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McHale "(Lin) rather have 29pts and 9 TOs, I tell him 'we wanna win'""

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Lucky Charm, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. BleedRed

    BleedRed Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    This thread is back! lol No point going back and forth. But here are my thoughts about all this:

    1. Truth of the matter is McHale is not too high on Lin, look if he was one of the decision makers in cutting Lin, there is no way few months later, he will do a 360 and accept him with open arms as the starter and the second go to guy on the team. THINK ABOUT THIS for a minute. Put yourself in his shoes.

    2. McHale choice of words are his. He used the word "rather", context or no context it is damning. Now he could have misspoke but considering he is a grown up adult, lets give him the benefit of doubt that he chose his words according to what on his mind.

    3. He clearly prefers Lin to bring the ball up, pass it to others or spot up shooting. There are no set plays for Lin, no PnR, which is his greatest strength. It is very evident what the coach wants, in the Thunder game, Delfino was yelling and waiving twice at Lin to give the ball up to Harden after he brought it up the court. This Bucks game, Harden waived Lin off and called Chandler to come over and he passed it to him, twice. Nothing wrong with that, thats his prerogative since its his team and he is the coach but even non Lin fans know thats just not his skillset and waste of his strengths.

    4. McHale of course publicly will try to be PC and be complementary of Lin more often than not, thats his job! But that doesn't mean he thinks Lin is the PG that he wants. Look at what he was saying about Lowry during their issues and where Lowry is now. So just because McHale was/is complementary of Lin doesn't mean there is no truth in this quote.
  2. sammsung987

    sammsung987 Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    McHale never wanted Lin. He was a great GM with the Timberwolves and was pissed when the Rockets didnt listen to his advice.
  3. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    No you can criticize whoever you want to, but this thread is about Lin, and somehow Harden gets drawn in when the reason for the thread is completely un-related.

    Create a new thread about Harden's defense if you want to and have at it, but Lin fans just need to stop with the Harden vs. Lin drama starting. Its more childish than the drama on an MTV "reality" TV show.
  4. BleedRed

    BleedRed Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Agreed, this has nothing to do with Harden. I personally think Harden has been Godsend for the team. I just want Lin to be better utilized, not more touches at the expense of Harden (unless he is struggling mightily) but more plays where Lin is at his best. In other words, god forbid, PnR plays for Lin!
  5. grauser01

    grauser01 Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Great comment
  6. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    OK, just for the sake of argument, let's suppose McHale really does think Lin sucks. . . . So?
  7. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Lowry was traded and Dragic was not re-signed. At that point Lin was the best available option...

    I think McHale was happy enough to get Lin at that point even though Im sure he would much rather have Chris Paul or Steve Nash.

    Since McHale was a GM beforehand he might not like the decisions that are made on the basketball court, but he must understand why they are done more than a coach like JVG would. Calvin Murphy is not a coach, but he is a very sound X's and O's former hall of fame player, and listen to what his comments were after the T. Robinson trade. He just didn't understand the front office side of the game, and why moves should be done. Its just a different type of mentality when you are a coach vs. GM.

    With a team that had to completely re-make the entire roster overnight, I can think of a better candidate to be the coach then someone who is a good NBA coach with GM experience.

    A more "marquee" coach with front office footing might not have put up with it, and this Roster could still be rolling with Lowry, Martin, Scola, Budinger, and Camby. ... That means no Harden, no cap space to go after a max free agent, and the 14th pick in this years draft once again.

