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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Magic 3/1/2013

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. instar

    instar Member

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Bev played better than lin so mchale let bev finished the game.
    now some of LOFs want him get traded for lin's sake becuz obviosly mchale hates lin.
  2. Karolik

    Karolik Member

    Jan 29, 2010
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    TY, instead I get called a hater for saying Lin disappeared.
  3. figment

    figment Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    Both the LOH and LOF are maybe the same 3 people. I'm convinced. I just wanted to see how the game went, it's like going to the vending machine for a soda and instead, the building's septic tank empties itself into the palm of your hand.
  4. raskol

    raskol Contributing Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    True, and I'm happy we won. I'm just upset that everything isn't perfect with our team, lol. I don't like what I see from TRob so far. I'm really not feeling Harden's defense and the subsequent breakdowns we have because of it. I'm not happy with Mac/Sampson's seeming dislike of everything Lin (my opinion), but I am happy with D-Mo getting some playing time and with the great pick up of Beverley.

    I think the fact that we have the parts and now it's up to McHale to make it work worries me. He just seems to have a mindblock when it comes to Lin. Lin came out blasting, and really, Mac's gonna bring him out with 6 minutes left in the 2nd? You do that to a rhythm player? Lin should not let McHale define him, in my opinion, cuz even if he does exactly what McHale wants to a T, he'd be a role player and that's not where I see Lin's ceiling. I'm a pg-centric person by nature, and his relegation of a good pg into an ineffective role irks me more than is healthy, I guess. Anyways, I'll catch you in the Mavs game superstar.
  5. DBRox

    DBRox Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    What the????
  6. figment

    figment Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    And also as an aside: is it completely impossible to think that Beverley had a fantastic game and be hopeful about him, and ALSO think that McHale seems to contradict himself with how he allows the PG's to play?

    I mean when I was a wee figment around the time of the Revolutionary War, people weren't afraid to agree with more than 1 opinion at the same time. Now we have ipods and self-serve gas stations and 100% black & white answers for everything.
  7. raskol

    raskol Contributing Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    True. And I would've been hesitant to bring out Bev as well. And even if I did bring him out, I would've waited till the 6 minute mark to give Bev plenty of burn. But, we've seen this story before. McHale will probably (imo) overplay Bev even when Lin's on a roll as long as Bev does well, as was done with TD.

    I personally disagree with this. Even if we were on a roll, I would eventually put in the starters to close the game and really step on their neck. I think more Lin > more Beverley or TD and the seeming lack of confidence in Lin (I'm not saying that today is that example as Bev was awesome for us and deserved any and all minutes) sometimes is demoralizing to even just a fan of his game. How demoralizing must it be for the self-described ultra-competitve Lin.

    Clutch, thanks for what you've done for all of us, but respectfully, I also think you're also often too sensitive to Lin fans. As an example, when was the last time you took up for Lin and not in the "I like Lin, you guys want him to play 48 minutes a game??" kind.

    Anyways, see y'all in the Mavs game! Go Rockets~
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  8. AggNRox

    AggNRox Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    first, it's your board. you can throw away anything you want although i am confused and frustrated. :grin::grin::grin: (btw, i didn't know what you took out so i am just trolling).

    2nd, disagree with your approach as a coach. if this is the case, are you going to try all 15 players on roster to figure out who is hot and who is not on every game? when you establish a roster, a starting lineup, you are stuck with them and show your trust. of coz, when a game is out of control, such as starting lineup is blew away by an opponent, you may say today is not a day for starting lineup, lets try something else. when the game is close, who you trust most, your starting lineup, your starters. if you don't, it means your decision on who are your starters is horrible.
  9. kianainhi

    kianainhi Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    From Blaiyan.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WwgCK1MuMck" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. glacier921

    glacier921 Rookie

    Nov 17, 2012
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    Maybe it was unclear. I meant that if Lin was taken out completely, we could easily go into another 7 game losing streak, at least that's how I feel. If we still win and go 12-3 like we did, then I would believe that Lin is a "role" player. I don't think it would happen though.
  11. art

    art Member

    Dec 27, 2012
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    i dont even care anymore who plays as long as the rockets get the W, im fine. if the pg position can give 20/10ast combined, im fine. whether it's lin or beverly, i just dont care anymore. if the 3 position, whether it be delfino or parsons can knock down shots, make plays, im good. but i do feel that harden and asik should be on the floor because they bring a skillset that others on the teams just dont have (asik-defense/reb harden-score/playmaker)
  12. glacier921

    glacier921 Rookie

    Nov 17, 2012
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    But by the same token, shouldn't Mchale do that to everyone else? I've seen Harden do mediocre in the 4th as well, should he be subbed though he did close out some games fantastically? What about those stretches where Harden was going 5-22 in that losing streak? Just saying.
    1 person likes this.
  13. scaramanga

    scaramanga Member

    Nov 2, 2012
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    I'm happy that Rox won, though should not be struggling close to the end... I was certain that they would do the usual and lose to a lesser team....

    Lin a big boy now... if he was missing in the 4th Q, he should figure out himself what to do next.... like growing bigger balls... A Nice Lin is basically useless to the rockets.....
  14. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    No, that's not "just saying".

    James Harden is an all-star for a reason, all-stars have a huge impact on the opposing team's defense just by standing on the court.

    You don't take Lebron James out if he goes 1-10 with 5 turnovers in one quarter, same for Chris Paul and any other established top tier player.

    Role players do not even half near the same impact as all-star players, that's why they are called role players.
  15. gnozahs

    gnozahs Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    Good point!
  16. glacier921

    glacier921 Rookie

    Nov 17, 2012
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    I think Harden is a talented player and all, but I do think that when Lin is subtracted from the equation, this team would be way below 500. Like, 7 game losing streak earlier this season if the ball is in Harden's hands all the time and Lin was subtracted. The sad thing is, I think Mchale is wanting that to happen again (not the 7 game losing streak), but put the ball in Harden's hands only and subtracting Lin type of setup. We shall see if he does implement it again and observe if the team becomes better or worse. I predict much worse, but hey, we'll have to see how it would pan out in that scenario. I think Mchale would implement it again, it's like he's thinking, "we're in the playoffs now, let me tweak this just to see if this works" mentality.
  17. glacier921

    glacier921 Rookie

    Nov 17, 2012
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    BTW, Harden is talented, but he's no LBJ! Come on now.
  18. coffeelover665

    Dec 14, 2012
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    Obviously something is up, class act Jeremy Lin didn't even bother standing up and cheering for Beverly during his 4th quarter rampage.
  19. manning

    manning Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Lin said ''That was a big reason why we won,(Beverley) played about as good as somebody can play. He made every play — defensively, offensively. He did an awesome job.”

    poor rotations again...but Rockets won! that's it! everyone should be happy .
  20. gnozahs

    gnozahs Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    C'mon though. Those games where Harden was obviously forcing things and shots weren't falling, coach has got to sit him down and let him refocus.

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