Harden going down the path Lebron-lite, then Mario Chalmers still seem ideal fit to me. He can shoot 3 (.413), can defend, playoff proven and cheap salary. He making 4 million which is a great price for role player.
  4. cjtaylorpt

    cjtaylorpt Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Would love to scoop in and grab Rondo. I don't care if he is not a spot up shooter.
  5. mike_lu

    mike_lu Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    We're paying Lin $8.3M/yr to be be a 33% spot-up 3pt shooting PG (and 43% overall FG).

    We're not going to pay someone >$12M/yr (Wall's rookie contract ends next season) to be a 7% spot-up 3pt shooting PG (and 41% overall).

    If we back out the numbers, because Wall takes very few 3pt shots, Wall is actually shooting 42% only from 2s, while Lin is shooting 47% from 2s. So even if Wall is more athletic or jumps higher in traffic ... he can't finish better than Lin anyway.

    Wall may run faster than Lin on a fast break, but I'll bet Lin can pass it faster than Wall can run it. And Wall will throw in 4.5TO/36min vs Lin's 3.2.

    To top this off, 27% of Lin's shots in this system are 3 pointers. If Wall takes the same number of shots as he currently does, but 27% of his shots become 3 pointers in this system and he still shoots it at 7% (this is not really a sample size error, he shot 7% last season playing 36min a game for 66 games) and 42% from 2s, Wall would shoot an overall FG% of 32.6%!!! YIKES !!!

    And Wall HAS TO take those shots in this system, because, well ... LIN has to also (otherwise, he's passive, not confident, not giving Harden his driving lanes, messing up with spacing, blah blah blah) ...

    But yeah ... Air Langhi would definitely take him, and thinks Wall can definitely be better (implying Lin can't be) despite having already played 2514 more minutes than Lin in his career (roughly 31min/game for 82 games), or almost 80% more minutes than Lin.

    But yeah ... whatever. Air Langhi will just go to another thread to post crap about Lin.

    But John Wall, in the Rockets system next to Harden, with a contract expected to escalate, with his 2pt/3pt shooting percentages and turnovers ... would take in a heartbeat over Lin??? Yeah ... got it.

    And just for fun, want to know Wall's aggregate 3pt shooting numbers over the past 2 seasons combined? 4 of 56.
    Lin had games of 4-5 and a 5-8 alone this season.
    And for Wall, taking 0.6 3pt shots per game and hitting them at ~7% clip, you'll have to wait 23.3 games on average for him to make a 3 pt shot. Just can't wait ...

    And in case you're wondering ... no I don't have the comparison for foot-on-the-3ptline %, but I'll bet Lin is higher there as well.

    And Karolik is just as clueless
    #25 mike_lu, Mar 2, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2013
  6. shortfuse3

    shortfuse3 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Hell yes.
  7. muas2010

    muas2010 Member

    Nov 11, 2012
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    Based on McFail's rotation only...how can any guard be the answer?
  8. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    That's true, no PG could ever do anything with ONLY 32 minutes a game.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Orange

    Orange Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Mchale let's the good players get big minutes. Like parsons and harden. Stop acting dumb it's obvious that Lin playing like garbage lands him on the bench.
  10. pnr

    pnr Member

    Aug 1, 2012
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    Who is giving you rep that you have 2 green bars?
  11. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    His only value is his marketability.

    Would be pretty high to a team chasing dollars.

    As a basketball player his value is low as the position is stacked in the NBA and he isn't very good.
  12. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    For the foreseeable future the Rockets roster is all about Harden. Franchise corner piece super star right? Lin is learning how to play with Harden, a difficult job for any point guard. Why would Morey trade away the considerable progress that Lin has made in exchange for a PG that would have to spend much of a season adjusting to Harden?

    The only 2 other shooting guards in the league comparable to Harden are Wade and Kobe. Do you ever hear more than a peep about those PG's. Can you even name the starting point guards on the Heat and Lakers?

    The LOF and LOH factions need to take a Xanax and think about that. The only real question is how well Lin is fitting in with Harden. When you can answer that question you will know Lin's future with the Rockets. Because after all, it is all about Harden.
  13. GSWSFG49ers

    GSWSFG49ers Rookie

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Wow is the rockets board a mess or what?
    1 person likes this.
  14. GSWSFG49ers

    GSWSFG49ers Rookie

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Trade for steve Blake . Perfect player for harden . What could Lin do that steve Blake cannot?
  15. GSWSFG49ers

    GSWSFG49ers Rookie

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Think about it 40% @ spot up
  16. new2012

    new2012 Member

    Nov 18, 2012
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    What's actually Jeremy Lin's trade value?

    As a lin's fan, I agreed that his trade value is low. I usually not post in Clutch because I would not like to argue. A believer (fan) is always a believer.

    Trade value is low because
    1. Lin is still developing. He is not elite as all fans know.
    2. Lin has to deal with some issues which mostly happen in other teams too
    - play with a star
    - be agressive and score more
    3. backload 3rd year pay.

    However, his market value is still high
    1. Lin fans are still Lin fans. They would like to be Rocket fans. However, Clutch/Rocket fans never try to win them over. As Rocket never try to treat Lin as a real starter (from fan or my view). Actually more people see him as pioneer to break the rasical barrier each day.
    2. NBA still try to break into China market. You do not want Chinese to watch the game because Chinese/Asian is no place in NBA.
    3. Rocket as a business got a lot advertisements because of Jeremy. Do you think other owners/GM do not want those money? Do you think sponsor want people come and see Jeremy's failure.
    4. Asian will really appreciate the hard work of Lin
    - no left, TO machine, no defense.
    - no 3 point shooting.
    Jeremy will quiet all critic.
    Please let him know what he need to be improved. He will be a better player than this year.
    5. just look at bleacher report and game advertisment and those heritage nights will show Jeremy marketing value.

    However, his trade opporturnity will be much higher
    1. Most people will believe that Jeremy will not stay after this contract. It will make Rocket fan, Lin fan and NBA so much happier. Anyone believe Jeremy is playing for money? Other teams know it too. They might even get Jeremy cheaper.
    2. You heard more compliments from other team's coach and players than his team's. No one believed Jeremy will leave NY. I like to see how many teams would like his service when his contract up. (for whatever reason)
    3. I believe God has great plan for Jeremy
    - no scholarship so that Jeremy knows his passion.
    - go to Harvard so that he has education
    - get cut twice to keep faith and learn to appreciate his NBA life
    - get the opportunity (all injury knick players) to glory God in the biggest stage.
    - Come to Houston to develop with Harden as image of franchise. Let Jeremy know to humble as chance of team willing to take a player waived just few months ago. Best of all, take care of his human need - $25 millions.
    1 person likes this.
  17. tzou88

    tzou88 Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    wtf is this
  18. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Might surprise some of you to know Lin's and Wall's career per-36 stats are nearly identical.
  19. MonKing

    MonKing Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    enthusiasm >> clarity
  20. Arthurprescott2

    Jul 21, 2012
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    How much time is this team supposed to give Lin to fit with Harden? I think Morey will at least give them until end of next season to figure it out.

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