    Anyone who complains about McHale should eat this food for thought first before hammering on about how they would rather have X or Y coach instead.
  8. sammsung987

    sammsung987 Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    I think nosebleed has been right on with McHale's bias towards lin.
    Do you think this goes deep enough that McHale and Lin will never work out and one of them has got to go?
  9. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    But I thought he was a big proponent of the Rockets get White. So really, if indeed he was pissed when Mauri got Lin, he has no room to talk. Either way, I don't expect McHale to be around too long. He's not the worst coach out there, nor the bottom half, but that doesn't mean we can't aspire for something better.
  10. Steal&Deal

    Steal&Deal Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    I exagerrated about criticizing Lin only (although as far as players go he probably gets 9 out of 10 criticism's). My heart is not bleeding for Jeremy by the way - he's a big boy and a lot tougher than people give him credit for - he's fine and doesn't need to be defended by my or any other fan). It is counter productive though for discussion to not be able to criticize Harden or Parsons without getting insults, capital letters, etc. There is PLENTY to criticize in their games as well but nobody dares. :(
  11. Steal&Deal

    Steal&Deal Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Yes I'm afraid so. Every time Lin has a good game I hope it opens McHale's eyes. Unfortunately he keeps reverting to playing point guard by commitee.

    Makes a lot more sense to let McHale go and keep Jeremy. Lot easier to find another coach than a starting PG who actually listens to the coach and plays team ball.
  12. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    McHale's contract is up after next season. Its a real possibility that he walks anyways after that. The Rockets do not believe in firing coaches mid season so dont count on him being fired before then. He's the coach for the rest of this year, and most likely next year as well.

    As for Lin, where the hell do you really want him to go if you are a Lin only Fan???... seriously what GOOD PLAYOFF team is going to carve out a system that caters to him directly... Oh, and that team cannot have ANYONE else that needs to actually have the ball in their hands so Jeremy can have every single play run through him.

    I can guarantee you that every NBA team that is competitive will have another all-star calliber player on it that Lin will have to play alongside, and most of them will be more Melo/Kobe than Harden who is a proven willing passer.

    So its in Lin fans interest, whether they realize it or not, to hope that the Rockets, Lin, and McHale figure it out. I guarantee you Lin wont find a better situation than here in Houston unless he wants to score 30 a night on the Bobcats to appease his fans who could care less about being a contender.
  13. kastuul

    kastuul Member

    Aug 1, 2012
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    I find it from other forum.

    Harden TO 3.7avg
    6TO 2W7L, 22% winning%
    4TO 13W20L 39%
    3TO 18W7L 2%
    2TO 11W3L 79%
    1TOor less 8W 100%

    Parsons 2.0avg
    4TOor more 2W6L 25%
    2TOor less 23W16L 59%

    LIN TO 2.9Avg
    1TO 3W6L 33%
    3TO 18W22L 45%
    4TO 13W6L 68%
    5TO 6W2L 75%
    6TO 4W 100%

    Interesting. It explain why Mchale should let Lin have the ball and take risk.
  14. mirus

    mirus Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    I dunno, I think he could be very good for dmo,one reason why i want him to stay.
  15. Karolik

    Karolik Member

    Jan 29, 2010
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    I can do that too

    Lin is 39/50 among ALL qualified PG's with a 2.13 Assist/TO ratio.
  16. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    In the end, this is just a bunch of guys thinking they could coach better than Kevin McHale, who knows Lin a whole lot better than every poster in this thread.
  17. Steal&Deal

    Steal&Deal Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Check his ratio for Feb. Around 3.5 - excellent. He's been improving all year. Guess you didn't notice. I wonder why?

    You forgot to mention Harden is around 1.5 And most of the time he is our primary ball handler at the end of the game.
  18. kastuul

    kastuul Member

    Aug 1, 2012
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    Assist/TO ratio doesn't tell the whole story.

    Are you telling me Jose Calderon, the player with highest Assist/TO ratio, is the best PG??????

    Russell Westbrook 2.21
    Damian Lillard 2.10
    John Wall 2.02
    Kyrie Irving 1.78

    Some qualified PG you called ahead Lin A/T ratio is not a starter, including Kidd and Pablo Prigioni
  19. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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  20. Steal&Deal

    Steal&Deal Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Very interesting. And Lin doesn't even play PG half the time. Just imagine the stats if he did.

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